Bureau of Air Permit Streamlining Project for Minor Construction Permits

Beginning June 4, 2007, the Bureau of Air (BOA) Permit Section conducted a (Kaizen) streamlining session facilitated by TBM, a consulting group experienced in streamlining for state government with a 100 percent success rate. On June 12, 2007, the new process was presented to the BOA permit and other staff. Various implementation measures and other necessary changes are being developed and carried out. Participants of the 12 member team included members of the BOA Permit Section, Division of Legal Council, and the Records Management Unit. Non-Illinois EPA participants represented USEPA, IERG, Industry and environmental groups.

Scope of Permits

Under Section 9.1 of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, the BOA has the authority to issue a class of construction permits that are so-called "minor" construction permits (State permits). The initial process review only focused on State construction permits not requiring public notice for new sources or for existing sources. This class of permit would be for a new or expanded air emission source that is not subject to nonattainment new source review (NSR) or federal Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) regulations. State construction permits are generally much less controversial and do not involve the complex and time-consuming aspects involved in NSP and PSD permits. State construction permits represent the largest number of construction permits processed by the BOA, and are one of the areas for which our "customers" would most likely like to see process improvements that would lessen the time taken to issue these permits.

Project Goals

Goal for the Agency - Improve efficiency, eliminate wasted steps, and only do necessary steps in the permitting process. Reduce average processing time from 66 days to 38 days.

Goal for Applicants - By improving forms and describing what we need in applications, the goal is to improve what comes in the door. This leads to less "re-work" by both parties and should improve the overall efficiency of the process. It also leads to 75 percent of applications approvable on the initial submittal vs. 35 percent previously.