
Society Events

Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference, Tallahassee  
01/15/2009 Jim Eagan With Marine Resources Council to give talk on: "How Native Plants Save Lives: The untold Story of Tsunamis and Hurricanes" at the Pine Lily Chapter in Osceola  
01/15/2009 Jim Egan: How Native Plants Save Lives during Hurricanes and Sunamis  

Chapter Events

See Chapter Pages for Maps and Contact Information

January 15, 2009 6:30pm IXIA Regular Meeting at Regency Library  

Ixia's first meeting of the New Year 2009.  Please join us! Regency Square Library

9900 Regency Square Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, 32225

Our Speaker will be Trish Gramajo-St. John of The Nature 
.  She is also chairman of First Coast Invasive Working Group

Trish's presentation is titled "Invasive Plant Species To Be 
Watched in Northeast Florida - Invasives That Are Coming Our Way ".

As an Ixia member, as well as our  Conservation Chair, Trish is a welcome inspiration for you to fulfill a New Year's Resolution to help with the health of this  precious Earth.
      At this January meeting, we would like to hear your interests 
for speakers, areas of environmental involvement, and suggestions for  
field trips.

Arbor Day Speakers and Free Tree Seedlings at Extension Office!   
Arbor Day at the Duval County Extension Office Friday January 16 – 10:00 – 12 Noon Cost:: $5.00 You will hear from professionals in Urban Forestry discuss the value of trees to Jacksonville, and innovative programs on trees. They will also be handing out seedlings of American Hophornbeam, and Fringetree after the program (as long as supplies last) Speakers: Don Robertson, City of Jacksonville, Jacksonville’s Urban Forestry Program Mike Robinson, JEA, Trees to use under power lines. Meg Gaffney, Jacksonville Arboretum, Programs at the Jacksonville Arboretum Larry Figart, Duval County Extension, Hophornbeam and Fringetree Culture For more information contact Larry Figart or Becky Davidson at 387-8850 or The Extension is located at: 1010 N. McDuff Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32254 

January 2009 - Field Trip to Maritime Hammock & Barrier Island Sanctuaries  
In search of tropical and coastal plant communities, the Tarflower Chapter will travel to South Brevard County on January 17th, 2009. (Please note this is a week later than our normal field trip date.)

Brevard County enjoys a cluster of endangered land sanctuaries near Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge. We will visit two of the best. First, we will meet at 9:30 am at Barrier Island Sanctuary's Management and Education Center, a brand new, first-class visitor center.

After freshening up after our drive, we will head four miles north to Maritime Hammock, a site recommended by our sister Sea Rocket chapter for its tropical species including Gumbo-Limbo (Bursera simaruba) trees.

After a two-mile hike, we will head back to the Visitor Center for a beach picnic. Afterwards, Tarflower members will be free to explore the center's exhibit room, library, and surrounding bird life.

These properties are located in extreme South Brevard County on AIA south of Melbourne Beach, about one hour and 45 minutes from downtown Orlando. The weblink with maps and other information is the following: . For those interested in carpooling, please see information in the January issue of the Tarpaper.

Plant lists for Maritime Hammock are courtesy of Sea Rocket's Paul A. Schmalzer, Ph. D.:

Lake Beautyberry
Program Meetings:   


Sunday, January 18, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. - Chapter's Annual Meeting with election of Officers for 2009.  The program will be a video on "Low Impact Development," which describes methods of building that lessen the impact on the natural environment and preserves natural resources. Following the video thre will be a discussion led by Eustis developer Hugh Kent.


Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. - Trout Lake Naturalist, Lavon Silvernell will present a program on "Wild Edibles."  Lavon will guide a walk at the nature center to look for edible native plants.  The walk will be followed by refreshments featuring native plants.


Nature Coast

Sunday, Jan. 18, 2009 at 10 a.m.Anclote River Nature Park in Tarpon Springs This 77 acre city park in Tarpon Springs is located on the north bank of the Anclote River, about three miles inland from the Gulf. At this location the river is tidal, so the water is brackish
(a blend of fresh and salt). Although surrounded by salt marsh, tidal creek, and deep-water river front, the upland areas of the park are mostly xeric and flatwoods plant communities. Scrub oaks dominate, but sand pine, longleaf pine, and slash pine are also present. Garberia, a listed species endemic to central Florida, sand pine and oak scrub, is surprisingly abundant. There are restrooms and a drinking fountain in the parking area. All trails are crushed shell and well maintained, so walking should be easy. Although small, it can take two hours or more to walk all the trails; doing so is optional. Lunch afterward at the Sponge Docks is suggested.




