Chapter Resources

We are pleased to offer you a growing collection of resources to support your Chapter's work on behalf of Florida's native plant communities.

Official Letterhead of the Florida Native Plant Society  
These files provides color versions of the first and second pages of two flavors of letterhead. Print and then customize with your Chapter information. For those of you with slow connections, this file file should print fine on home printers, click here: FNPS Letterhead small file . For the print-quality version (1.7 megs), click here: FNPS Letterhead 
Display date: 05/11/2005       Drop date: 12/31/2009       Last change: 03/30/2008
Changed by: Cindy Liberton
Join the Forums - Instructions for Registering  
This document contains instructions and pictures to walk you through registration for the FNPS discussion forums. Make sure to complete your profile once you register! Click here to access pdf document. 
Display date: 10/15/2006       Drop date: 01/05/2010       Last change: 03/30/2008
Changed by: Cindy Liberton
Chapter Field Trip Waiver Form  
FNPS insurance now requires that we have all chapter field trip attendees sign a form indicating that they understand the nature of the trip and waive liability associated with their participating in it. This means that for each trip your chapter organizes, you must get signatures from all attendees and the trip leader(s). The signed forms should be sent afterward to FNPS Administrative Services at the address below. We will keep them for four years + one day, as per the lawyers. Yes, we know we will drown in paper. Click here to get your Waiver Form in an editable .doc format.    Please click here for additional detail.
Display date: 10/26/2006       Drop date: 01/06/2010       Last change: 03/30/2008
Changed by: Cindy Liberton
FAQs for Chapter Reps  
This fact sheet answers many questions about serving on the FNPS board as a Chapter Representative. Get the pdf file for printing: FAQs For Chapter Representatives    Please click here for additional detail.
Display date: 05/11/2004       Drop date: 05/11/2010       Last change: 07/22/2006
Changed by: Cindy Liberton
FNPS Handbook (2002)   
Get the handbook to answer all of your questions about the Society.  Click Print Ready Version  for a pdf file or to view on this site, use the  HTML Version
Display date: 05/12/2004       Drop date: 05/12/2010       Last change: 07/22/2006
Changed by: Cindy Liberton
FNPS Logo collection  
This page provides access to a collection of official FNPS logos for a variety of uses. Click here for FNPS Logos 
Display date: 05/12/2004       Drop date: 05/12/2010       Last change: 07/22/2006
Changed by: Cindy Liberton
Membership Gift Certificates  
Here is a collection of Gift Certificates that you can send to those lucky enough to have someone join them up. They are in black and white, and various sizes. Color versions are underway.

Tip: Use a nice recycled paper or cardstock.

Whole collection:

Quarter and half-sheet:

Business envelope size:
Display date: 03/30/2008       Drop date: 06/18/2010       Last change: 03/30/2008
Changed by: Cindy Liberton
Display date: 08/21/2004       Drop date: 08/21/2010       Last change: 07/22/2006
Changed by: Cindy Liberton
Opinion Editorials  
The “op-ed” (opinion editorial) page is the place to try to publish your commentary on FNPS mission oriented issues and topics.  Guest commentaries are articles that appear opposite the editorial page of local and state newspapers. Many op-eds are written by local citizens, experts and leaders of organizations - people like you. They are an extremely powerful and cost-effective way for your chapter to educate a large number of people about your issues and to influence policymakers.
Download Writing an OpEd
Display date: 07/10/2007       Drop date: 10/10/2010       Last change: 07/10/2007
Changed by: Paul Rebmann
10 Tips for Speaker’s Bureau Volunteers  

It is important for speaker’s Bureau volunteers to be consistent with the FNPS mission and the message is well versed. 
10 Tips for Speaker’s Bureau Volunteers
Display date: 07/10/2007       Drop date: 10/10/2010       Last change: 07/10/2007
Changed by: Paul Rebmann
Chapter Officers & Chairpersons, Roles and Functions  
This document(pdf) contains descriptions of typical chapter positions and estimates of the amount of time required monthly.  This can be useful to chapters and prospective volunteers in understanding what is involved. 
Display date: 08/11/2008       Drop date: 11/11/2010       Last change: 08/12/2008
Changed by: Paul Rebmann

For additional information, contact Cindy Liberton