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Locality Assistance Program for Natural Heritage Conservation

Program Mission and Goals | Locality Liaisons | Tools & Services | Data Subscriptions & Map of Locality Subscribers | Contact your Locality Liaison |

Program Mission & Goals

Through the ‘Locality Assistance Program for Natural Heritage Conservation,’ the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Division of Natural Heritage (DCR-DNH) assists local conservation partners in fully utilizing natural heritage resource information as well as the consultative services we provide to ensure protection of natural heritage resources.

The Locality Assistance Program seeks to establish natural heritage resource information as part of fundamental locality decision-making criteria through tools such as:

Locality Liaisons

The DCR Locality Assistance Program for Natural Heritage Conservation is implemented by Locality Liaisons. Locality Liaisons serve as primary DCR-DNH points of contact for:

Locality Liaison Kristal McKelvey mans the Locality Liaison display at an Earth Day event.

Locality Liaisons are available to provide presentations on the Locality Assistance Program, and Natural Heritage Data Explorer to interested localities and other conservation partners. They can also provide basic information on the Virginia Conservation Lands Needs Assessment and the Land Conservation Data Explorer. Each presentation is tailored to the specific organization and is followed by a discussion of the organization’s needs.

Tools & Services

The Locality Assistance Program offers a suite of optional tools and services to localities and other local conservation partners. Locality Liaisons can provide assistance in selecting amongst the various options in order to tailor the program to local needs.

A full list of the tools and services available in the DCR Locality Assistance Program for Natural Heritage Conservation can be found here.

Data Subscriptions & Map of Locality Subscribers

Many localities and other conservation partners throughout Virginia have Natural Heritage Resource Data Subscriptions.

Montane Depression Wetland Community
The subscription provides users with data concerning natural heritage resources (rare, threatened and endangered species, significant natural communities, caves and karst features). Data is available in the form of a shapefile to integrate into an existing GIS, or by access to the Natural Heritage Data Explorer. Subscriptions are free to local governments and other non-profit organizations. A data license agreement is required. Subscriptions last one year, and quarterly updates are provided.

View a map of local governments that currently have data subscriptions to determine if localities in your area have natural heritage data to utilize in decision-making.

Contact Your Locality Liaison

Echinacea laevigata - Smooth Coneflower

Please contact your Locality Liaison for additional information or to schedule a presentation for your locality or organization. View the Locality Liaison Service Areas map, to determine which Locality Liaison services your jurisdiction.

Kristal McKelvey, Coastal Zone Locality Liaison
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Division of Natural Heritage
217 Governor Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: 804-692-0984

Vacant, Piedmont and Mountain Zone Locality Liaison
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Division of Natural Heritage
217 Governor Street
Richmond, VA 23219

This project was funded in part by the Virginia Coastal Program at the Department of Environmental Quality through Grant #NAO8NOS4190466 of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, or any of its subagencies.
Click below to learn more

Natural Heritage Data Explorer

Virginia Conservation Lands Needs Assessment

Land Conservation Data Explorer

Project Review

Information Services Order Form


Wetland Restoration catalog (updated 2008)