Please click here for additional detail.

Serenoa Chapter January General Meeting  
Landscaping with Grasses
Georg Kish, a hydrologist with the US Geological Survey in Tampa and past president of the Suncoast Chapter of FNPS, will speak about how native grasses are underutilized in landscaping and how they fill an important ecological role in plant communities. He will show us how native grasses can add contrasting texture, color, and wildlife value to the landscape. 

January Meeting Program - Wildflowers of Florida  
Terry L Zinn, President of Wildflowers of Florida, Inc. and co-founder of the Florida Wildflower Cooperative will talk about using native wildflowers in landscaping for attracting butterflies, moths and hummingbirds, as well as providing color and texture.  Terry has been a wildflower seed grower for over ten years. 

Heartland Chapter Meeting  

Chapter Meeting will be held at the United Way Building, Highway 98, Highland City, Fl.  We will serve a light meal and the meeting will begin promptly at 6:30.  Guest Speaker will be Kimberly Paulson.  She is a Certified Arborist and is affiliated with several forestry and arborist societies.   Currently Kim is on the Board of Directors of both the Florida Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture and the Florida Urban Forestry Council, both organizations are committed to the education of the public on proper tree care to preserve the "urban forests."  Kim has supervised tree care operations since the mid 1990's and has owned her own tree care company in Polk County, The TREE LADY Company, since January 2002. Over the past several years she has been alarmed to find our urban forest is being decimated by improper tree pruning, or as she calls it, chainsaw error. She will talk about purchasing a good tree, maintaining the tree shape, how to trim and when and where to hire an arborist.  Please join us!  Should be a very interesting topic.  Her Passion is trees!!!



Introduction to Grasses with Dr George Rogers  
On Tuesday, Jan 20, George Rogers will help us dip our toes into the heart of the Poaceae family. Attendees will have the opportunity to use microscopes to see what makes that grass identifiable. Join the Martin County Chapter at its regular meeting place at the Environmental Studies Center in Jensen Beach at 7 pm. The ESC is just south of Jensen Beach Blvd and the community of Ocean Breeze Park. 

Paynes Prairie
January 20 Program, 7pm Karina Veaudry, Executive Director for Florida Native Plant Society  

Karina will update us on exciting programs and plans at the state level of Florida Native Plant Society.

In order to make an impact onstatewide native plant education , conservation and preservation Karina coordinates with the state Board of Directors and all chapters throughout the state.  We hope to have many Paynes Prairie chapter members there to greet her!


Marion County
FNPS Monthly meeting on Wednesday January 21st, 2009 @ 6:30 PM  

Guest Speaker is ELLIE FALBO of the Watershed Action Committee.  Ellie will speak to us about protection of our precious water resources.  Please come learn important information for yourself and your community about our water supply.


Monthly Meeting and Program  

George Kish will be presenting a program on Climatic Change as it relates to phenology, or the seasonal patterns of plant growth.  Discussion will include current national level efforts to collect and analyze phenology data using a combination of site-specific studies and remote sensing equipment.    


Serenoa Chapter January Field Trip - Deer Prairie Creek Preserve  
Time: 9 am
Brian Pavlina, Environmental Specialist for Sarasota County will lead a short hike through part of the preserve. The 6,400-acre preserve consists of pine flatwoods, hammocks, marshes, prairie, and scrub habitats. The preserve is located south of the Carlton Preserve in Venice, east of I-75. Carpool: Manatee, 8:15 am; Sarasota, 8:30 am. 

Paynes Prairie
Air Potato Roundup, 9am-noon  
Join fellow FNPS members to remove exotic air potato vines from Gainesville parks. You can be a team leader or join the FNPS group at site.  Details to follow or visit Nature to volunteer. 

