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18th Annual Practical Tools and Solutions for Sustaining Family Farms Conference
January 21–24, 2009 • Chattanooga, Tennessee

2009 Pre-conference Field Trips

Thursday, January 22, 2009 • 12:30 – 5:30 p.m.

For those who learn best by getting out in the field, we offer 5 excellent field trips this year. Field trip participants will travel on comfortable motor coaches equipped with restrooms (no private vehicles permitted). All field trip motor coaches will depart from outside the front entrance of the Chattanooga Convention Center at 12:30 p.m. sharp! No refunds will be provided to those who miss their ride. There is a $55 fee for field trips, light snack included. Space is limited, so register early.

Pre-Conference Field Trip #1: Organic Livestock, Vegetables and Row Crops FULL

Pre-Conference Field Trip #2: Diversified Sustainable Livestock FULL

Pre-Conference Field Trip #3: Diversified Sustainable Vegetables and Fruits FULL

Pre-Conference Field Trip #4: Organic Vegetable, Fruits and Plants FULL

Pre-Conference Field Trip #5: Community Food Initiatives FULL

(scroll down for descriptions or click on field trip title of choice)


Field Trip #1
Organic Livestock, Vegetables and Row Crops FULL

Riverview Farms

Riverview Farms, located about 60 miles from Chattanooga, is one of the largest certified organic farms in Georgia. The Swancy family has farmed this 200-acre farm for thirty years, initially raising row crops conventionally. In 2000, they switched to organics, diversified their crops and began direct marketing. Riverview Farms now specializes in corn, soybeans, over 50 varieties of vegetables, pastured Berkshire pork and grass-fed beef, all produced organically. They even operate a small mill where some of their corn is ground into cornmeal and grits.

The vegetables, value-added corn products and meats are marketed through their 350 member CSA, restaurants and a farmer’s market. Some corn and soybeans are sold on the organic market, but most is fed to the livestock.

The field trip will highlight organic vegetable, beef, pork, corn and soybean production techniques, equipment and how equipment has been converted for use in their new production system, labor, direct marketing strategies, what it takes to run such a large CSA, post-harvest handling and their experience transitioning to organic production.


Field Trip #2
Diversified Sustainable Livestock FULL

Sequatchie Cove Farm

The 300-acre Sequatchie Cove Farm is a highly diversified farm producing meats, eggs, vegetables, fruits, native nursery plants and mushrooms. The farm is also in the process of opening a small farmstead cheese dairy using the rare American Milking Devon cow.

On this field trip Bill Keener and Nathan Arnold will cover the livestock - forested pork production, pastured egg production, intensive rotational grazing of beef, turkeys and chickens, pasture management for extended season grazing (including use of biodynamic preparations), animal health concerns and solutions, and the breeds of beef cows, dairy cows, turkeys, chickens and hogs suitable for this type operation. The logistics and fine art of working with a local USDA meat processor to ensure quality finished products will be discussed, as will the marketing of meats to area restaurants, a grocery, and to individuals. The integration of the livestock components with the horticulture components of the farm, and the labor it takes to run this farming operation will be covered too. If time permits, they will discuss plans for expanding into dairy products.


Field Trip #3
Diversified Sustainable Vegetables and Fruits FULL

Sequatchie Cove Farm

The 300 acre Sequatchie Cove Farm is a highly diversified farm producing vegetables, fruits, nursery plants, mushrooms, meats, eggs, and soon, dairy products.

This field trip, led by Padgett Arnold, will focus on the many horticultural components of this farm where a wide variety of vegetables, shiitake mushrooms, strawberries and blueberries are produced and are marketed through their 100 family CSA, area restaurants, a local grocery, u-pick and annual plant sale.

Topics covered will include sustainable and biodynamic strawberry, blueberry and vegetable production techniques, greenhouse and hoophouse production techniques and their use for season extension, equipment, labor, post-harvest handling, running u-pick berry operations, selling to restaurants and groceries, and all aspects of running a CSA, including crop planning and managing customer relations. The integration of the livestock components with the horticulture components of the farm and the unique working relationship between the families running this operation will also be covered.


Field Trip #4
Organic Vegetable, Fruits and Plants FULL

Crabtree Farms

Crabtree Farms is a certified organic farm and non-profit organization operating on the edge of downtown Chattanooga since 1998. The farm specializes in vegetables, fruit, shiitake, and greenhouse plant production on 10 cultivated acres. Crops are produced in the field and in high tunnels. It has a 60 member CSA, pick-your-own fruits, semi-annual plant sales, and a seasonal on-site farm stand where other producers are invited to sell also. In addition to producing commercial crops and direct marketing them, the farm also serves as a demonstration farm for the community.

This field trip will focus on the food production and marketing aspects of the farm — organic vegetable production techniques in the field, greenhouse and high tunnel, the particulars of producing vegetables for a CSA and their farm stand, post-harvest handling of vegetables, producing, handling and marketing shiitake mushrooms, producing vegetable and flower plants for sale, fruit production, running a u-pick operation, running a multi-farm farm stand, serving as a demonstration farm and balancing that with competitive commercial production, labor, sales, record keeping and financial operations.


Field Trip #5
Community Food Initiatives FULL

Crabtree Farms and Greenlife Grocery

In operation since 1998, Crabtree Farms is a non-profit organization and certified organic farm operating on 22 acres leased from the city for $1/year. This tour will focus on Crabtree’s grassroots efforts to grow Chattanooga’s local food economy and food shed awareness. Vanessa Mercer will cover their outreach initiatives and educational programs to sow the seeds for a healthier tomorrow, which includes 41 community garden plots on the farm with tools and supplies provided, regular on-site trainings in sustainable agriculture and food shed awareness for school children and adults, volunteer opportunities, Buy Fresh Buy Local Chapter coordination, and on-farm activities such as plant sales, farm stand, tours of their commercial organic farm and local foods dinners.

You will also visit Greenlife Grocery, a large locally-owned natural foods store that purchases vegetables and meats from local farms and promotes community support for local farms by offering tasting workshops, sponsoring local food events, and hosting a weekly farmers market at the store. At Greenlife, you’ll gain an understanding of how and why this grocery participates in promoting a local food economy and have the opportunity to check out this local gem.


SOLD OUT POLICY: Space is limited for field trips, short courses and mini courses. If one is sold out, we will immediately indicate that it is sold out on our registration and program web pages. If we receive your registration for something that has sold out, we will immediately notify you and provide a refund.

Though we have never had to cancel a field trip, field trips may be cancelled if minimum registration is not reached. You will be immediately notified and a refund will be provided if we cancel due to low registration. We do not provide refunds due to inclement weather. But we highly recommend you wear clothing and footwear suitable for January in Tennessee.


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