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Community Food Systems

Originally from:
Community Food Systems in California: Profiles of 13 Collaborations
Edited by Gail Feenstra and David Campbell

Updated: February 2000

Applied Research: Food System Analysis
Cases: Community Food System Projects
Resource Guides for Organizing Local Projects
Community Economic Development
General Works: Philosophy and Vision

Applied Research: Food System Analysis

Agricultural Support Industries Task Force.1992. Agricultural Support Industries: Public Policy and Economic Development Opportunities in Sonoma County. Rio Nido, California: AGvocate.

Allan, M., G. Baker, C. Bodeen, B. Born, D. Brusoe, S. Coggins, D. Fortney, D. Grindrod, B. Harker, G. Herbach, D. Howat, L. Humble, R. Johnson, S. Kalscheur, P. Karstens, M. Koles, A. Lanier, T. Scannell, J. Sedbrook, T. Sutphin, R. Taylor-Hubli, and H. Walter. 1997. Fertile Ground: Planning for the Madison/Dane County Food System. Madison, Wisconsin: Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Anderson, M. and J. Wilkins. Education in the public interest: Food systems which protect our landscapes. Forthcoming in Lois Levitan and John Oakley (eds.), Society and Natural Resources: a special issue.

Ashman, L., J. de la Vega, M. Dohan, A. Fisher, R. Hippler, and B. Romain. 1993. Seeds of Change: Strategies for Food Security for the Inner City. Los Angeles, California: Southern California Interfaith Hunger Coalition.

Auburn, J.S. 1988. Decentralizing the distribution of fresh agricultural produce. Transpn. Res 22A(2):109-119.

Bird, E. R., G.L. Bultena, and J.C. Gardner (Eds.). 1995. Planting The Future: Developing an Agriculture that Sustains Land and Community. Walthill, Nebraska: Center for Rural Affairs.

Bruhn, C., E. Chapman, S. Vaupel, and P. Vossen. 1992. Consumer attitudes toward locally grown produce. California Agriculture 46(4): 13-18.

Campbell, L., and C. Pearman. 1994. Locally Produced Foods Sold in Renfrew County: Survey of Food Retailers and Distributors. Renfrew, Ontario: Association for Agricultural Self-Reliance - Renfrew County.

The Cornucopia Project. 1981. Empty Breadbasket? The Coming Challenge to America’s Food Supply and What We Can Do About It. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: The Cornucopia Project.

Dixon, J. 1999. A cultural economy model for studying food systems. Agriculture and Human Values 16(2): 151-160.

Feenstra, G. 1997. Local food systems and sustainable communities. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture (12)1: 28-36.

The Fricker Group and Sunflower Strategies. 1994. Collective Marketing Strategy for the Humboldt County Food Products Industry. (Final report, strategic marketing and implementation plan) Santa Rosa, California: The Fricker Group and Sunflower Strategies.

Gussow, J.D. and K.L. Clancy. 1986. Dietary guidelines for sustainability. Journal of Nutrition Education 18(1): 1-5.

Hamm, M.W. 1993. The potential for a localized food supply in New Jersey. Paper presented at the Environment, Culture, and Food Equity Conference, organized jointly by the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society and the Association for the Study of Food in Society, June 3-6, 1993. State College, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University.

Haughton, B. 1982. The cosmopolitan radish: Procedures for constructing a food guide for New York City and State in the year 2020. Doctoral dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York.

Herrin, M. and J.D. Gussow. 1989. Designing a sustainable regional diet. Journal of Nutrition Education 21(6): 270-275.

Hollander, H. 1983. The Lehigh Valley Food System: Opportunities for Economic Growth. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: The Cornucopia Project of Rodale Press.

Joseph, H. 1996. Community food security, agriculture, and the environment: A Massachusetts perspective. In W. Lockeretz (ed.). Environmental Enhancement through Agriculture, pp. 245-253. Medford, Massachusetts: School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University.

Koc, M. and K. Dahlberg. 1999. The restructuring of food systems: trends, research, and policy issues. Agriculture and Human Values 16(2): 109-116.

Lockeretz, W. 1986. Urban consumers’ attitudes towards locally grown produce. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 1(2): 83-88.

Messing, P. 1981. TheYork State Food System: Growing Closer to Home. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: The Cornucopia Project of Rodale Press.

Minnesota Project. 1986. AgMarket Search For Southeast Minnesota, (Volume I: Executive summary report). Preston, Minnesota: The Minnesota Project.