Field Trip to Rhodine Scrub Preserve  

The January fieldtrip will be to the Rhodine Scrub Preserve in south-central Hillsborough County. This county preserve was originally proposed for development but was purchased by the County under the ELAP program in 1991. We'll meet at Stephen J. Wortham Park and walk into the preserve by trail. The length of our exploration will be dependent on site conditions, but the intent is for us to walk about 2 miles through varied habitats. One of the special features of the site is scrub with Florida goldenaster (Chrysopsis floridana). This is a great place to discuss land management, fire, restoration from past abuses, etc. while being in a very walkable and pleasant site.


Field trip to Lemon Bay Park  
Lemon Bay Park is close at hand and always interesting.  We meet here for our monthly meetings; let's visit during the day!  We'll walk the Bay Trail that predominates in mangroves and "Island Type" vegetation.  Meet in the front parking lot at 9:00 am.  For information and/or directions, call Denny at 941-474-1492. 

Guided Tour of Long Leaf Pine "Farm" by Steve Strawn, DeLeon Springs  
Jan 31 (Sat) 2009: Guided Tour of Long Leaf Pine "Farm" by Steve Strawn,  DeLeon Springs.
Trip Description: This will be a car caravan through the habitat restoration area with stops to give participants a chance to explore the various trails.
Meet 8:00 AM to Carpool at Home Depot, ISBT, Daytona
  or:  8:00 AM to Carpool at Publix, Granada, Ormond 
  or:  9:00 AM  "Uncle Jack Gate", Lake Dias Cemetery Rd.
Bring: water, snack, plant ID books, bug spray, appropriate weather gear.
Lunch: at local DeLeon Springs Mexican Restaurant
Contact Person: Sonya Guidry  (386)  690-1797 

Please click here for additional detail.

Upcoming Florida Master Naturalist Program: "Freshwater Wetlands"  
Upcoming Master Naturalist Programs Freshwater Wetlands February 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 2009 Night Classes with Saturday Field Trips Doctor’s Inlet Civic League, 3382 Peoria Road, Orange Park Instructors: Ray Zerba and Lynn Lisenby Each module consists of: -40 hours of classroom presentations, videos, and field trips covering key plants and animals, ethics, and interpretation. -Two volume comprehensive syllabus, patch, and pin. Course fee: $225. Advance registration required. Class size limited to 20 students. Course requirements: Attendance, Participation, and Enthusiasm! Teachers may earn up to 40 hours CEUs! For groups of at least 10, classes may be offered at your site! For registration go to, for more information contact Carol Wyninger, 220-0232, 

February Meeting  
Tracking climate change with native plants by George Kish. February’s Meeting is Tuesday, February 3, 2009 at Leu Gardens, 7:00 PM. Meetings are open to the public. 

Florida’s Gorgeous Spring Blooming Trees Speaker: Dr. Craig Heugel  

Magnolia Chapter February Meeting -- "Specialized pollinations amongst orchids" with Dr. Loran Anderson  

Field Trip: Devil’s Millhopper, Gainesville, to see Redbud, Fringe Tree, Chickasaw Plums, Sparkleberry, Leader: Dr. Craig Heugel  

February Meeting, Mon. Feb. 9th, 7pm  
Mark Bush - Fossilized Pollen / Climate Change 

Please click here for additional detail.

People for Trees Update  
Alice White, President of North Port's People for Trees, has been working for years to protect our native canapy.  Come hear her presentation on the status of the People for Trees efforts at 7:00 pm at Lemon Bay Park's Environmental Classroom, 570 Bay Park Blvd., Englewood.  Light refreshments provided.  Board of Directors meeting at 5:30 pm.  All are welcome.  For information and/or directions, call Jane at 941-697-4276. 

Nature Coast

February 10th Meeting: “Planting Native Wildflowers from Seed” presented by Brightman Logan, Board Member of the Florida Wildflower Foundation and owner of All Native Nursery in San Antonio, FL. You will have an opportunity to see close up photos of native wildflowers in their central Florida environment, learn how to plant wildflower seeds, and get an IFAS step-by-step handout. Begin to learn how to replace your lawn with beautiful wildflowers. Come join us! We will have a few wildflower seed packets in the raffle and hope to have some packets available for sale.


Please click here for additional detail.

