Your Website Awaits

Excellent. You made it! Welcome, by the way. Come on, let’s check out this web site and find out how you can have an accessible, useable, high-quality and stylish web site or blog made for you or your company in less time than you may think, for less money than you may think. It’s easy.

What is

I am Mike Cherim and this is my web site. It serves a solitary purpose: To convey to you, my site visitor, general information and a confidence in what I do, and how I do it. I do this by first telling you more about what I do, how I do what I do, and my general design philosophies. I will also show you some of my works by way of my Projects page and its associated archives pages. Ultimately, I want you to contact me — which is done on my Contact page — so that, together, we can take your project idea to the next level. Want to learn more? Check out the About page.

Who’s Mike Cherim?

I am a longtime business owner working out of Nottingham, NH. I am married and have two kids. I work hard and smart, doing the very best I can. I’m no corner-cutter. You’ll do well to hire me as I take all projects seriously. Almost as if my reputation depends on them. Oh, wait, it does. To learn more, check out the About page, plus check out the About the Beast page on my web log. It is there you’ll uncover more information about the “Green-Beast” — just in case you were wondering about that.

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