
Council for Chemical Research

About CCR

For more than 35 years, CCR has been a leader in the chemical sciences, encouraging collaboration among industry, academia, and government laboratories. Through meetings, workshops, white papers, and issues important to research and the chemical enterprise, CCR has provided members a network for establishing collaborations, sharing ideas, and identifying new research frontiers.  Starting in 2016, CCR’s operations are under the auspices of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).

The Council for Chemical Research exists to promote networking and partnerships among key leaders from Academia, Government and Industry to:

What is the Council for Chemical Research (CCR)?

  •  The Council is comprised of organizations from industry, academia, and government that represent all major participants in the chemical research enterprise
  •  The Council regularly convenes to share information and insights and to keep abreast of key trends, opportunities, and challenges
  •  The Council advocates for actions and policies that advance chemical research


  • Shape the conversation on cutting-edge chemical R&D topics at the Annual Meeting and at the New Industry and Chemical Engineering (NIChE) workshops
  • Address common issues that slow or inhibit innovation such as access to talent, intellectual property, sustainability and globalization
  • Opportunity to take part in Research Investment Action Network, helping to shape policy related to chemical innovation
  • Access to influential chemical R&D studies


  • Foster partnerships among chemistry and chemical engineering leaders in Academia, Government and Industry
  • Network with innovative, leading research and engineering decision-makers through Conferences, Action Networks, meetings, workshops and roundtables
  • Enhance interactions between graduate students, academic advisors and industrial and government R&D employers

Recent Events

2015 CCR Annual Meeting

Monday, May 4-6, 2015, 9:00am EDT
Posted by John Vasko
Disruption: Impacts and Opportunities for the Chemical Enterprise May 4 - 6, 2015 - Alexandria, VA Program Photos Presentations* Disrupting Our Way to a Sustainable Energy Future Steven Ashby, PhD Laboratory Director Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Academic Leadership Mark Benvenuto, PhD...Read more

2014 CCR Annual Meeting

Sunday, May 18-20, 2014, 9:00am EDT
Posted by John Vasko
Chemical Research in 2050 May 18 - 20, 2014 - Alexandria, VA P esentations*: Pulmonary Delivery of PRINT Nanoparticles for Novel Vaccine Strategies Cathy Formen Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering North Carolina State University The Future of Energy: Regional, Distributed, Requires...Read more