Purdue University
Purdue Agriculture Office of Academic Programs
Majors & MinorsScholarships & FellowshipsInternships & JobsStudent OrganizationsCoursesGo in AG, where you GO in life.

Information for Employers

College of Agriculture

Linda Austin, Career Service Coordinator

Phone: 765-494-8473 --- E-mail: laa@purdue.edu


Connect with outstanding students in Purdue University's College of Agriculture by-------


Fall Agriculture Career Fair - will be held on October 6, 2009. Information on the College of Agriculture Career Fair will be available in late spring 2009.

Agriculture Internship Career Fair - February 25, 2009 - Information on our new Spring Agriculture Internship Career Fair - Registration will open January 5, 2009.

Landscape Architecture Career Fair - Information on the Landscape Architecture Career with Registration Form. Details on parking, sending displays, etc.

2007 Employment Summary -Employment Data for May 2007 College of Agriculture Graduates.

Employment Opportunities - How to have job opportunities posted on the Agriculture Career Services website and the Center for Career Opportunities (CCO) site.

Information Sessions through Agriculture Career Services - How to set-up information sessions through the College of Agriculture.

Interviewing through the College of Agriculture - How to schedule on-campus interviews for agriculture.

Interviewing through the Center for Career Opportunities - How to schedule on-campus interviews areas other than agriculture.

Department Career Service Coordinators - Contacts for the departments in the College of Agriculture.

College of Agriculture Departments or Programs - Click on the links below for more information.

Agricultural & Biological Engineering

Agricultural Communications

Agricultural Economics


Animal Sciences


Botany & Plant Pathology


Food Science

Forestry & Natural Resources

Horticulture & Landscape Architecture

Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences

Youth Development & Agriculture Education


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