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Insects can be important pests of crops, animals and people. General information about many of these pests common to all areas of California can be found through the links on the links page. Of particular interest would be the UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program which publishes both pest management guidelines for important crops and pest notes for common pests of people and animals in home situations.

An important part of this program is helping individuals who live in Monterey or Santa Cruz County identify their pest problems. In order to do this, samples can be submitted to our office in person or by mail. Samples should be handled in such a manner that the specimen arrives in as good as condition as possible. This means the specimen should be protected in a plastic container or crush proof box. It is also important to keep specimens out of the direct sun and extreme heat.

Many of the important crop pests are discussed in articles published in the Monterey County Crop Notes, which can be accessed from the link at top of this page.

One of the major projects of this program over the past several years has been development of an IPM program for lettuce and celery. This project called the Central Coast Vegetable IPM Project has developed its own website. You can access this website from the "Program Links" at the top of the page.



California Department of Pesticide Regulation  http://www.cdpr.ca.gov/
Central Coast Vegetable IPM   http://ccvipmp.ucdavis.edu/
Entomological Society of America http://www.entsoc.org/
Pests of Home and Landscape - Pest Notes http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/selectnewpest.home.html
UC Statewide IPM Project  http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/