Agroforestry Research Trust


The Agroforestry Research Trust is a non-profit making charity, registered in England, which researches into temperate agroforestry and into all aspects of plant cropping and uses, with a focus on tree, shrub and perennial crops.

We produce several publications and a quarterly journal, sell various other relevant books, and also sell plants (particularly fruit and nut trees and bushes), seeds, and Parafilm grafting tape.

The online plant list has accurate stock levels so please look there to check the plants you want are in stock.


Contact us

plant list & secure order form

(Large file - see below for smaller version suitable for dial-up conns)

seed list & secure order form


publications list & secure order form


2008-9 Catalogue (pdf, 2 Mb)

details of our journal, Agroforestry News


Parafilm grafting tape






Ordering information and a printable order form

more about temperate agroforestry systems


more about the Trust and our research sites in Devon (and how to make a donation)

details of our guided tours and courses

details of the Agroforestry and Forest Garden Network and how to join

details of our Consultancy service


plant list (shorter file for dial-up connections)

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Please send any comments, queries, or requests for links to be added  to:


Last update: August 2008 (Stock lists updated daily)                    Martin Crawford (