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It's Time to Prune Your Roses One question Master Gardeners frequently answer this time of year is "I know that it is time to prune my roses, but just how do I do it?"

Plants that make good companions for Roses Whether you like the Diana, Princess of Wales Hybrid tea rose, a Mister Lincoln tree rose or a Tuscan Sun Floribunda, let me suggest ways to ake them look even better.
January Tips 2009 Even though it is chilly outside there is alot to do in the garden in January.
Frost Facts for Landscapes Some plants tolerate frost and cold temperatures better than others..


The Master Gardeners offer free information on home gardening.

Call anytime, or during our office hours

 Tulare County
(559) 685-3309, ext. 225, 226
Tue and Thur, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Kings County
(559) 582-3211, ext. 2736
Thursday Only, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.


Local Gardening Articles & Publications
Gardening Articles & Publications for Home Gardeners in Tulare/Kings Counties

Phone Helpline
Before you plant something, before you dig something up, and especially spray something, call the Master Gardener Hot Line

UC Gardening and Pest Info
Gardening & Pest Information from different sources within the University of California

Activities and Events
Pictures from recent events - Rose pruning, Arbor Day, Visalia Home and Patio Show

Who We Are
All your questions about the Master Gardener program will be answered with this presentation.

Landscape Tree Care
Landscape Tree Care Information

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Site was last updated on 1/15/09 at 04:54 PM