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Marin County 

09/09/08 Sustainable Earth Forum
01/17/09 Farm Succession Workshop
01/17/09 Winter Plant Clnic
01/22/09 Hidden Bounty of Marin Showing at Sonoma Environmental Film Festival
01/24/09 Introduction to Ornamental Garden Pruning
02/03/09 North Valley Dairy Day
02/04/09 Author Lecture with Stephen Ingram
02/07/09 PlacerGROWN Food and Farm Conference
02/07/09 Presentation/Favorite Foods Day
03/19/09 Marin County Farm Day
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Current News

A new UC website has been created that addresses drought management in California
The website (http://ucmanagedrought.ucdavis.edu/index.cfm) helps growers deal with the current (& future) drought issues. It is a new site and the authors are in the process of adding additional crops and eventually urban drought strategies.

County Information

Marin County
Cooperative Extension Marin County
1682 Novato Boulevard
Suite 150-B
Novato, CA 94947
Phone: (415) 499-4204 4-H (415) 499-4207
Fax: (415) 499-4209

Ellie Rilla

Marin County Programs

4-H Program 4-H Program
This youth development program helps young people discover and develop their potential. It provides an exciting variety of educational and enrichment experiences.

Agriculture and Natural Resources Agriculture and Natural Resources
Solving problems and exploring new techniques to improve the productivity of California's food and fiber industries.

Horticulture Horticulture
The Horticulture Program promotes sound plant health care with an emphasis on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles.

Master Gardener Master Gardener
Trained volunteers provide advice and support for local gardeners, schools and non-profit organizations.

Nutrition, Family and Consumer Sciences Nutrition, Family and Consumer Sciences
Offering opportunities for families, individuals, and youth to enhance their quality of living by providing resources that support independence and self-sufficiency.

Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Organic and Sustainable Agriculture
Created to help farmers, ranchers and processors transition to organic and sustainable practices by providing the Marin County agricultural community with resources for education, marketing, networking and research.

Sudden Oak Death Sudden Oak Death
Sudden Oak Death has killed large numbers of oaks and tanoaks in several of California's coastal counties. Cooperative Extension provides practical, research-based information on the diagnosis and management of this disease.