Nayga, R.M., Jr., R. Govindasamy, T. Wall, and D.W. Thatch. 1995. Characteristics of Farmer-to-Consumer Direct Market Customers in New Jersey. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Department of Agricultural Economics and Marketing, Rutgers Cooperative Extension.

Pahl, E. 1983. The Food System in California: Problems and Prospects in the Land of Plenty. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: The Cornucopia Project of Rodale Press.

Scarborough, K. and S. Stegeman. 1989. Farmland Worth Saving: The Present Value, Potential and Preservation of Sonoma County Agriculture. Sonoma County Farmlands Group.

Smith, S. 1992. Farming—it’s declining in the U.S. Choices (first quarter) 7: 8-10.

Sustainable Food Center. 1995. Access Denied: An Analysis of Problems Facing East Austin Residents in Their Attempts to Obtain Affordable, Nutritious Food. Austin, Texas: Sustainable Food Center.

Thomson, J. and R. Kelvin. 1994. A Community Systems Approach to Sustain Agriculture in Urbanizing Environments: Developing a Regional Marketing Infrastructure (Final project report). Pennsylvania State University and Rodale Institute Center: Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources in Urbanizing Environments (SANRUE).

Wilkins, J. 1995. The northeast regional food guide: Implications for nutritionists and for farmers. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Food and Society and the Agriculture, Food and Human Values annual conference, June 8-11, 1995. Montgomery, Alabama: Kellogg Conference Center, Tuskegee University.

Yellow Wood Associates, Inc. 1988. North Country Region Cash Crop Feasibility Study. Fairfield, Vermont: Yellow Wood Associates, Inc.


Cases: Community Food System Projects

Aegerter, B., A. Along, E. Barnett, S. Coomber, M. Johnson, R. Kile, M. Nielsen, G. Preves, M. Scott, J. Strangler, and J. Woodwell. 1990. Education in a Hotter Time: The Campus and the Biosphere in the Twenty-first Century. Northfield, Minnesota: Carlton and St. Olaf Colleges; Fox, Arkansas: Meadowcreek Project.

Campbell, David and Gail Feenstra. [in press]. A local partnership for sustainable food and agriculture: the case of PlacerGROWN in Mark R. Daniels (Ed.) Creating Sustainable Community Programs: A Casebook for Public Administrators. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.

Dahlberg, K. 1994. Food policy councils: The experience of five cities and one county (a discussion paper).

Feenstra, Gail, Sharyl McGrew and David Campbell. 1999. Entrepreneurial Community Gardens: Growing Food, Skills, Jobs and Communities. Publication 21587. Oakland California: University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Feenstra, G., D. Campbell and D. Chaney (Eds.). 1997. Community Food Systems: Sustaining Farms and People in the Emerging Economy. Proceedings of a conference, October 2-3, 1996, Davis, California. Davis, California: UC Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program.

Hartford Food System. 1994. Hunger in Hartford: Towards a Solution. Working to Rebuild Our Local Food System. Hartford, Connecticut: Hartford Food System (brochure).

Hartford Food System. 1993. Annual Report. City of Hartford, Connecticut. Advisory Commission on Food Policy 1992-1993. Hartford, Connecticut: Hartford Food System.

Integrity Systems Cooperative Co. 1996. Building Community into Our Food System: An Economic Analysis of Sustainable Community Food Systems. Everson, Washington: Integrity Systems Cooperative Co.

Lehman, P. 1994. Arcata Farm and Education Project. (Progress report to the University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program), Davis, California.

Massachusetts Audubon Society. (undated). A description of Drumlin Farm’s food project. Lincoln, Massachusetts: Massachusetts Audubon Society.

Minneapolis Food Policy Task Force. 1987. A Municipal Food Policy for Minneapolis: The Report of the Minneapolis Food Policy Task Force. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Self Reliance Center.

The Nuxalk Food and Nutrition Program. 1984. Nuxalk Food and Nutrition Handbook. A Practical Guide to Family Foods and Nutrition Using Native Foods. Richmond, B.C. Canada: Malibu Offset Printing Inc.

Office of Student Development and the Hendrix Wellness Project in cooperation with the Meadwcreek Project. 1986. A Proposal to Supply the Hendrix Food Service with Locally Produced Commodities. Hendrix College, Arkansas. Unpublished manuscript.

PlacerGROWN. 1995. Placer Grown. (tabloid). Auburn, California: PlacerGROWN.

Toronto Food Policy Council. 1992. 1992 Action Plan of the Toronto Food Policy Council. Toronto, Canada: Toronto Food Policy Council.

