Organic Monitor is a business research & consulting company that specialises on the global organic & related product industries.

We provide a range of business services to organisations that are active in our specialist industries. Our services include business research publications, customised research, business consulting, seminars & workshops.



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Business Services



Event: Natural Cosmetics Standards Masterclass
(Nuremberg, Feb 2009)

Our workshops look at the practical implications of the various new natural & organic cosmetic standards...

Technical Insights Report: Natural & Organic Cosmetic Ingredients

A review is undertaken of the major challenges companies face when formulating natural & organic cosmetics...

Report: The European Market for Organic Fruit & Vegetables

Retailer initiatives and high consumer demand are propelling organic fresh produce sales...


Research News



European Supermarkets Going Bananas Over Fairtrade

Retailers are investing heavily in fairtrade products, with bananas and beverages receiving high commitment...


Europe: New Harmonised Natural & Organic Cosmetic Standards Launched

The major certification agencies in Europe finally launch their harmonised standards...


Asian Natural Cosmetics Market Taking Root

Consumer demand for chemically-clean cosmetics is surging in Asia...



Industry Watch



UK: London Becomes First Fairtrade City

France: Soliance Sources Organic Oils from Indonesia

Finland: Fairtrade Product Sales Unaffected by Economic Slowdown

Africa: UN States Organic Farming can Break Poverty

USA: Whole Foods Gets Capital Injection


UK: Organic Meat Sales Hit by Credit Crunch

USA: Adoption of NPA Cosmetic Standard Begins

Australia: Dole Invests in Organic Fruit Production


India: Punjabi Company Launches Organic Garments















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