Sea Oats
February Sea Oats Chapter Meeting  
Maia McGuire will give a presentation on invasive species and how to eradicate them.   Ms. McGuire is the University of Florida Sea Grant extension agent for St. Johns and Flagler counties.  Her extension programs include teaching people about invasive species, coordinating the monofiliment fishing line recycling program in N.E. Florida, and conducting environmental education programs for youth and adults.  She was born and grew up in Bermuda, where she developed her love for the ocean.  Prior to joining the extension system in 2001, Maia conducted postdoctoral research on nutrient cycling in the St. Lucie estuary and taught high school science.  Maia has a B.S. from Florida Institute of Technology, and a PhD from the University of Miami, both in Marine Biology. 

Marion County
FNPS Monthly Meeting---WEDNESDAY, February 11 @ 6:30 PM (*DATE CHANGE)  

GUEST SPEAKER scheduled is Karina Veaudry, the Executive Director of  the state FNPS.  She was present at our first meeting in September 2007 and she would like to come speak to us aboutConservation of Ecosystems in Florida, as well as programs and plans at the state level of FNPS.   She helps organize the annual FNPS conference in May, as well as many other activities on a daily basis.  Please come and listen to plans to help our mission----which is the conservation and preservation of native plants and native plant communities. 

We are scheduled to meet in the SMALL CLASSROOM adjacent to the auditorium due to Youth Fair Activities.  THIS DATE IS ALSO A CHANGE FROM OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING DATE.  We will return to the 3rd Wed meeting date in March.


Nature Coast

Field Trip: Sunday, February 15, 2009 at 10amFlorida Botanical Gardens at the Pinellas County Extension Service in Largo
The Florida Botanical Gardens has 120 acres, 30 of which are cultivated gardens. In addition to several formal gardens,there are
numerous Florida-friendly demonstration gardens such as native, butterfly, herb, bromeliads, and tropical fruit gardens. There is also an aquatic habitat demonstration area, and a 60 acre flatwoods/scrub restoration area with trails and interpretive signs. The native plant garden is particularly good with excellent markers to identify the plants. The Extension Service is closed on weekends, but the Gardens are open to the public from 7 a.m. to 7 p. m., seven days a week.




CLICK BLOW for driving directions..


Please click here for additional detail.

Serenoa Chapter February General Meeting  
Native Plant Landscaping for the Barrier Islands
Mike Miller, a native plant landscape designer will speak on native plant landscaping for the barrier islands. H will also discuss his Anna Maria Island landscape projects. 

Paynes Prairie
February 17 Program, 7pm TBA  

Monthly Meeting and Program  
Program to be announced. 

Ixia General Membership Meeting: Thursday,6:30 PM, Regency Library  

Regency Square Library, 9900 Regency Square Blvd, Jacksonville, FL, 32225

Speaker:  Karina Veaudry, State Executive Director of the Florida Native Plant Society.

Topic:  "The Status of Conservation in Florida"


Lyonia Preserve field trip  
Lyonia Preserve Walk, Lunch: Cassadaga Hotel (reservations required) leader Ingrid Swenson
East Volusia Contact: Sonya Guidry

Paynes Prairie
February 21 Field Trip - TBA  

Serenoa Chapter February Field Trip - Anna Maria Island  
Time: 9 am.
Mike Miller will give a tour of some of landscape design projects such as City Hall, Historical Park, and the Sand Bar Restaurant. Carpool: Manatee, 8: 15 am; Sarasota, 8 am. 

Field Trip  
Location to be announced. 

February Pawpaw Meeting - Green Initiatives - note change from regular meeting date!  
Due to a conflict with the city of Holly Hill, the Pawpaw Chapter will hold the February meeting one week later than normal, on the fourth Tuesday, which is Feb. 24th.
Ciana Maglio, Green Halloween coordinator, will discuss making celebrations "GREEN" and how this can help "green" America, and help promote other nonprofits causes.  And Kelly White will present a beginning program, Daytona Urban Garden (DUG), that gains dollars from government sources to beauty their cities by enabling them to inspire citizens to beautify their right-of-ways using natives. 

