Teddi Bierly Chapter Grant Program

For additional information, contact Cammie Donaldson

Application Deadline March 6, 2009



The Florida Native Plant Society (FNPS) provides small grants for chapters to carry out projects that promote the mission of the Society. These grants provide funding for special projects of educational value initiated by FNPS chapters that are in need of additional funding for their success or enhancement. Examples of projects eligible for funding under the program include (but are not limited to): publications, native plantings, displays, educational program materials, and special program expenses (e.g. speakers).

For any Chapter grant project, up to $750 of can be used as matching funds toward the purchase of a computer, digital projection or photography equipment, or other special equipment integral to the development and/or delivery of the proposed educational program. The Chapter must provide or obtain matching funds for the purchase of such equipment. Ineligible for payment or reimbursement are normal or recurring chapter expenses, such as a newsletter, chapter brochure, slide projector, or simple standard display boards or tables.

A Chapter Grants Advisory Committee reviews grant applications and makes funding recommendations to the FNPS Board of Directors. The committee is not required to recommend any applications for funding. All communications regarding any chapter grant project (proposed, approved or in progress) should be first directed to the committee (via email to the Committee Chair).


Projects must involve Florida native plants. The highest consideration will be given to projects demonstrating one or more of these characteristics:

  • The educational experience will facilitate a change in people’s behavior such that the mission of FNPS will be promoted.
  • The educational message of the project will reach a large segment of the community, either residents or tourists, of any age, but preferably people who have a significant impact on native plant conservation.
  • The project will increase community awareness through workshops, public displays, conferences, curriculum and web site development, and creation and distribution of educational materials about native plants and their habitats.
  • The project will affect local agencies and their ability to develop policies, regulations, and procedures that will promote preservation of native plants and their habitats.
  • The project will assist communities with developing area-specific ordinances and programs that will promote preservation of native plants and their habitats.
  • The project will heighten community awareness of native plants and their habitats, native plant identification and preservation, rare plant conservation, and habitat conservation.

The Society has a total of $5000 available for chapter grants each year. The maximum amount available for any chapter annually is $1000.

The committee will respond to applicants within 30 days and make final award selections within 60 days, so that awardees can be announced at the annual spring conference. All projects are subject to approval by the FNPS Board of Directors. Projects should expect to start within the June 1 - May 30 cycle.

The committee may, at its option, consider requests that have critical timelines at other times of the year. Please inquire BEFORE submitting a proposal.



Projects should be completed within one year of receipt of funds. Schedule extension requests shall be submitted to the Chapter Grants Committee and must clearly identify the reason(s) for extending the schedule and the proposed new completion date.

The chapter is responsible for presenting a final report via one of the following formats:

  • Presentation to the FNPS board of directors, including samples, photos and media coverage where appropriate.
  • Poster or verbal presentation to be given at the FNPS annual conference following project completion (coordinate with Conference Committee well in advance).
  • Preparation of an article for the Sabal Minor or The Palmetto.
  • Submission of material for use as an item on the FNPS website.

If funds are used for the purchase of equipment that remains in the Chapter’s possession, such as digital projection equipment, then the Chapter will need to provide a brief accounting of how grant funds were used, including the cost of the equipment and source of matching funds.

Regardless of the format chosen, the final report shall at a minimum review the purpose and results of project, how the grant funds were used, what worked and what didn’t, and recommendations for others seeking similar grants.

Chapters with ongoing grant projects are eligible to apply for new grants. The committee reserves the right, however, to decline recommendations for those chapters which have significant problems with current projects or chapters unable to complete prior grant funded projects.


PROJECT LEADERSHIP: Grants are intended to fund or help fund chapter initiated and executed projects. Funds will not be granted for projects which are clearly initiated or controlled by another organization. This does not restrict the chapter from partnering with other organizations; in fact such partnerships are encouraged, and a grant-funded chapter project may be a part of a much larger project led by other organizations. Nonetheless, the funded project must have principal involvement from the chapter.

NATIVE PLANTS USED: All plants to be paid for with grant funds must be Florida native plants as identified in the Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants (online at www.plantatlas.usf.edu and in print in the Guide to the Vascular Plants of Florida, R.P. Wunderlin & B. F. Hansen). Funds cannot be used to pay for non-native plants. If non-native plants are included in the project, they cannot be included in the proposed grant budget.

PEST PLANTS EXCLUDED: No FLEPPC designated Category 1 or 2 invasive exotic pest plants can be used on any grant-funded project, regardless of how these plants are funded. Please visit www.fleppc.org for the latest Category 1 and Category 2 pest plant lists.


Failure to follow these instructions will result in your application being returned to you.

Click here to download the application template (ASCII text format). This template identifies information which must be on your cover page and in your proposal narrative. Follow the outline provided exactly.

Applications must be submitted via email in one of the following formats:

  • PDF
  • ASCII text
  • MS Word/Word Perfect
  • WordPerfect

Illustrations should be provided as JPEG files.

Unless submitting PDF format, please avoid elaborate formatting which can result in problems when distributing the file for review. Use a standard typeface such as Arial, Helvetica, or Times, with no type smaller than 10 point.

Applications shall be limited to a total of five pages including the cover form. Please do not exceed the page limit. Keep your proposal narrative brief and to the point.

Email your application (cover and all subsequent pages) to the Chapter Grants Advisory Committee Chair (Cammie Donaldson)

If you are unable to insert a digital representation of your Chapter President’s signature on the cover page, then print the cover page, have your Chapter President sign it, and submit the cover page ONLY via FAX to:

FNPS Chapter Grants Advisory Committee
FAX: (815)361-9166

Please be sure to include the (unsigned) cover page in your email submission as well.

Absolutely no submissions via postal mail, sorry.

We want you to succeed! Please don’t hesitate to ask questions of any committee members. To direction questions to the committee, send email to Cammie Donaldson.