Sabal Minor

The Sabal Minor is published bi-monthly by the Florida Native Plant Society (FNPS) and distributed by e-mail as a benefit to members.  The purpose of this newsletter is to facilitate communication between chapters and FNPS members.

The Sabal Minor is edited by Rosalind Rowe. If you or your chapter have information to share, please send it to Rosalind Rowe, or call at  941-360-8022. Deadlines for Sabal minor submissions are: 1/15 for Feb-Mar issue; 3/15 for Apr-May; 5/15 for June-July; 7/15 for Aug-Sept; 9/15 for Oct-Nov; 11/15 for Dec-Jan.

If you are a member and not receiving the Sabal minor, please contact FNPS Administrative Services (email link: or call 321-271-6702.

2008 Newsletters

The Sabal Minor is available in both a web version and a pdf for print. The web-based version features color photos and expanded information in many cases. In 2008, the Society shifted to an e-news format for its newsletter, and all members with an up-to-date email address receive this paperless option. Members may still "opt in" for a hard copy mailing. If you are a member, and are not receiving the electronic Sabal Minor, please ensure we have your correct email at

2007 Newsletters

2006 Newsletters

2005 Newsletters

2004 Newsletters