Lake Beautyberry
Field Trips:  

Saturday, February 28 at 9:00 a.m. - Fieldtrip to Seminole State Forest.  The entrance to the park is east on SR 46 almost to the bridge over the Wekiva River (near the County Line). To carpool from the west side fo the County, meet at 8:15 a.m. at the Publix located at US 27 and CR 48. 

For your comfort, remember to bring water, hat, bug spray, a light lunch and wear comfortable clothing and shoes for walking.    After our plant hike we can picnic together.  Public and non-members are welcome on the trip.  Contact Peg Urban at 352-326-3868 for more information.    


Saturday, April 24 at 9:00 a.m. - Fieldtrip to Bear Track Preserve.  This property is owned and managed by the Lake County Water Authority and is located to the southeast of Lake Norris Conservation Area, northeast of Eustis.  Directions will be forthcoming.  Please check back on this website. 

For your comfort, remember to bring water, hat, bug spray, a light lunch and wear comfortable clothing and shoes for walking.    After our plant hike we can picnic together.  Public and non-members are welcome on the trip.  Contact Peg Urban at 352-326-3868 for more information.    



Plant Native Day  
This is the Chapter's annual public outreach program featuring lectures, walks and plant raffles and sales.  Come for the entire event or just for a portion of it. Cedar Point Environmental Park, 2300 Placida Rd, Englewood from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm.  Call Jane at 941-697-4276 for further information and/or directions. 

February 28: 3rd Annual Great Air Potato Round Up  

Ixia will join The Nature Conservancy and other groups to help in the removal of this Category 1 invasive plants.


The event will take place on February 28th from 9-12 pm, during the 10th Annual "National Invasive Weed Awareness Week" (NIWAW).

More information to follow.


Upcoming Florida Master Naturalist Program: "Upland Habitats"  
Upland Habitats March 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 2009 Location: Museum of Science and History, 1025 Museum Circle, Jacksonville, 32207 Instructors: Brad Burbaugh and Carol Wyninger Each module consists of: -40 hours of classroom presentations, videos, and field trips covering key plants and animals, ethics, and interpretation. -Two volume comprehensive syllabus, patch, and pin. Course fee: $225. Advance registration required. Class size limited to 20 students. Course requirements: Attendance, Participation, and Enthusiasm! Teachers may earn up to 40 hours CEUs! For groups of at least 10, classes may be offered at your site! For registration go to, for more information contact Carol Wyninger, 220-0232,  

March Meeting  
Presentation by Nancy Bissett of The Natives. March’s Meeting is Tuesday, March 3, 2009 at Leu Gardens, 7:00 PM. Meetings are open to the public. 

Florida’s Scrub Community: What it is, how it formed, and what to see there.   

Magnolia Chapter March Meeting -- "FNAI activities" with Gary Knight of the Florida Natural Areas Inventory  

3 day weekend to west-central Florida and Gulf Coast  
Sat-Mon: 3-day Weekend to FL Gulf Coast (Tarpon Springs Area): Green Swamp’s Colt Creek State Park; Brooker Creek Preserve; Honeymoon Island State Park; Caladesi Island State Park; and historic Greek community, Tarpon Springs (Must Reserve)
Leader: Sonya Guidry (386) 690-1797 

March meeting - Mon., March 9th, 7pm  
Michelle Provencal - Native Yards and Creative Landscaping Ideas 

Please click here for additional detail.

Nature Coast
Ethnobotany: Use of Native Plants by Paleo-Indians  
Welcome Laura Dean, Archeologist with Historic Spanish Point in Sarasota County, as she describes how the early natives of Florida survived and flourished using native plants for food and medicines.  7:00 PM at Lemon Bay Park, 570 Bay Park Blvd., Englewood.  Light refreshments provided.  Board of Directions meeting at 5:30 pm.  All are welcome.  For further information and/or directions, call Jane at 941-697-4276. 

Mosquito Lagoon Planting Day  
(Sat) Mosquito Lagoon Planting Day, Marine Discovery Center, NSB Lunch at local seafood place or Norwoods;  Leader Sonya Guidry 

Pelican Island Wildlife Festival - Sat. March 14th  
Marion County

We will be setting up an Information Table at the Spring Festival like we did last year.  We will have displays, books, pamphlets and native plants for display.  Please consider volunteering to help man the table as well as coming to the plant sale.

