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Information about Honors Program


The College of Agriculture Honors Program can help you pursue an individually designed curriculum by working with a faculty mentor to do research or pursue other creative activities. In the Honors Program you'll find challenges and rewards.

Honors programs let you work with a faculty mentor to design your curriculum and set up additional research and learning activities.

For an application, click here

Honors Program Operating Policies

  • Students must have completed a minimum of 32 semester credits and have attained a minimum graduation index of 3.25 at the time of admission. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 16 credits at Purdue University before applying for admission. Individual departmental honors programs may establish higher criteria for admission.
  • Students will apply for admission to the Honors Program through their departmental honors committee. Before applying for admission, the student is expected to identify an Honors Program adviser who has agreed to serve as a mentor and to determine a mutually acceptable honors project. Admission is contingent upon the approval of the departmental honors committee and the College of Agriculture Director of Academic Programs.
  • Within the first semester after admission to the Honors Program, the student is expected to develop a plan of study in cooperation with his or her mentor. Plans of study are to be submitted to the departmental honors committee for approval. While in the Honors Program, students must achieve minimum 3.0 semester grade indexes. Participants who fail to meet the semester index requirement may continue in the Honors Program upon recommendation of the departmental honors committee and with the approval of the College of Agriculture Director of Academic Programs.
  • Students in the Honors Program must complete a minimum of 30 credits in residence at the Purdue University West Lafayette Campus.
  • Under the direction of his or her Honors Program mentor, the student must complete an honors project of scholarly activity associated with research, teaching, extension, or another area acceptable to the departmental honors committee. A written summary report of the honors project must be submitted to the departmental honors committee for approval. At the discretion of the departmental honors committee, the student may also be required to conduct a seminar regarding his or her honors project.
  • To achieve certification as a College of Agriculture Honors Program graduate, the student must successfully complete the approved plan of study and submit a written honors project report which is approved by the departmental honors committee.
  • Honors Program graduates will receive an appropriate certificate upon graduation, and the academic transcript will indicate successful completion of the Honors Program in the student's major program of study.

The Dean's Scholars Program is a College of Agriculture honors program for students with at least 60 credits to fulfill before graduation. Students take honors courses, complete an honors thesis or project, and participate in events. For more information and other criteria visit the Dean's Scholars Program.

For more information about Undergraduate Research, Honor's program or Dean's Scholars programs please contact

Tim Kerr



Purdue offers other, interdisciplinary Honors Program experiences.


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