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Products and Services            

What products and services does EIA have?

The Energy Information Administration has just what its name says: lots of energy information. We have four types of information products: Energy data, analyses, forecasts, and descriptive information about our products. Many of the products, such as the Petroleum Supply Monthly, deal with specific industries. Of particular value to a broad range of customers are our products that contain data on all fuel types presented in an integrated manner. Some key releases of integrated information are the Monthly Energy Review, the Annual Energy Review, the Short-Term Energy Outlook, and the Annual Energy Outlook.

  1. Most of our energy data actually are collected by EIA staff. We design and send our statistical surveys to energy producers, users, transporters, and certain other businesses. Companies and households report directly to us. We also have data from other sources, such as trade associations and other government agencies.
  2. Our analysis products are technical reports and articles that analyze issues about energy including economics, technology, energy production, prices, distribution, storage, consumption, and environmental effects.
  3. Our forecasts cover all energy types, and include forecasts of supply, consumption, prices, and other important factors. We do a short-term forecast that goes out 6 to 8 quarters in the future, and a midterm forecast that goes out 20 years. Some of our forecasting models are available on our Web site.
  4. Other products are descriptions of our information products to help you find what you need. These products include directories of all our survey forms, lists of our publications, electronic products and models, a guide to energy education resources, and complete list of energy data contacts (who to call if you have energy questions).

How can I get this energy information?

On our Web site at http://www.eia.doe.gov
Direct to the Information Center at infoctr@eia.doe.gov
Information Center Services at http://www.eia.doe.gov/neic/neicservices.htm

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