Valen, G. 1986. Hendrix College Local Foods Project. Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas. Unpublished manuscript.


Resource Guides for Organizing Local Projects

Ayres, J., R. Cole, C. Hein, S. Huntington, W. Kobberdahl, W. Leonard, and D. Zetocha. 1990. Take Charge: Economic Development in Small Communities. Ames, Iowa: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development.

Bauer, B., K. Gmeiner, D. Hacker, and S. Henry. 1996. Moving Your Coalition Forward. Detroit, Michigan: Hunger Action Coalition.

Biehler, D. and M. Sepos. 1999. The Hartford Food System: A Guide to Developing Community Food Programs, Replication Manual. New York: World Hunger Year.

Cantrell, P. 1991. The Food and Agriculture Workbook. Old Snowmass, Colorado: Rocky Mountain Institute.

Clark, R. 1992. Building Coalitions. The Ohio Center For Action on Coalition Development, Ohio Cooperative Extension Service, The Ohio State University.

Community Food Security Coalition. 1995. Community Food Security Empowerment Act, 1995. Los Angeles, California: UCLA Dept. of Urban Planning; Austin, Texas: Sustainable Food Center; Hartford, Connecticut: Hartford Food System.

The Cornucopia Project. 1982. Organizing a Local Cornucopia Project: A Manual for Changing Your Food System. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: The Cornucopia Project.

The Cornucopia Project. (undated). Strategies for a Sustainable Food System. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: The Cornucopia Project.

De Boer, J.C., and J.H. Schlabach. 1981. Primer on Food Stewardship. New York, New York: Joint Strategy and Action Committee, Inc.

Demuth, S. 1993. Community Supported Agriculture: An Annotated Bibliography and Resource Guide. Beltsville, Maryland: National Agriculture Library.

Fleming, K. and S. Hoose (Eds.). 1993. Hawaii Grown: From Farm to Restaurant. Workshop proceedings based on three workshops to create and to enhance "strategic alliances" between Hawai’i’s farmers and chefs. Manoa, Kealakekua, Hawaii: University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Garrett, Steven and Gail Feenstra. 1999. Growing a Community Food System. Community Ventures series. A Western Regional Extension Publication. Puyallup, WA: Washington State University Cooperative Extension, Puyallup Research and Extension Center.

Guenther, D. 1995. To Till It and Keep It. New Models for Congregational Involvement with the Land. Osceola, Wisconsin: A Joint Project of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and The Land Stewardship Project.

Hart, M. 1995. Guide to Sustainable Community Indicators. Ipswich, Massachusetts: QLF/Atlantic Center for the     Environment.

Junge, S. and C. Gavranich. 1998. Reasons for the Seasons…A Consumer Education and Agricultural Marketing Program. Publication #31-402. Placer and Nevada Counties: University of California Cooperative Extension.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation. 1998. W.K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook. Battle Creek, MI: W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Battle Creek, Michigan: W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

Kinsley, M., V. Luther, S. Ratner, J. Topolsky, K. Goddard, S. O’Dell, and C. Flora. 1996. Working Toward Community Goals: Helping Communities Succeed. Workbook for Community Action Teams collaborating with the Rural Community Assistance Program of the USDA Forest Service. Ames, Iowa: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development.

Kretzmann, J. and J. McKnight. 1993. Building Communities from the Inside Out: A Path Toward Finding and Mobilizing a Community’s Assets. Chicago, Illinois: ACTA Publications.

Kretzmann, J., J. McKnight and D. Puntenney. 1996. A Guide to Mapping Consumer Expenditures and Mobilizing Consumer Expenditure Capacities. Evanston, Illinois: Asset-Based Community Development Institute.

Kretzmann, J., J. McKnight, and D. Puntenney. 1996. A Guide to Mapping and Mobilizing the Economic Capacities of Local Residents. Evanston, Illinois: Asset-Based Community Development Institute.

Kretzmann, J., J. McKnight, and D. Puntenney. 1996. A Guide to Mapping Local Business Assets and Mobilizing Local Business Capacities. Evanston, Illinois: Asset-Based Community Development Institute.

Land, Food, and Justice Committee, Interfaith Council for Peace. 1986. There is a Season: Cooking with the Good Things Growing in Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Land, Food, and Justice Committee, Interfaith Council for Peace.

