January 14, 2010

$2 Million in Donations for Haiti, via Text Message

Posted: 02:13 AM ET

By JENNA WORTHAM via The New York Times

Buildings such as the presidential palace should have been built to higher standards, an OAS official says. Update | 12:48 a.m. The organizers of the mobile donations said on Twitter Thursday night that over $2 million had been raised.

Update | 6:51 p.m. Adding more information about the campaign and updating the total raised.

In the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti on Tuesday, thousands of Americans are sending financial support — through their mobile phones.

Anyone with a mobile phone and an account with a major wireless carrier can text the phrase “Haiti” to the number 90999 and donate $10 to the Red Cross. That amount is charged to the donor’s cellphone bill.

The texted donations are being handled by a company called mGive, which started the campaign in a joint effort with the State Department and the Red Cross late Tuesday night.

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Filed under: Haiti Earthquake • Larry King Live

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R&B singer Teddy Pendergrass dead

Posted: 01:57 AM ET - R&B Legend Teddy Pendergrass died Wednesday evening, his publicist said. He was 59.

Pendergrass, known for smash love ballads such as "Turn Off the Lights" and "Love TKO," died after after a long illness, according to Lisa Barbaris, who described herself as a close friend and his last publicist.

"His beloved family surrounded him. The world has lost one of it's greatest voices and performers," a statement from Barbaris said.

Filed under: Entertainment • Larry King Live

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January 13, 2010

Tonight on Larry King Live!

Posted: 07:16 PM ET

We’re live from Haiti tonight, where officials fear more than 100,000 people could have been killed in yesterday’s earthquake.

We will have the latest reports from Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta who have been on the ground and witness to the destruction.

We’re also talking to many people who are desperately looking for loved ones in Haiti.

Plus, actor Ben Stiller - who has been to Haiti and was working on building a school there, and Haitian-American actress, Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon, will talk to Larry about the country, what it needs and how to help.

If you are interested in helping the people of Haiti, please go to CNN’s Impact Your World for a list of organizations mobilizing aid and relief to those who need it.

Filed under: Haiti Earthquake • Impact Your World • Larry King Live

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How you can help the people of Haiti...

Posted: 05:23 PM ET

An International Red Cross spokesman warned that up to 3 million people may have been affected by Tuesday's earthquake in Haiti.

Here is a list of vetted organizations working to get food, supplies and aid to the people of Haiti after Tuesday's earthquake.

Haiti faces devastation
An International Red Cross spokesman warned that up to 3 million people may have been affected by Tuesday's earthquake in Haiti. Below are some organizations specifically helping Haiti. Full Story

More details: Money needed most in relief efforts
Nations, aid groups scramble for Haiti quake relief
Watch out for scams
Twitter mobilizes aid efforts
How you can help:

International Medical Corps
Direct Relief International
World Vision
International Relief Teams
Yéle Haiti
American Red Cross
Operation USA
Catholic Relief Services
World Food Programme
World Concern
Save the Children
Samaritan's Purse
World Health Organization
Mercy Corps
Operation Blessing International
Operation USA
Doctors Without Borders
Medical Teams International
The International Committee of the Red Cross
The Salvation Army
American Jewish World Services
Habitat for Humanity International
MAP International

Filed under: Haiti Earthquake

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Hundreds of thousands may have died in Haiti quake, PM says

Posted: 05:13 PM ET

Port-au-Prince, Haiti (CNN) - "Port-au-Prince is flattened" after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck the Haitian capital, Haiti's consul general to the United Nations said Wednesday.

 "More than 100,000 are dead," Felix Augustin told reporters.

The hospitals are gone, he added, and medical supplies and heavy equipment are desperately needed.

The Haitian prime minister said Wednesday several hundred thousand people may have died in the powerful earthquake.

"I hope that is not true, because I hope the people had the time to get out," Jean-Max Bellerive told CNN.

"Because we have so [many] people on the streets right now, we don't know exactly where they were living. But so many, so many buildings, so many neighborhoods totally destroyed, and some neighborhoods we don't even see people."

Bellerive told CNN's Gary Tuchman all of Port-au-Prince is either damaged or destroyed. He said the population is calm, and authorities are working to determine the scope of the destruction and reach a better conclusion on how many people were killed or injured.

"With maturity, people are trying to take care of themselves in some quiet places. People are trying to help each other on the streets," he said.

U.S. Gen. Douglas Fraser said he expects "there will be a significant loss of life." French President Nicolas Sarkozy said "there's every reason to fear that this earthquake has caused a large number of casualties."