Mark your calendars for this annual event.  There are lots of vendors, including nurseries, rain barrels, pond builders, garden architecture and statues.  It is a great way to get into the planting mood and celebrate spring! 

Due to the construction going on around the Extension office, there will be a change in the set up of the sale so look for additional information as the event gets closer. 


"A Day of Gardening" 2009 with IFAS  

1010 N McDuff Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32254     

On March 14, we will again join IFAS (University of Florida's 
Institute of Agriculture Sciences) for "A Day of Gardening".  Ixia 
will have a Silent Auction, so be thinking of items you can bring for 
this chapter fund raiser.  We will be collecting auction items at our  monthlty meetings,  beginning with our January 15 meeting. 
      "A Day of Gardening" is an important fund-raiser 
for Ixia, so let us help you re-purpose some treasures and new items 
that relate to gardening, nature and/or native plants.  That covers a 
lot of our interests, so plan to bring some donations to our monthly 
meetings.  You can also  contact Barbara Jackson by phone 
(904-246-0479) or e-mail ( about your donations.  
The proceeds help Iixa re-print our popular "AlterNative" brochure 
which illustrates alternative Florida native plants as replacements 
for the invasive species being used in our landscapes.

This is always a great event for Ixia.  We reach a lot of interested gardeners. 
Plan to be with us for this "Day of Gardening"!


Serenoa Chapter March General Meeting  
Colt Creek State Park
Scott Spaulding, Manager of Colt Creek State Park, will talk about the parks history, restoration, and plant communities which are mainly pine flatwoods and cypress domes. The 5,000-acre park opened to the public in January 2007 and has over 12 miles of trails. 

Paynes Prairie
March 17 Program, 7pm TBO  

Marion County
FNPS Monthly Meeting----WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18th @ 6:30 PM  

GUEST SPEAKER---- GUDA  TAYLOR of Taylor Gardens.  We all know Guda and her husband, Dave, who own TAYLOR GARDENS in northern Marion County.  Tentative subject of talk----butterfly gardening with natives.



Ixia General Membership Meeting, Thursday 6:30 PM, Regency Library  

9900 Regency Square Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32225

Speaker: Bob Chabot, Director of Horticulture and Facilities, Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens

Topic:  "Native Plants at the Zoo"


Paynes Prairie
March 21 field Trip - TBA  

Field Trip: The Lake Wales Ridge: Tiger Creek, Lake June in Winter for Conradinas, Calamintha, Lyonias.   
Leader: Dr. Craig Heugel 

Serenoa Chapter March Field Trip - Colt Creek State Park  
Time: 9 am
Scott Spaulding will provide a tram tour of the park located in the Green Swamp Wilderness Area in Polk County. The park includes two major tributaries to the Withlacoochee River and a stand of 600 acres of longleaf pine. 16000 State Rd 471, Lakeland, FL. Carpool: Manatee, 7:30 am; Sarasota, 7:15 am. 

Field Trip to Alligator Creek Preserve  
We have our choice of several trails in this CHEC managed part of the FDEP Charlotte Harbor Buffer Preserve in Punta Gorda.  Meet at Cedar Point Park at 8:00 am to car-pool or meet us there at 9:00 am.  For further information and/or directions, call Denny at 941-474-1492.  

"EARTH HOUR" GLOBAL Participation  

This is a great way to participate universally in expressing our opinion of Eco-Awareness and excessive needs that we use but DON'T need i.e. too much casual use of electricity.

There's great & fun Information for your chapter @

Please read more information about "Earth Hour" below...Let's all join in!


Please click here for additional detail.

March 28: St. Johns River Celebration  

Saturday  11:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Mandarin Museum &Historical Society, Walter Jones Park

12471 Mandarin Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32223

Ixia will again participate at this annual event which is part of the City of Jacksonville's "Jax Parks: Get Out There!" promotion.


Ecological Landscaping: An Urban Strategy for Sustainability   
Speaker: Claudia Lewis, environmental educator & consultant, executive director of the Plan C Initiative 

Magnolia Chapter April Meeting -- "The Madonna's secret, the passion flower, and some novel photography" with Mike Abrams  

Spring Plant Sale at Wilcox Nursery  
Wilcox Nursery is Pinellas County's #1 source for quality Florida native plants! Come and make your selections from Wilcox's extensive inventory; members receive a 10% discount on each purchase. All sales on April 4th benefit the chapter!

