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About XanEdu’s Copyright Services

Put XanEdu's expertise to work for you

Complete copyright clearance services are provided with all of XanEdu's products, including Copley Custom Textbooks and CoursePacks in traditional print, digital, and digital plus print formats. XanEdu also offers a unique copyright clearance only package for situations where production and fulfillment services are not required.

Copyright protected content can be easily added to a CoursePack or Copley Custom Textbook by providing a XanEdu team member with the desired citations, course reading list or bibliography, or by browsing and adding content from the XanEdu Collections and ProQuest's extensive database. XanEdu's experienced copyright team will:

  • Research and identify the copyright holder
  • Submit and follow-up on permissions requests
  • Manage the royalty payment and tracking process

XanEdu's full-service solutions give you

  • Unlimited Content Options — Textbook chapters, journals, articles, out-of-print books, and much more! XanEdu leverages its extensive online archive of content and its partnerships with the Copyright Clearance Center and other leading publishers to allow instructors to include the most recent and relevant resources in their course materials and can immediately pre-approve many requests.
  • Total Protection — XanEdu provides risk-free course material solutions with our 100% copyright compliance guarantee. We indemnify all customers against any damages that arise as a result of infringement claims.
  • Complete Control — XanEdu has pioneered unique Web-based tools that offer faculty and distribution partners real-time access to valuable tracking updates including content royalty pricing and copyright permission status.

Permissions are cleared for all copyrighted items in each CoursePack every term. XanEdu has a 98% success rate for clearing permissions, which take an average of two to four weeks. Please note that some publishers take longer to respond to requests, especially during peak business times, and in some instances, the copyright clearance and production process can take up to six weeks.

Download the Copyright Services Overview to learn more.

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