Maretzki, A., A. Harmon, and C. Giesecke. 1997. Food Systems: Youth Making a Difference: 11 lessons for teaching food policy to today’s teens. University Park, Pennsylvania: Northeast Network: Food Agriculture and Health Policy Education Program.

Maretzki, A. and C. Anderson (project co-directors). 1991. The Northeast Network: Food, Agriculture, and Health Policy Education. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University.

Minnesota Food Association. 1997. Strategies, Policy Approaches, and Resources for Local Food System Planning and Organizing. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Minnesota Food Association.

Muir, Guila. 1998. The Partnership Development Tool: A Guide to Assess and Develop Your Community Partnership. Seattle, Washington: Guila Muir and Associates.

O’Donnell, J., K. Clancy, K. Dahlberg, B. Wilson. 1997. Strategies, Policy Approaches, and Resources for Local Food System Planning and Organizing. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Minnesota Food Association.

E. F. Schumacher Society. 1990. SHARE Handbook of Documents For Use in Establishing a Community-Based Small Business Loan Collateralization Program. Great Barrington, Massachusetts: E.F. Schumacher Society.

United Way of America. 1996. Measuring Program Outcomes: A Practical Approach. Alexandria, Virginia: United Way of America.

Winne, M., H. Joseph, and A. Fisher. 1997. Community Food Security: A Guide to Concept, Design and Implementation. Venice, California: Community Food Security Coalition.

Yazman, M.B. 1991. A Guide to Starting a Local Food Project Based on the Hendrix College Experience. Conway, Arkansas: Hendrix College.

Wilkins, J., and J. Bokaer-Smith. 1996. The Northeast Regional Food Guide. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University.


Community Economic Development

Ayres, J., R. Cole, C. Hein, S. Huntington, W. Kobberdahl, W. Leonard, and D. Zetocha. 1990. Take Charge: Economic development in small communities. Ames, Iowa: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development.

Blakely, E. J. 1989. Planning Local Economic Development: Theory and Practice. Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications.

Campbell, D. 1997. Community-controlled economic development as a strategic vision for the sustainable agriculture movement. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture (12)1: 37-44.

Dobbs, T.L., D.C. Taylor, and J.D. Smolik. 1992. Farm, Rural Economy, and Policy Implications of Sustainable Agriculture in South Dakota. Brookings, South Dakota: Agricultural Experiment Station, South Dakota State University.

Duffy, K. 1991. Rural Wisconsin’s Economy and Society: The Influence of Policy and Technology. Madison, Wisconsin: The Agriculture Technology and Family Farm Institute.

Flora, C.B. 1995. Social capital and sustainability: Agriculture and communities in the Great Plains and Corn Belt. Research in Rural Sociology and Development: A Research Annual 6: 227-246.

Flora, C.B. 1992. Sustainable agriculture, the structure of agriculture and rural communities. In Alternative Farming Systems and Rural Communities, proceedings of the annual meeting of the Institute for Alternative Agriculture, March 1992, pp. 39-48.

Fosler, R.S. 1991. Local Economic Development: Strategies for a Changing Economy. Washington, D.C.: International
City Management Association.

Fossum, H.L. 1993. Communities in the Lead: The Northwest Rural Development Sourcebook. Seattle, Washington: Northwest Policy Center.

Green, G.P., J.L. Flora, C.B. Flora, and F.E. Schmidt. 1993. Community-based economic development projects are small but valuable. Rural Development Perspectives 8(3): 8-15.

Gunn, C. and Gunn, H.D. 1991. Reclaiming Capital: Democratic Initiatives and Community Development. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.

Hilchey, D., T. Lyson, and G.W. Gillespie, Jr. 1995. Farmers’ Markets and Rural Economic Development. Ithaca, NY: Community Agriculture Development Series, Farming Alternatives Program, Department of Rural Sociology, Cornell University.

Ikerd, J., G. Devino, and S. Traiyongwanich. 1995. Potential Local Economic Impacts of Alternative Systems of Farming: A Case Study. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri-Columbia, University Extension.

Kinsley, M. J. 1992. Economic Renewal Guide. Old Snowmass, Colorado: The Rocky Mountain Institute.

Lockeretz, W. 1989. Comparative local economic benefits of conventional and alternative cropping systems. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 4(2): 75-83.

National Center for Small Communities. 1988. Growing Our Own Jobs: A Small Town Guide to Creating Jobs Through Agricultural Diversification. Washington, DC: National Association of Towns and Townships.

