SRS4702 Header Non-Timber Forest Product Output Assessment: A pilot effort

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Abstract. Forest management for timber is blessed with over 100 years of data. The growing stock for most timber is inventoried and monitored regularly. Furthermore, the body of knowledge that concerns the timber-based forest products industry is well organized and understood. The demand for timber-based forest products is defined and monitored. The output of both softwood and hardwood products has been monitored for decades. The trends in sawlogs, pulpwood, veneer logs, as well as composite products also have been regularly tracked and reported. The outputs of timber-based products have been presented at the national, regional, and state levels. For most states, the timber-based product outputs are monitored all the way to the county level. Unfortunately, this type of information for non-timber forest products is much less developed.

The findings of output assessments for selected non-timber forest products from the mountains of North Carolina will serve as models for additional product studies. These initial non-timber product output (NTPO) studies will provide the venue for developing and testing a methodology to efficiently conduct NTPO studies. A systematic snowball approach is being used to canvas the markets for selected NTFPs of North Carolina. The approach is systematic in that the examination is methodically and thoroughly investigating the product market conditions and outputs for each of the selected NTFPs, in the 25 counties of western North Carolina. These studies require identifying, contacting and describing the outlets for these products. Starting with a core group of natural resource managers who are involved with NTFPs, the investigation is snowballing based on personal contacts and identification of stakeholder groups (e.g., county extension agents, county forest rangers, district rangers, business enterprises, associations, as well as civic groups). Stakeholders are being identified through a variety of means, including local Chamber's of Commerce, telephone directories, the Internet, local newspapers, industry associations and resource experts. Personal and telephone interviews with the primary processors (people and firms), of the selected NTFPs is being used to gather both qualitative and quantitative data. The methods call for collection, examination and analysis of secondary as well as primary data.

The pilot NTPO studies will be limited to the state of North Carolina for several reasons. This constrained geographic focus provides an excellent location to develop and test a methodology that would be used in future studies. The mountains of North Carolina have a high diversity of species and products. Many of the products that are found in North Carolina also are collected in other states. Further, the National Forests of North Carolina (NFNC) has the most progressive program in the region to address NTFP management. The proposed NTPO studies are designed to compliment and support the efforts of the NFNC. The investigation is limited to the 25 western counties because this region represents the ecological distribution of the selected NTFPs.

The pilot NTPO study is focused on selected priority non-timber forest products, identified by the National Forests of North Carolina (NFNC). The NFNC has identified more than 45 NTF products, representing four product categories (medicinals, edibles, floral decorative, and ornamentals) that are collected from the forests of North Carolina (refer to accompanying table). The leadership team of the NFNC identified priority species within each of the product categories that warrant special conservation attention. These are: ramps, black cohosh, ginseng, bloodroot, bethroot, galax, log moss, fraser fir, mountain laurel and azalea.



  • SRS-4801, Forest Inventory & Analysis, Knoxville, TN
  • N.C. Specialty Crops Program, Dept. of Horticulture Science, NC State University, Mtn. Horticulture Crops Research
  • National Forests of North Carolina



Southern Research Station Forest Service USDA Virginia Tech Department of Wood Science and Forest Products Non-Timber Forest Products
USDA Virginia

Last Modified: 06/13/07
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