Wilcox Nursery is at 12501 Indian Rocks Road, Largo, 33774 Phone 727-595-2073.

Sale is from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm 

Marion County
FNPS Monthly Meeting----WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8TH @ 6:30 PM (*DATE CHANGE)  

GUEST SPEAKER----to be announced. 

This DATE IS A CHANGE FROM OUR USUAL MEETING DAY DUE TO THE  ANNUAL VOLUNTEER  BANQUET FOR MARION COUNTY.  This is the 2nd Tuesday of the month instead of the 3rd.  We are still scheduled to meet in the Auditorium.


Paynes Prairie
2009 Spring Native Plant Sale  
Paynes Prairie Chapter will hold its Fall Native Plant Sale on April 10 (4:30-6:30pm) and April 11, (8:30am-noon) 2008 at Morningside Nature Center, 3540 E. University Ave, Gainesville, FL. The sale will offer native trees, shrubs, grasses and wildflowers that are suited to the north-central area of Florida.  There are also vendors selling books, wildflower seed, and many educational booths.  Stop by the FNPS information booth to say hello to fellow members and get a raffle ticket to win a large group of native plants. The popular park-a-plant system makes it easy to shop, pay and pick up plants. Friday evening, April 10 from 4:30pm-6:30pm is a preview sale for FNPS members only and the sale is open to the public Saturday, April 11 from 8:30am-12:30pm.    For questions call Morningside Nature Center at 352-334-2170. For vendor inquiries contact Howard & Lisa Jelks email

Marion County
Paynes Prairie Chapter---NATIVE PLANT SALE @ Morningside Park in Gainesville  

You KNOW this is the BEST native plant sale around !!  Multiple native plant vendors to explore and plants to buy!! 

Please check out  the Paynes Prairie FNPS  WEBSITE  for additional information and directions.  This event allows ONLY FNPS MEMBERS (WITH CURRENT MEMBERSHIP CARD) on Friday, April 10th from 4-6 pm.   On Saturday, April 11th, the sale is open to the public and is open from 8 am to 12 noon or until they run out of plants!!  Make sure you get there on Friday afternoon if possible. 

THEY TAKE CASH OR CHECKS ONLY.  After you select your plants and books, you pay for all of the items at one time at a central table set up. 


April meeting - Monday April 13th, 7pm  
Suzanne Valencia - Introduction to Butterfly Gardening 

Please click here for additional detail.

Exploring the Genus Polygala in Florida  
There are so many species within this genus that it can become confusing!  Join Al Squires and Denny Girard, our Chapter's "amateur" botanists and winners of the FNPS Green Palmetto Award, as they try to unravel the mysteries.  7:00 pm at Lemon Bay Park's Environmental Classroom, 570 Bay Park Blvd., Englewood.  Light refreshments provided.  Board of Directors meeting at 5:30 pm.  All are welcome.  For information and/or directions, call Jane at 941-697-4176. 

Ixia General Membership Meeting, Thursday 6:30 PM, Regency Library  

9900 Regency Square Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32225 

Speaker: Barbara Jackson, Ixia President

Topic: "How Native Plants Save Lives During Hurricanes and Tsunamis"


Marion County
Lake Beautyberry Chapter FNPS----NATIVE PLANT SALE SATURDAY, 4/18  

This will be a CELEBRATION OF EARTH DAY and is a ONE DAY event  from 8 am to 3 pm.   This will be held at PEAR PARK just south of Leesburg.  It is 2 miles south of County Road 48 on US 27, west side of the road.  PEAR Park is a nature park and NATURE walks led by park rangers will be available.  All the local environmental groups will have information & display tables.   Come support your sister organization as well as buy from a good source of native plants. 

For more information, check out their website @ 



Earth Day Celebration, Oscar Scherer State Park, Sarasota County  
Plant sales, exhibits, music, guided walks, food, & children's activities. 

