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More Information:

Grants to Grow Program Accepting Applications NOW!

Funding is typically a combination of a grant and a low-interest loan, depending on the size of the request. Applicants are required to provide a plan for how the funds will be used as well as basic financial information. Loan repayment will be negotiated during the application process, which may also include a face-to-face interview with the selection committee.
Award recipients are encouraged to participate in additional educational activities. Depending on recipients’ needs, these activities can include one-on-one mentoring with an experienced farmer, scholarships to conferences or enrollment in the Farm Business Management program. FARRMS believes these continuing educational activities are necessary for farmers to be successful.
Application deadlines vary depending on the size of the request. Requests up to $3,000 can be submitted to FARRMS at any time. Requests of $3,001 - $10,000 must be received by December 1. Applications are available at
Grants to Grow
or by calling 701-486-3569.

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