Plant Links

Are we missing a plant-related link important to the FNPS? If so, please send it to us at WebTeam.

Native Species

  • Appalachicola Gallery
  • Aquatic and Invasive Plant Photographs Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, IFAS
  • Association of Florida Native Nurseries Growers and sellers of Florida native plants and associated serivces.
  • Calhoun County Herbarium Online herbarium of plants from Calhoun County, Florida.
  • E-flora Florida Photographs, info, and links.
  • Ferns Not all Florida Natives, but a good educational reference by Tom Stuart and collaborators
  • Ferns of Fern Forest and South Florida Photographs and text by David Scofield.
  • Florida Flora Picture Gallery Stinger's Local Flora Home Page (most by G.F. Guala)
  • Florida Fungi
  • Florida Natural Areas Inventory The FNAI provides lots of information on Florida's biota and its conservation status and needs.
  • Florida Plant Conservation Program (FL Div. Forestry)
  • Florida Plants Online
  • Florida Wildflower Foundation The Florida Wildflower Foundation was established in 2001 as a 501(c) (3) charitable corporation for the purpose of restoring native wildflowers and grasses in Florida. To accomplish this purpose, the Foundation supports and funds educational, research and planting grants throughout the state.
  • Florida Wildflowers By Michael Abrams
  • Florida's Endangered and Threatened Plants By Nancy Coile
  • Florida's Federally Listed Plants (FL Div. Forestry)
  • Florida's Native and Naturalized Orchids A website dedicated to educating the public about Florida's native orchids. Includes an interactive and ever-growing gallery of many native species.
  • Forest Trees of Florida On-line version of the book from the Florida Division of Forestry.
  • Grasses of Palm Beach and Martin Counties, Florida Based at Palm Beach Community College and includes a key to grasses.
  • Institute for Regional Conservation Dedicated to research and conservation of the ecosystems of South Florida.
  • Native and Naturalized Plants of Florida Photographs of plants native and naturalized in Florida by FNPS member Shirley Denton. This site includes special links to rare and endangered species, invasive species, selected ecosystems, and wildlife.
  • Nearctica A new feature on an old site. Lots of information about the plants of eastern North America
  • North American Centers of Endemism - the Central Florida Ridges An article on the central Florida ridges and their importance to conservation of North America's regionally endemic species (on the Smithsonian Institution web site).
  • Orchid Picture Catalogue By Clifford Pelchat.
  • Selby Gardens Located in Sarasota and known for its orchid collection but with resources for learning about Florida's native plants. A new feature is a key to woody plants on Lido Key.
  • South Florida Orchids Text and photographs by John G. Zahina
  • Toward a Working Definition of “Florida Native Plant” Reprint of a Palmetto article by David Pais that discusses the meaning of "Florida native plant."
  • University of Florida Herbarium Gives links to good literature on Florida native plants.
  • University of South Florida Atlas of Florida Plants Atlas, photographs, and info from the USF Herbarium
  • Wetland Plants UF Center for Wetlands. Excellent photographs of Florida's wetland plant photographs by Chris Roberts.
  • Wild Florida Photo Photographs and information on plants and animals of Florida, by FNPS member Paul Rebmann
  • Wildflowers of the Southeastern United States Images and information on hundreds of wild plants found in the southeast.
  • North American Plants

  • California Plants & Habitats
  • Celebrating Wildflowers From the USDA Forest Service, Celebrating Wildflowers is a season-long series of events for people of all ages who love our native plants. Find events by region
  • Curtis' Botanical Magazine From the USDA Agricultural Research magazine this link leads to some wonderful botanical art - some of it of species found in Florida.
  • Flora of North America (FNA)
  • Internet Directory for Botany
  • National Wildflower Research Center
  • Native Plant Journal
  • Nearctica A new feature on an old site. Lots of information about the plants of eastern North America
  • NRCS Plants Database
  • Texas A&M Bioinformatics Working Group Photos of Texas plants, some grown in Florida.
  • Texas Parks and Wildlife Photos of Texas plants, some grown in Florida.
  • Virginia Native Plant Society - more photos Photos of Virginia native plants
  • Virginia Native Plant Society Slide Show Photos of Virginia native plants
  • Wildflowers of Alabama Photos of Alabama wild flowers many of which occur in Florida.
  • Wildflowers of the Southeastern United States Images and information on hundreds of wild plants found in the southeast.
  • Invasive Species