Serenoa Chapter April General Meeting  
Wicked Weeds - Invasives
Marina D'Abreau-Pryce, Hillsborough County Environmental Extension Agent will give a presentation on the identification and treatment/control methods that homeowners can use to eliminate those wicked weeds. 

EARTH DAY !! Celebrations  

Lehigh Walking Trail - Flagler County  
Sat) NEW! Lehigh Walkiing Trail, 3 miles of paved trail from Lehigh Cement Plant through Graham Swamp, N part of Palm Coast Town Center, (parallel to Lehigh Canal) Lunch at HiJackers at the airport
Leader: Mark Wheeler (386) 586-6580 

Field Trip to Stump Pass Beach State Park  
Beach vegetation close to home.  Meet in the parking lot at 9:00 am.  There is a $1 per car (up to 8 people) entrance fee to the park, but they need the funds to help maintain the native vegetation .  If you'd like to consider car pooling to minimize the fees or for directions/onformation call Denny at 941-474-1492.  

Earth Day Celebration- Felts Audubon Preserve, Manatee County  
Plant Sales, exhibits, music, guided walks, food, children's activities. 

The Future of Florida’s Wildlife. Speaker from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission   

Magnolia Chapter May Meeting -- "Forest wildlife food plants" with Jim Miller  
Jim is a Research Forest Ecologist with the USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station and the author of many books including "Forest Plants Of The Southeast And Their Wildlife Uses". 

May meeting - Monday May 11th, 7pm  
Rita Karpie - Stormwater:  Keeping it in your yard - Beautiful and Functional 

Please click here for additional detail.

Annual meeting & election of officers, covered dish  
Consider doing your part and help by running for office.  This annual meeting will elect those great folks that work diligently for Florida native plants.  Then we will all celebrate their efforts with a pot luck dinner.  Bring your own place setting and a dish to share.  6:00 pm at Lemon Bay Park's Environmental Classroom, 570 Bay Park Blvd., Englewood.  Board of Directors meeting at  4:30 pm.  All are welcome.  For directions/informations, call Jane at 941-697-4267 

Serenoa Chapter May Field Trip - Jean Evoy's Property in DeSoto County  
Time: 9 am
Jean Evoy, a Serenoa Chapter member, will give us a tour of her 450-acre property adjacent to the Peace River. The property is mixed oak-pine forestland interspersed with open, grassy areas, cypress ponds, sloughs, and seasonal wetlands. Carpool: Manatee, 8 am; Sarasota, 7:45 am. 

Serenoa Chapter May General Meeting  
Native Pollinators
Fred Santana, an entomologist for Sarasota County, will speak about the future and importance of our native pollinators. 

Marion County
FNPS Monthly Meeting----WEDNESDAY, MAY 20TH @ 6:30 PM  

GUEST SPEAKER----to be announced.  Will meet in Auditorium.  



"Wake Up and Plant the Natives: Planting Today to Preserve Florida's Tomorrow" West Palm Beach Marriott 10001 Okeechobee Boulevard West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Reservations (800) 376-2292 - FNPS Rate: $117.07 - Please mention the FNPS Conference For more information, click on "Conference" in the lefthand menu. Hope to see you there! The 2009 FNPS Conference Schedule is now available at or go to "Conference"....."Schedule" 

Florida Native Plant Society State Conference, West Palm Beach  

FNPS Annual Conference, Palm Beach  

29th Annual FNPS Conference  
Theme this year will be "Wake Up and Plant the Natives:  Planting Today to Preserve Florida's Tomorrow" at West Palm Beach.  Visit for further information 

Field Trip to Joseph Property  
We've only been to this "new" Sarasota County property once before but this is our chance to see spring plants.  Pine Street to Morningside Dr., Englewood.  Meet at 9 am.  Call Denny at 941-474-1492 for directions/information. 

Potluck meeting  

June 27 Saturday: Ixia monthly Meeting  

12885 Julington Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32258

Ixia member & Butterfly Expert  Bill Berthet

has graciously invited us to his home and gardens for a fabulous late afternoon, early evening affair.  Instead of our regular meeting, we will have a Saturday meeting-dinner-garden tour-Monarch butterfly presentation-plant sale event! 

You won't want to miss this final meeting before our summer break!


Palm Beach
Palm Beach County Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society