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Improving Radiation Protection of Children Worldwide

Expert Mission to Kori 1 Nuclear Power PlantIonising radiation is used in medicine every day, benefitting millions of people around the world who are affected by various conditions. An important arsenal in the field of medical imaging is computed tomography (CT). Since its introduction in the 1970s, CT scans have helped physicians detect the onset of disease at an early stage, thus allowing them to provide effective and, oftentimes, life-saving treatments. Yet, despite all its advantages.... Full story »

IAEA Leads Expert Mission to Kori 1 Nuclear Power Plant

Expert Mission to Kori 1 Nuclear Power PlantAn expert team assembled by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has begun a mission to the Kori 1 Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Gori, Republic of Korea. The 10-day mission began 3 June to perform an in-depth operational safety review of Kori 1 NPP in relation to the station blackout event which occurred on 9 February 2012. The team will use the methodology of the Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) mission.... Full story »

IAEA Team Concludes Peer Review of Greece's Regulatory Framework for Radiation Safety

Peer Review of Greece's Regulatory Framework for Radiation SafetyAn international team of senior nuclear safety and radiation protection experts yesterday concluded an 11-day mission to review the regulatory framework for nuclear and radiation safety in Greece. The Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) mission, which was conducted at the request of the Government of the Hellenic Republic.... Full story »

Safety of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste Management

Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive Waste ManagementParties to the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management are meeting in May to review national reports describing how their obligations under the Joint Convention are being implemented. This is the fourth time that the Contracting Parties meet to discuss the results of a "peer review" of national reports.... Full story »

Enhancing Global Emergency Preparedness and Response Framework

Enhancing Global Emergency PreparednessDelegates of competent authorities are pushing for measures that will further strengthen global emergency preparedness and response framework. The venue was the sixth meeting of representatives of competent authorities identified under the Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident and the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident of Radiological Emergency..... Full story »

Nuclear Forensics: Key to Ensuring Nuclear Security

Nuclear Forensics: Key to Ensuring Nuclear SecurityNuclear material presents a risk if it is unsecured. Materials used throughout the nuclear fuel cycle as well as radioactive "sources" that are used routinely in medicine, industry and research may be lost, abandoned, or removed from inactivated facilities without authorization. They can can also be stolen and smuggled for profit. When nuclear or other radioactive material is no longer under regulatory control, a first priority is determining its exact location and ensuring.... Full story »

Smarter, Safer Diagnosis - International Organizations Endorse Joint Statement on Improved Tracking Systems

Smarter, Safer DiagnosisReducing patients' cumulative radiation exposure from medical procedures without losing clinical benefits is a leading priority for international organisations, including the International Atomic Energy Agency. Together these organizations are supporting the effort to establish national and regional systems that track patient's radiation exposure. A joint position statement was.... Full story »

Nuclear Security Summit Reaffirms IAEA Programmes/Key Role

Nuclear Security Summit in SeoulWorld leaders attending the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, South Korea have issued a joint communique renewing their commitment to work towards strengthening nuclear security, reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism, and preventing unauthorized acquisition of nuclear materials. The Seoul Communique, issued at the closing session of the summit on 27 March 2012, particularly noted the essential role of the IAEA in facilitating international.... Full story »

Working To Improve Nuclear Security Globally

Working To Improve Nuclear Security GloballyMarch 26, 2012, the world's attention is focused on Seoul, Korea where over 50 heads of state and heads of international organizations are gathering to discuss nuclear security. Their aim is to increase international cooperation to better protect nuclear materials and facilities.Nuclear and radioactive materials, though useful and beneficial in a many fields, ranging from manufacturing to medicine, could pose a danger to the environment and.... Full story »

IAEA International Expert Meeting on Fukushima Accident Proposes Safety Improvement

Meeting on Fukushima AccidentOn 22 March 2012, international experts concluded their meeting at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna. In their presentations and discussions, the experts sought to identify the root causes of the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Over 230 experts from 44 IAEA Member States and four international organizations undertook wide-ranging and open discussion to analyze all the relevant technical aspects.... Full story »

Fukushima - One Year On

Fukushima one year onOne year after the nuclear accident at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Denis Flory, IAEA Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, discusses what the IAEA has learned from the accident. He also talks about the causes of the accident and what could have been done to prevent it or limit the consequences.... Full story »