Nettleton, J. 1996. Regional farmers’ market development as an employment and economic development strategy. In W. Lockeretz (ed.). Environmental Enhancement through Agriculture (pp. 235-243). Medford, Massachusetts: School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University.

Northdurft, W. 1995. Looking beyond the horizon: Internationalizing rural economies. Northwest Report, pp. 17-28.

Putnam, R.D. 1993. The prosperous community. Social capital and public life. The American Prospect, Number 13, pp. 35-42.

Salant, P. and J. Marx. 1995. Shifting tides, trends and opportunities in rural development. Northwest Report, pp. 9-16.

Scheie, D. and S. Mayer. 1990. Helping rural communities pursue economic development: A role for universities and colleges? Northwest Report, pp. 18-23.

Stark, Nancy T. 1990. Harvesting Hometown Jobs: A Small Town Guide to Local Economic Development. Washington,  D.C.: National Center for Small Communities.

State of New York. 1993. New York State Economic Development Plan: Strategies and Initiatives For 1993-1996. Section 3.5, 3.5.1.

Strange, M. 1990. Rural economic development and sustainable agriculture. Walthill, Nebraska: Center for Rural Affairs. Unpublished manuscript.

Thomas, M.G. 1990. Recouple: Natural Resource Strategies for Rural Economic Development. Kansas City, Missouri: Midwest Research Institute.

Wischemann, T. 1990. The role of land tenure in regional development: Arvin and Dinuba revisted. California Geographical Society 30, pp. 101-127.

Wischemann, T. 1990. The role of farm size and folklore in the creation of place: Diamond b, Dole and disarticulation or Why Ducor didn’t stand a chance. Paper presented to the California American Studies Association Conference. San Luis Obispo, California: California Polytechnic State University.


General Works: Philosophy and Vision

Allen, P. 1999. Reweaving the food security safety net: mediating entitlement and entrepreneurship. Agriculture and Human Values 16(2): 117-129.

Allen, P. (Ed.). 1993. Food For the Future: Conditions and Contradictions of Sustainability. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Berry, W. 1992. Sex, Economy, Freedom and Community. New York: Pantheon Books.

Berry, W. 1990. The Pleasures of Eating. In Robert Clark (Ed.), Our Sustainable Table (pp. 125-131). San Francisco, California: North Point Press.

Berry, W. 1988. The Work of Local Culture. 1988 Iowa Humanities Lecture. Great Barrington, Massachusetts: E.F. Schumacher Society.

Berry, W. 1977. The Unsettling of America: Culture & Agriculture. New York, New York: Avon Books.

Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association. 1994. Community Related Agriculture: An Introduction. Kimberton, Pennsylvania: Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association, Inc.

Clark, R. (Ed.). 1990. Our Sustainable Table. San Francisco, California: North Point Press.

Dahlberg, K. 1994. Alternative visions: Localizing food systems. The Neighborhood Works, p. 14.

Daly, H. E. and J.B. Cobb. 1989. For The Common Good: Redirecting the Economy Toward Community, the Environment, and a Sustainable Future. Boston, Massachusetts: Beacon Press.

Getz, A. 1991. Urban foodsheds. Permaculture Activist 7(3): 26-27.

Goodman, D. and M. Redclift. 1991. Refashioning Nature: Food, Ecology and Culture. London, England: Routledge Press.

Gussow, J.D. 1999. Can a community have a food system? Eating seasonally and locally. Open Spaces 2(2): 8-17.

Gussow, J.D. 1993. Why Cook? The Journal of Gastronomy 7(1): 79-88.

Gussow, J.D. 1991. Chicken Little, Tomato Sauce and Agriculture: Who Will Produce Tomorrow’s Food? New York: The Bootstrap Press.

Gussow, J.D. 1984. Food security in the United States: A nutritionist’s viewpoint. In L. Busch and W.B. Lacy (Eds.), Food Security in the United States (pp. 207-230). Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.

Gussow, J.D. 1978. The Feeding Web: Issues in Nutritional Ecology. Palo Alto, California: Bull Publishing Co., Inc.

Hendrickson, J.A. 1993. The foodshed: Heuristic device and sustainable alternative to the food system. Paper presented at the Environment, Culture, and Food Equity Conference, organized jointly by the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society and the Association for the Study of Food in Society, June 3-6, 1993. State College, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University.

Jackson, W. 1993. Becoming Native to This Place. Thirteenth Annual E.F. Schumacher Lectures, October 23, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.

Jacobs, J. 1984. Cities and the Wealth of Nations. New York: Vintage Books.