  • Aquatic and Invasive Plant Photographs Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, IFAS
  • Aquatic Plant Information and Retrieval System (APIRS)
  • Chinese Tallow Gets Worse A Palmetto article by Greg Jubinsky.
  • Controlling Exotic Species A position statement on the control of exotic species by the Conservancy of Southwest Florida. Includes useful information on appropriate ways to control invasive exotic species.
  • Cornell University Information on MelaleucaWeevils (Oxyops vitiosa). Sometimes something good happens. Learn about the weevil that eats Melaleuca.
  • FDEP Upland Invasive Exotic Species Management
  • Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council The premier site for understanding Florida's pest plant problems!
  • Giant Salvinia From the USDA Agricultural Research magazine, potential controls of this species which so far has been successfully eradicated when discovered in Florida.
  • IFAS Assessment of the Status of Non-Native Plants in Florida’s Natural Areas The IFAS Assessment of the Status of Non-Native Plants in Florida’s Natural Areas (IFAS Assessment) was developed by the UF/IFAS Invasive Plants Working Group so that Extension faculty could provide consistent recommendations concerning the use of non-native plants. The Assessment and the Working Group were created in response to the growing awareness of the threat posed (especially to threatened and endangered species) by non-native invasive species.
  • IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants
  • Impacts of Introduced Species in the United States, Vol. II By Dan Simberloff. Discusses actual occurrences of species invasions and the management consequences.
  • Invasive Aquatic Species in Florida
  • Japanese Climbing Fern An article from the Florida Division of Forestry
  • Nonindigenous Aquatic Species of Florida
  • Old World Climbing Fern From the USDA Agricultural Research magazine, potential controls of this horrid pest plant.
  • South Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society
  • Stinking Passion Flower A Palmetto articly by Daniel Austin.
  • The Nature Conservancy - Weed Lists Federal in scope, less applicable to Florida than to other places in North America.
  • The Plant from Hell, Solanum viarum A Palmetto article by Nancy Coile describing invasion of Florida pastures by this prickly pest.
  • The Society for Ecological Restoration
  • TNC Invasive Species Initiative A national level list with excellent photographs for identification. Searchable.
  • Tropical Soda Apple From the USDA Agricultural Research magazine, potential controls of this horrid pest plant.
  • U.S. Corps of Engineers Aquatic Plant Control
  • University of South Florida Atlas of Florida Plants Atlas, photographs, and info from the USF Herbarium
  • Water Hyacynth From the USDA Agricultural Research magazine
  • Weevil Attacks Bromeliads
  • Wild Florida Photo Photographs and information on plants and animals of Florida, by FNPS member Paul Rebmann
  • Growing Plants

