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CCLI Announces Top 25 Songs - August 2008

“How Great Is Our God” captured the #1 slot for the 4th time in a row, as CCLI announced the Top 25 songs from the latest Copy Activity Report and Payout. (“Lord I Lift Your Name On High” by Rick Founds still holds the record, earning the #1 slot for 15 consecutive Copy Report periods.) New songs appearing in this Copy Report Period are Chris Tomlin’s “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)” and “Mighty to Save” from Ben Fielding and Reuben Morgan.

For more detailed information, check out all the Top 25 lists at http://www.ccli.com/usa/LicenseHolder/Top25Lists.aspx

CCLI Expands Into Brazil, Singapore and Germany

The “I” of CCLI continues to grow more and more prominent.

Recent expansion efforts of Christian Copyright Licensing International include setting up a new South American CCLI office in the city of Londrina in Parana, Brazil, offering an online license in Singapore through the CCLI Asia/Pacific office, and setting up an office in Ludenscheid, Germany.

In June 2006, CCLI hired Operation Manager Christoph Stang to lead the expansion into Germany, Switzerland and Austria, and CCLI Deutschland moved into its office in Ludenscheid in September 2006. In December 2006, two key German publishers Gerth and Haenssler sign European Regional Owners Agreements, and the first license was sold in January, 2007.

In 2008, CCLI Deutschland looks to expand into German speaking Switzerland and also plans to launch the German language version of SongSelect.

The CCLI Asia/Pacific office, located in Sydney Australia and led by Managing Director Malcolm Hawker, set up the preliminary “discovery” meeting in October 2007 with a number of key church leaders from Singapore (see photo). From there, the online CCLI license was launched on April 1, 2008, and currently, approximately 10% of the churches in Singapore now have a CCLI license.

Brazil/South America 
In May 2007, a contingent from CCLI and two major Christian music publishers went on a discovery mission, holding meetings with key church leaders in four major Brazilian cities: Curitiba, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, and Sao Paulo. One year later, in June 2008, Howard Rachinski, CCLI President/CEO and Victor Anfuso, CCLI Board Chairman, returned to Brazil to secure a working relationship with Ricardo Marques, Managing Director, and Daniel Freitas, Copyright Manager.

Ricardo and Daniel are now on the pre-operational activities, in preparation for the scheduled soft launch in October, 2008 and hard launch in February, 2009.

Encouraging The Spirit of Worship
In all these efforts, CCLI is keeping the mission statement in the forefront: To encourage the spirit of worship to churches, organizations and Christians individually, so that they may enhance their worship expression spontaneously, conveniently, affordably and legally. The regions change, the cultures change, yet the effort to encourage worship throughout the earth remains the same.

SongSelect Music Player Adds Octave Feature

May, 2008…CCLI has now upgraded the transpose function within the SongSelect music player, allowing you to transpose lead sheets and hymn sheets to the desired key and octave. The previous transposition feature was limited to a half octave above and below the original key. This new enhancement now offers a much broader range and transposition and notation options. SongSelect Advanced and Premium users: be sure to log in and try it out!

CVLI Now Includes New Line Cinema

April, 2008…Movie fans of The Lord of the Rings trilogy have a big reason to celebrate. With the news that New Line Cinema has been acquired by Warner Brothers, the CVLI Church Video License now covers the entire New Line title list.

New Line is now the latest to be added to the CVLI major studio roster, joining Universal, Warner Brothers, Disney, Paramount, Fox, MGM and DreamWorks.

CVLI Members Receive FREE ScreenVue Standard Membership.

March, 2008…A whole new world of possibilities has just opened up for CVLI members. Your Church Video License now includes a complimentary ScreenVue Standard Membership, which provides access to over a thousand major movie scene ideas for sermon illustrations, including a scene summary, start/stop times, themes, scripture references, etc. ScreenVue can save you hours of research time…finding that perfect movie scene to use with next Sunday’s sermon.

Your current Church Video License number is the key. You’ll use it to sign in at www.screenvue.com and you’re in.

CVLI Members can also upgrade to ScreenVue Plus for $34.95 per year, which offers the ability to download the actual scenes themselves, from selected major movies, plus hundreds of Christian/independent films.

Christian Copyright Licensing International
Copyright 2008 ©, CCLI Inc. All rights reserved.