Earlier, Haiti's first lady, Elisabeth Debrosse Delatour, reported that "most of Port-au-Prince is destroyed," the Haitian ambassador to the United States, Raymond Joseph, said. He called the quake a "major catastrophe."

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon spoke of the collapse of "basic services such as water and electricity."

About 3 million people - one-third of Haiti's population - were affected by the quake, the Red Cross estimated. About 10 million people felt shaking from the earthquake, including 2 million who felt severe trembling, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated.

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Haiti earthquake destroys Presidential Palace

Posted: 03:00 PM ET

Haiti's Presidential Palace before and after Tuesday's earthquake...

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Haiti earthquake resources

Posted: 02:29 PM ET

U.S. Department of State has a number for Americans seeking information about family members in Haiti:  1-888-407-4747 .


They say due to heavy volume, some callers may receive a recording and that communications are difficult within Haiti at this time.

If you have any information, photos or video that you can share with CNN, go to or

And if you are using Twitter, add #haiticnn to your tweets so our producers can find them.

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Seismologist Roger Musson: Haiti Quake Was the 'Big One'

Posted: 02:07 PM ET


By Eben Harrell / London

The British Geological Survey in Edinburgh has been one of the leading geoscience research centers in the world since its founding in 1835. To understand more about the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that devastated Haiti on Tuesday, TIME spoke with one of the survey's seismologists, Roger Musson, about the science behind the seismic event.

What sort of earthquake was this?
An earthquake is the sudden release of energy along a fault line in the earth's crust as rocks break in response to stress. There are three types, and they depend on the sort of movement along the fault. This was what we call a strike-slip, or transform, earthquake, where one side of the fault slides horizontally past the other one.

Which fault produced this earthquake?
It is rather baroquely called the Enriquillo-Plaintain Garden fault. It is a major plate boundary fault and is analogous to the San Andreas fault in California. It starts around the southern border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic and runs west until it reaches Jamaica.

Was it the most destructive type of earthquake?
A thrust earthquake, in which one side of the fault goes up, is the type that produces truly enormous events like the Sumatra earthquake of 2004. But strike-slip faults often run through populated areas, so they can be the most damaging to humans.

People talk about waiting for the Big One in California. Was this a similar earthquake for this fault?
This was the Big One. The fault has been more or less locked for 200 years. Seismologists were unsure as to whether it would produce one Big One or several smaller ones. We seem to have the answer.

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Haiti Earthquake aftermath – WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!

Posted: 01:35 PM ET

Hundreds of thousands of people have died in Haiti's earthquake, the prime minister told CNN Wednesday.

Haitian authorities said the powerful quake destroyed most of the capital city of Port-au-Prince.

A top envoy called it a "major catastrophe."

Haiti's first lady, Elisabeth Debrosse Delatour, reported that "most of Port-au-Prince is destroyed" and that many government buildings had collapsed, Haiti's ambassador to the United States, Raymond Joseph, told CNN Wednesday morning. Delatour said President René Préval was all right, Joseph reported.


Filed under: International

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Frequency of Occurrence of Earthquakes

Posted: 01:51 AM ET

Worldwide earthquakes 2000 - 2009

Magnitude Average Annually
8 and higher 1 ¹
7 – 7.9 17 ²
6 – 6.9 134 ²
5 – 5.9 1319 ²
4 – 4.9 13,000
3 – 3.9 130,000
2 – 2.9 1,300,000

¹ Based on observations since 1900.
² Based on observations since 1990.

Filed under: Haiti Earthquake • Larry King Live

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@kingsthings: Follow developments in quake-ravaged Haiti thru the updates of CNN Journalists actually there:
Updated: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 21:03:25 +0000
@kingsthings: RT @ cnnheroes If you'd like to help the ppl of Haiti thru vetted orgs who are mobilizing to work there, go to
Updated: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 19:41:15 +0000
@kingsthings: We're following the story out of Haiti tonight - if you have any info/pics add #haiticnn to your tweets so our producers can find them
Updated: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 16:11:34 +0000
@kingsthings: So Jose Canseco cancelled: "I am having a breakdown. I can’t emotionally do it. I am emotionally drained. I am tired of defending myself."
Updated: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 03:06:40 +0000
@kingsthings: Keep your eye on the show. Breaking news - covering the 7.0 Earthquake in Haiti.
Updated: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 02:34:57 +0000
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