Water Wise!

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Lupinus diffusus, skyblue lupine.    © Susan Trammell

Water Wise refers to designing and implementing a landscape that conserves water. The term 'xeriscape' means the same thing. Neither term means gardening with native plants. Neither do they mean NOT using native plants. Using natives species adapted to the natural rainfall regime and soil conditions on a site is a great way to both save water and enjoy our native Florida flora.

The links given here don't focus on natives, but if you stick with the principles and implement them with natives, these links are useful! A native swamp plant planted in dry uplands will either die, or lots of water will be needed to keep it alive! Conversely, a dry site plant placed in a poorly drained area will drown.

Plant the right plant in the right place!


  • Florida Friendly Landscapes for the SWFWMD Gives xeriscape prinicples, not focused on native plants.
  • Green Industries Best Management Practices This is focused on grass! You may glean something useful from here, but be aware that it is written from the perspective of the turf industry.
  • SJRWMD Pamphlet on Xeriscape Read the information carefully. Not all plants are native. This is a fairly long pdf file that needs to be downloaded and printed to be used with any great success.
  • Water Wise Landscapes for the SJRWMD Gives xeriscape prinicples, not focused on native plants.
  • Xeriscape Information from the FSEC Gives xeriscape prinicples, not focused on native plants.