Butterfly Gardening

Many of us enjoy attracting butterflies to our gardens. I often have the sense that they come by chance, but it's not true. We can encourage them by meeting their needs.

  • Plant larval foods. Many caterpillars, which metamorphose into butterflies, require require specific host plants for food. By selecting particular species, you can provide the basic habitat requirements for specific species that you'd like to see as adults. Since highly preferred hosts may be unattractive or eaten until they have few leaves, plan an out-of-the-way place for these hosts. You might also want to provide host plants for some of the more attractive moths.
  • Plant species with nectar needed by adults. Butterflies are attracted by sweet-, pungent- and acrid-smelling flowers that are orange, yellow, pink, purple and red. Plants with deep throated, drooping or enclosed flowers are unsuitable for nectar-gathering. Some of these, especially white flowers that are fragrant at night, may attract moths.
  • Avoid pesticide use. Especially avoid use of Bacillus thuringensis, broad-spectrum insecticides, and any insecticide that is broadcast broadly in the environment.
   © Shirley Denton


  • Butterflies of North America
  • Butterfly Gardening Page - Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission This site lists Florida natives that are food resources for butterflies.
  • Firebush, South Florida's Plant for All Seasons A Palmetto article by Elizabeth Smith.
  • Florida Butterflies A web page on Florida butterflies and host plants by Marc and Maria Minno.
  • Links Galore on attracting butterflies and wildlife to the garden.
  • Milkweed Guide From MonarchWatch.
  • Monarch Watch
  • North American Butterfly Association The largest butterfly organization in North America, a membership-based not-for-profit organization working to increase public enjoyment and conservation of butterflies. Lots of good info!
  • Wild Florida Photo Photographs and information on plants and animals of Florida, by FNPS member Paul Rebmann