About the Office of Research and Graduate Studies

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Undergraduate, Graduate and Post-Doctoral Research

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Undergraduate Research at the University of California

Take advantage of what UC can offer! UC's premier faculty and research facilities combine to create an extraordinary undergraduate learning environment-one that goes well beyond just textbooks and classrooms.

Undergraduate research and creative activities — in labs, in libraries, in studios and in the field — have inspired thousands of students to pursue graduate study in advanced fields, and have given them the experience needed to succeed. These experiences also help to create better-informed citizens committed to a ensuring a prosperous future for California.

All the UC undergraduate campuses offer many opportunities for undergraduate research. Each has great websites describing an array of programs, and providing tips on how to get started. Most campuses hold annual symposia, publish journals of student research, and have funding opportunities to make the research experience possible for all undergraduates.

Research happens all year long, whether classes are in session or not. Join in!

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