  • Association of Florida Native Nurseries Growers and sellers of Florida native plants and associated serivces.
  • Audubon at Home Planting a wildlife friendly yard.
  • Carnivorous Plants An international organization devoted to the growing and conservation of carnivorous plants.
  • Common Wildflowers to Grow in North Florida A University of Florida Cooperative Extention Service circular by FNPS member, Jeff Norcini
  • Designing the Natural Garden Reprint of a Palmetto article by Richard Devine. The article discusses site analysis, planning, and landscape design for a natural yard, and presents illustrative diagrams for the various steps in the process.
  • Firebush, South Florida's Plant for All Seasons A Palmetto article by Elizabeth Smith.
  • Florida Climatic Center
  • Florida Friendly Landscapes for the SWFWMD Gives xeriscape prinicples, not focused on native plants.
  • Florida Landscape A great site about landscaping with Florida natives and designing landscapes for wildlife. This site is particularly apt for South Florida. By John Sibley and larry Richardson.
  • Florida Landscape This is a diverse native plant landscaping site sponsored by Florida Gulf Coast University.
  • Florida Master Naturalist Program
  • Florida Wildflower Foundation The Florida Wildflower Foundation was established in 2001 as a 501(c) (3) charitable corporation for the purpose of restoring native wildflowers and grasses in Florida. To accomplish this purpose, the Foundation supports and funds educational, research and planting grants throughout the state.
  • Foraging for Pine Needles Reprint of a Palmetto article by Ken Albritton on gathering of pine mulch.
  • Garden Web A general gardening site.
  • Green Industries Best Management Practices This is focused on grass! You may glean something useful from here, but be aware that it is written from the perspective of the turf industry.
  • Growing Native An e-mail discussion about Florida natives. Some interesting and relevant topics come up.
  • Institute for Regional Conservation Dedicated to research and conservation of the ecosystems of South Florida.
  • It's Seed Harvest Time A Palmetto article by Joe Durando.
  • Native American Seed Company This is a Texas company, and mixed wildlflower seed packages will have many species not native to Florida.
  • Native Trees for North Florida A University of Florida Cooperative Extention Service circular by Meerow and Norcini
  • Native Trees for South Florida A University of Florida Cooperative Extention Service circular by Meerow, Donselman, and Broschat
  • Palm and Cycad Society of Florida
  • Sand - That Wonderful Stuff Reprint of William Simmonds Palmetto article on Florida sand soils.
  • Seeds of Texas Exchange
  • Selby Gardens Located in Sarasota and known for its orchid collection but with resources for learning about Florida's native plants. A new feature is a key to woody plants on Lido Key.
  • SJRWMD Pamphlet on Xeriscape Read the information carefully. Not all plants are native. This is a fairly long pdf file that needs to be downloaded and printed to be used with any great success.
  • Water Wise Landscapes for the SJRWMD Gives xeriscape prinicples, not focused on native plants.
  • Wild Ones Native plant landscaping advocates.
  • Xeriscape Information from the FSEC Gives xeriscape prinicples, not focused on native plants.
  • Wildlife and Butterflies

  • Audubon at Home Planting a wildlife friendly yard.
  • Butterflies of North America
  • Butterfly Gardening Page - Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission This site lists Florida natives that are food resources for butterflies.
  • Defenders of Wildlife A national organization committed to conservation and of wildlife and wildlife habitats.
  • Defenders of Wildlife - Florida Program Page
  • Firebush, South Florida's Plant for All Seasons A Palmetto article by Elizabeth Smith.
  • Florida Butterflies A web page on Florida butterflies and host plants by Marc and Maria Minno.
  • Florida Cooperative Extention Service - wildlife
  • Florida Sandhill Crane Conservation Program
  • Florida Snake Guide
  • Florida Wildlife
  • Hummingbird Net
  • Hummingbirds From the Family of Nature, Inc. web site
  • Landscaping for Wildlife University of Florida, Florida Wildlife Extention
  • Links Galore on attracting butterflies and wildlife to the garden.
  • Milkweed Guide From MonarchWatch.
  • Monarch Watch
  • National Wildlife Federation
  • National Wildlife Federation, Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program
  • North American Butterfly Association The largest butterfly organization in North America, a membership-based not-for-profit organization working to increase public enjoyment and conservation of butterflies. Lots of good info!
  • Planting a Bird Sanctuary A web page by Cathy Frank on the importance of native plants to a bird-friendly backyard.
  • South Florida Birding Connection
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • Wild Florida Photo Photographs and information on plants and animals of Florida, by FNPS member Paul Rebmann