Jacobs, J. 1983. The Economy of Regions. South Hadley, Massachusetts: E. F. Schumacher Society Lectures.

Johnson, K. 1993. Beyond Polarization: Emerging Strategies for Reconciling Community and the Environment. Seattle, Washington: Northwest Policy Center.

Kemmis, D. 1995. The Good City and the Good Life. Boston: Houghton/ Mifflin.

Kemmis, D. 1991. Community and the Politics of Place. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press.

Kloppenburg, J., Jr., J. Hendrickson, and G.W. Stevenson. 1996. Coming into the Foodshed, in William Vitek and Wes Jackson (Eds.), Rooted in the Land: Essays on Community and Place. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.

Kneen, B. 1999. Restructuring food for corporate profit: the corporate genetics of Cargill and Monsanto. Agriculture and Human Values 16(2): 161-167.

Kneen, B. 1993. From Land to Mouth. Understanding the Food System. Toronto, Canada: NC Press Limited.

Krebs, A.V. 1992. The Corporate Reapers: The Book of Agribusiness. Washington, D.C.: Essential Books.

Korton, D. 1995. When Corporations Rule the World. West Hartford, Connecticut: Kumarian Press, Inc. and San Francisco, California: Berrett-Kochler Publishers, Inc.

Lange, T. 1999. The complexities of globalization: the UK as a case study of tensions within the food system and the challenge to food policy. Agriculture and Human Values 16(2): 169-185.

Lappe, F.M. 1990. Food, farming, and democracy. In Robert Clark (Ed.), Our Sustainable Table (pp. 143-159). San Francisco, California: North Point Press.

Mander, J., and E. Goldsmith, (Eds.). 1996. The Case Against the Global Economy and for a Turn Toward the Local. San Francisco, California: Sierra Club Books.

Meeker-Lowry, S. 1995. Invested in the Common Good. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: New Society Publishers.

National Research Council. 1989. Alternative Agriculture. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

Planet Drum Foundation. Winter 1993/1994. Issue on: Food as place: Bioregional agriculture. Raise the Stakes: The Planet Drum Review. San Francisco, California: Planet Drum Foundation.

Pothukuchi, K. and J. Kaufman. 1999. Placing the food system on the urban agenda: the role of municipal institutions in food systems planning. Agriculture and Human Values 16(2): 213-224.

Ritchie, M. 1993. Agricultural Trade Liberalization: Implications for Sustainable Agriculture. In The Case Against Free Trade. San Francisco, California: Earth Island Press and Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books.

Roberts, Wayne, Rod MacRae and Lori Stahlbrand. 1999. Real Food for a Change. Random House of Canada.

Schumacher, E.F. 1979. Good Work. San Francisco, California: Harper and Row Publishers.

Shuman, Michael. H. 1998. Going Local: creating self-reliant communities in a global age. New York, New York: The Free Press.

Severyn, B.T. and J. Meehan. 1987. Beyond the Market and the State. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Temple University Press.

Snyder, G. 1995. A Place in Space: Ethics, Aesthetics and Watersheds. Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint.

Strange, M. 1989. Family Farming. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.

Theobald, Paul. 1997. Teaching the Commons: Place, Pride, and the Renewal of Community. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.

Thrupp, L.A. 1995. Bittersweet Harvests for Global Supermarkets. Washington DC: World Resources Institute.

Tudge, C. 1980. Future Food: Politics, Philosophy and Recipes for the 21st Century. New York: Harmony Books.

Valianatos, E.G. 1994. Harvest of Devastation: The Industrialization of Agriculture and its Human and Environmental Consequences. New York, New York: The Apex Press.

Welsh, R. 1997. Reorganizing U.S. Agriculture: The Rise of Industrial Agriculture and Direct Marketing. Greenbelt, Maryland: Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture.

Welsh, R. 1996. The Industrial Reorganization of U.S. Agriculture. An Overview & Background Report. Policy studies report no. 6. Greenbelt, Maryland: Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture.

Wilkins, J. 1995. Seasonal and local diets: Consumers’ role in achieving a sustainable food system. Research in Rural Sociology and Development, 6:149-166.

Witt, S. 1998. Printing money, making change: the promise of local currencies. Orion Afield 2(4): 18-22.

World Hunger Year. 1993. Issue on: Challenging hunger and poverty: New directions in food and farming. World Hunger Year. New York, New York: World Hunger Year.


Questions or comments on this bibliography can be directed to Gail Feenstra (916/752-8408; gwfeenstra@ucdavis.edu).

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