Welcome to CME at MSU MSU's home

CME members and alumni at the MSU Reception,
2008 American Society of Microbiology General Meeting, Boston
(photo from Bekki Helton).
Tiedje lab members at ASM 2008


AMAZING! We now have three distinguished faculty members who have been elected to the prestigious National Academy of Sciences! Congratulations to newest academy member, Dr. Richard Lenski (see article, May 2006), as he joins two other CME faculty members, Dr. James M. Tiedje and Dr. Michael F. Thomashow who were elected in 2003. (see article, May 2003)

CMEIAS logo CME is pleased to announce the release of version 1.27 of the Center for Microbial Ecology Image Analysis System (CMEIAS software), designed to strengthen microscopy-based approaches for understanding microbial ecology. To learn more about CMEIAS and download its free program files and operator manual, go to http://cme.msu.edu/cmeias/

myRDPlogoRibosomal Database Project II - NEW RDP Release 10. Release 10, Update 7 (14 Jan 09) contains 759,837 aligned and annotated Bacterial and Archaeal small-subunit rRNA sequences, with additions made monthly using TOBA Release 7.7 (The Taxonomic Outline of Bacteria and Archaea). NOTE: New RDP SOAP web services for Seqmatch and Classifier are available. Instructors: try our new "Assisgnment Generator" for your class. Also new is our Pyrosequencing Pipeline--tools to facilitate the data processing and simplify the computationally intensive analysis of such large sequencing libraries. RDP 10 introduces an updated alignment strategy as well as a new Archaeal alignment. Explore our beta version of the new Taxomatic visualization tool. Find sequences from completed genomes by searching with the GenBank Project ID and view sequences from the Whole Genome Project with our new Genome Viewer. http://rdp.cme.msu.edu


bullet What is the CME?  A brief description of the Center's organization and activities.
bullet Research Program:  Descriptions of CME research initiatives.
bullet Graduate Education:  Information about the CME graduate education program.
bullet Industrial Outreach:  Collaborations between CME and industry.
bullet Educational Outreach:  CME activities targeted toward young people and educators. Visit the Microbe Zoo!


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Please contact rdpstaff@msu.edu with any questions, comments,
or suggestions regarding this page - last updated 14 Jan 09.