Policy and Conservation Links

Are we missing a conservation or policy-related link important to the FNPS? If so, please send it to us at WebTeam.


  • Defenders of Wildlife - Florida Program Page
  • League of Conservation Voters Tracking the environmental records of our legislators.
  • On-Line Sunshine Official Guide to the Florida State Legislature
  • Preservation of Native Flora of Florida Act (581.185) This legislation controls movement and sale of endangered, threatened, and commercially exploited species.
  • Conservation

  • Archbold Biological Station Dedicated to ecological research, conservation, and education with an emphasis on Lake Wales Ridge scrub.
  • Audubon of Florida Florida Audubon Societypromotes the protection, preservation, and restoration of birds, all wildlife, and their habitat through science based advocacy and education.
  • Bok Tower Garden
  • Center for Plant Conservation The Center for Plant Conservation is located at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis. The organization coordinates the development and maintenance of the National Collection and its associated conservation, research, and education programs.
  • Defenders of Wildlife A national organization committed to conservation and of wildlife and wildlife habitats.
  • Defenders of Wildlife - Florida Program Page
  • EnviroLink On-Line Environmental Community
  • Everglades Coalition The Coalition is an alliance of conservation organizations dedicated to restoration of the Greater Everglades Ecosystem from its headwaters in the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes to Florida Bay and the Keys.
  • Fairchild Botanical Garden
  • Florida Defenders of the Environment
  • Florida League of Conservation Voters
  • Florida Natural Areas Inventory The FNAI provides lots of information on Florida's biota and its conservation status and needs.
  • Florida Wildflower Foundation The Florida Wildflower Foundation was established in 2001 as a 501(c) (3) charitable corporation for the purpose of restoring native wildflowers and grasses in Florida. To accomplish this purpose, the Foundation supports and funds educational, research and planting grants throughout the state.
  • Florida's Global Change Education Exchange
  • Green Earth Journal
  • Institute for Regional Conservation Dedicated to research and conservation of the ecosystems of South Florida.
  • Magnolia Point Preserve Project An effort to preserve a 22-acre wooded property in the heart of Melbourne.
  • National Wildlife Federation
  • Natural Areas Assciation The NAA is a vital resource for those involved in development and/or management of natural area and natural heritage policies and programs. The NAA has been serving natural area professionals for nearly 30 years.
  • Natural Areas Training Academy In Florida there is a great need for natural areas managers. To meet the demand for trained personnel, the Certificate in Natural Areas Management Program has been developed by a partnership of The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the world's leading private, non-profit conservation organization, the School of Natural Resources and Environment, and IFAS Extension. The Natural Areas Training Academy is managed by The Nature Conservancy at the University of Florida.
  • Natural Resources Defense Council
  • North American Centers of Endemism - the Central Florida Ridges An article on the central Florida ridges and their importance to conservation of North America's regionally endemic species (on the Smithsonian Institution web site).
  • Plant Conservation Alliance The PCAI is a consortium of ten federal government member agencies and over 110 non-federal cooperators representing a various disciplines within the conservation field: biologists, botanists, habitat preservationists, horticulturists, resources management consultants, soil scientists, special interest clubs, non-profit organizations, concerned citizens, nature lovers, gardeners. NPCI members and cooperators work collectively to solve the problems of native plant extinction and native habitat restoration, ensuring the preservation of our ecosystem. The NPCI embodies the axiom "think globally, act locally." Federal plant conservation resources are pooled at the national level to provide a focused, strategic approach to plant conservation at the local level on public and private lands, eliminating duplication of effort and increasing the effectiveness of these programs. Their newsletter is available on-line now.
  • Sierra Club, Florida Chapter The Sierra Club, founded in 1892 by John Muir, is this country's leading grass-roots conservation organization. Its goal is the exploration, enjoyment and protection of the wild places of the earth. We fight to preserve our Community, our Right-to-Know what toxics are in the: foods we eat, products we buy, our work place, our neighborhoods, and on the roads in our communities. The Sierra Club seeks to educat people about the impact we have on our planet. As John Muir said, "When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe."
  • Society for Ecological Restoration Promotes restoration as a means of sustaining the diversity of life on Earth and reestablishing an ecolgically healthy relationship between nature and culture.
  • South Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society
  • The Natural History Museum, London The state of biodiversity at a world level.
  • The Nature Conservancy The Nature Conservancy negotiates land acquisitions, land swaps, conservation easements, and management agreements that preserve significant examples of native ecosystems.
  • UF Dept. of Environmental Horticulture Restoration and Plant Ecology Research involving issues in plant ecology and restoration of ecosystem structure and function, including the establishment of native plant communities.
  • UF Plant Restoration, Conservation and Propagation Biotechnology Lab The Plant Restoration, Conservation and Propagation Biotechnology Program integrates laboratory, greenhouse, and field-based research.
  • World Conservation Union
  • World Watch Institute