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Department of Agricultural Economics

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2008 Seminars


    russell flyer

    Dr. Clifford S. Russell, Professor of Economics Emeritus presented:
    Economic Instruments in Environmental Policy and the Power of Wishful Thinking

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    Lance Stewart at seminar
    Lance Stewart, graduate student in Agricultural Econmics presented:
    Tennessee IndustryClusters and Economic Performance 2001-2006: An Application of Value Chain Analysis Using County-Level Data
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    Mr. Tun-Hsiang Yu, Candidate for Assistant Professor in Marketing and Logistics in the Department of Agricultural Economics presented: Price Dynamics in U.S. Grain and Freight Markets

    Jayson Beckman, Ph.D. Candidate, Purdue University, and candidate for Assistant Professor in Marketing and Logistics in the Department of Agricultural Economics presented:
    Price Transmission, Livestock, and Feed Sector Impacts from Biofuels Expansion

    Lixia He
    Lixia He, Post Doctorial Research, James A Larson, Associate Professor presented:
    Farm-Level Energy Feedstock Production Risk Analysis: A Comparison Using Quadratic and Semi-variance Risk Measures
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    Past Years Seminars