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Office of the Provost
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West Lafayette, IN 47907-2040
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Diversity Initiatives / Mosaic Plan

Toward a Mosaic for Educational Equity -- A Purdue Vision and Action plan

Mission Statement

The Diversity Leadership Group was created to design ways to expand and institutionalize educational equity initiatives through the Office of the Provost.


"African Americans and the Academy: Climate and Conflict"
By noted author and Professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson

8 p.m., Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Loeb Playhouse, Purdue University

News Releases

February 23, 2007
Purdue plans to increase diversity with more funding, new center

February 23, 2007
Purdue alumna to lead diversity efforts in provost's office

Cultural Centers
Black Cultural Center
 Renee Thomas, Director
The Black Cultural Center  (BCC)provides purposeful, holistic, scholarly and co-curricular programming designed to enhance the understanding of the African American heritage.  It enhances the academic, cultural and social development of the entire Purdue community.  The center was established in 1969, as a place where the African American Experience in American could be explored, celebrated and shared.  It stands today as a visible representation of the university’s commitment to cultural diversity.  The nationally recognized center houses a library, an art collection and the BCC ensembles.  The ensembles and an annual Cultural Art Series are among the ways the BCC extends it reach to the community.  The performing ensembles include the Black Voices of Inspiration, the Haraka Writers, Jahari Dance troupe, and the New Directional Players.

Latino Cultural Center
 Maricela Alvarado, Director
The Latino Cultural Center (LCC) exists to provide the community awareness of the regional diversity of peoples, landscape, and cultures within the Latino Community. The center was established by students in 2003 as a place for them to learn, share and support Latino/Latina Culture. The LCC seeks to promote diversity and awareness through education and programming within its 15 Latino-based organization; through its volunteer program - Embajadores; and within its facility. The Latino based organizations serve as a support network for students while at Purdue and beyond. Embajadores, the LCC service-learning organization, incorporates leadership through its five committees: Recreation and Health; Community Outreach; Culture and Arts; Social Justice; and El Pulso, the student-led newsletter.

Native American Educational and Cultural Center (NAECC)
 Veronica Hirsch, Director
The Native American Educational and Cultural Center (NAECC) at Purdue University represent the culmination of student, faculty, and administrative staff commitment to fostering a culturally diverse and intellectually inclusive campus environment. As the physical realization of the Tecumseh Project’s specific Native American student recruitment and retention objectives, the newly established NAECC seeks to provide Native American students personal and professional enrichment opportunities in a culturally-appropriate fashion and to serve as a “second home” for current and prospective Native American students. Moreover, the NAECC’s intended inclusion of Native American tribal communities and non-Native Purdue students, faculty, and staff into campus educational, cultural, and research programs will foster an environment of mutual accountability and respect that is vital to crafting cross-cultural relationships and to enhancing campus diversity.

Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
 Dr. Pamella P. Dale Shaw , Statewide Director
The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Indiana project is a collaboration among of five universities in the state of Indiana. The goal of the project is to double the number of minority graduates in the Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology (SMET) disciplines by the end of the five-year grant period. The over-arching goal is to increase the learning and success of the minorities in the SMET fields. Each member of the alliance is committed to increasing the number of SMET minority graduates by 100 percent by the end of the five-year period.

Midwest Crossroads Alliance for Graduate Education & Professoriate
 Nicolé Gale, Ph.D., Program Coordinator
Purdue University, Indiana University and Northwestern University comprise the Midwest Crossroads of AGEP. These schools have partnered to develop a strategic plan to increase enrollments, improve retention and prepare and encourage students to enter the academy. The key elements of the plan are:

Recruiting : Linkages and partnerships with the Indiana LSAMP (based at Purdue), regional undergraduate institutions, and predominantly minority serving institutions nationwide are being developed and enhanced; off campus visits by AGEP faculty, AGEP students and staff are being organized to disseminate information on graduate school opportunities at Purdue, Indiana University, and Northwestern; undergraduate summer research programs for graduate school recruitment efforts will be coordinated and expanded.

Retention : Student organizations will be utilized to ensure that incoming graduate students have an instant peer network; a network of AGEP professors who are committed to graduating Ph.D. students is being developed; summer transition experiences and organized group study models will be developed and expanded.

Enrichment : College pedagogy courses, seminars, and Preparing Future Faculty programs will be reorganized, marketed, and promoted on each campus; the Midwest Crossroads AGEP will keep current to maintain awareness of best practices and innovation in faculty preparation; and postdoctoral partnerships which will be developed with U.S. National Laboratories to provide exposure and prepare graduates for faculty positions.

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