Japan, IAEA to Hold Fukushima Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety

EURADOS meeting 2012On 17 February 2012, the Japanese Government announced that it will hold The Fukushima Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety, in co-sponsorship with the IAEA. Convening in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, from 15 to 17 December 2012, the Conference will be organized in two sessions. Opening with a Ministerial Session on 15 December 2012, to be followed by technical.... Full story »

IAEA Team Concludes Peer Review of Sweden's Nuclear Regulatory Framework

EURADOS meeting 2012An international team of senior nuclear safety and radiation protection experts today concluded a 12-day mission to review the regulatory framework for nuclear and radiation safety in Sweden. The Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) mission, which was conducted at the request of Sweden, noted good practices in the country's nuclear regulatory system and also made recommendations.... Full story »

Measuring the Right Dose

EURADOS meeting 2012The European Radiation Dosimetry Group has gathered at the IAEA for its Annual Meeting. From 6-10 February 2012, over 220 participants from 30 countries worldwide convened at the Vienna International Centre. The IAEA Radiation Safety Section and the Seibersdorf Laboratories in Austria co-organized this key event for the radiation dosimetry community.... Full story »

On Firm Ground - IAEA's International Seismic Safety Centre Making Nuclear Power Safer

Review Mission Arrives in JapanNuclear power plants have been inundated by flood waters and Tsunamis, pummeled by tornadoes, and rattled by earthquakes. Since the early 1970s, the IAEA has been developing Safety Standards for nuclear power plant siting that include the risks external events pose to the plant's safe operation under all conditions. During the past two decades, over 100 IAEA expert missions have investigated.... Full story »

IAEA Review Mission Arrives in Japan

Review Mission Arrives in JapanThe IAEA expert mission dispatched to Japan to review the nation's process for assessing safety at existing nuclear power plants has arrived in Tokyo for a nine-day visit. On 23 January, the 10-member team of IAEA and international experts held opening meetings with senior officials from the Japanese Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) and the Kansai Electric Power Company... Full story »

2011 in Review: Nuclear Safety Issues Take Centre Stage

Nuclear Safety Issues Take Centre StageThe nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan on 11 March, and the ensuing concerns on nuclear safety issues dominated the global nuclear agenda for much of 2011. For the IAEA, the accident gave renewed focus for a strengthened nuclear safety structure and initiated a number of priority activities to support a wide-ranging Action Plan on Nuclear Safety. At the same time... Full story »

Making Nuclear Power Safer

IAEA Action Plan for Nuclear Safety web focus page launchedThe IAEA's 151 Member States and Secretariat are now implementing the Nuclear Safety Action Plan to make nuclear power production safer. The Agency's and Member States' work focuses on reviewing, improving and strengthening IAEA peer reviews and emergency preparedness and response; the effectiveness of national regulatory bodies and operating organizations; the IAEA Safety Standards and... Full Story »   Action Plan Focus page »  Dashboard »

Working in Concert for Nuclear Safety: Director General Promotes More Cooperation Between IAEA and WANO

Working in Concert for Nuclear SafetyThe partnership between the IAEA and the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) must deepen and intensify following the Fukushima Daiichi accident, says IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano. "Together, we can help to ensure that the most robust safety culture establishes deep roots in all countries with nuclear power... Full story »

Keeping Radioactive Materials Transport Safe and Secure

Keeping Radioactive Materials Transport Safe and Secure
For the past 50 years, the IAEA has worked alongside the transport industry to ensure that these materials are moved safely; but also that they are allowed to move quickly, since many of these materials, especially those used in health care, become less and less effective as time passes. The delays faced during the transport of these life-saving radiopharmaceuticals... Full Story »

IAEA's International Expert Mission on Remediation Issues Preliminary Report

International Expert Mission on Remediation Issues Preliminary ReportThe IAEA international expert mission to Japan concluded their mission to Japan on 14 October 2011. The mission's Preliminary Report can be accessed here. At the Japanese Ministry of Environment, Environment Minister Goshi Hosono received a copy of the IAEA international experts' Report on the Japanese authorities' remediation strategies from Juan Carlos Lentijo, Mission Team Leader and Deputy Mission Team Leader Tero Varjoranta.... Full story »

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| Last update: Tuesday, June 19, 2012.