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Home > Organic Olive Production Manual

Organic Olive Production Manual

Organic Olive Production Manual

Publication Number: 3505
Inventory Type: Paperback
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1-60107-440-9
Copyright Date: 2007
Length: 112 pp.

$18.00 / EACH

This manual provides detailed information for growers on production issues, plant nutrition, economics, pest and weed control, management of olive wastes, the conversion process, and organic certification and registration.

Using this manual you'll learn about orchard site selection considerations, irrigation needs, terrain, temperature, soil, damage from the olive fruit fly, and how these may vary for table fruit versus fruit for oil production. You'll also learn how to evaluate harvest methods—an important consideration as harvest costs typically amount to half the total production cost for olives.

This manual has been developed as a supplement to the Olive Production Manual, 2nd Edition, (3353). Organic growers are advised to consult both publications as they develop and refine their production systems.
Related Items:
Olive Production Manual-2nd Edition
Olive: UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines
Olive Fruit Fly: Pest Notes for Home and Landscape
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