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  what's new:


 Virtual Summit 2013 update:
Registration is open for the Greenroofs & Walls of the World™ Virtual Summit 2013!



Project of the Week:
Grand Pines Assisted Living Center LiveWalls by LiveWall and The Village at the Pines Green Roofs by LiveRoof...


 Our December 2012 eNewsletter is out! Stay on top of all the news about greenroofs and greenwalls.


 Greenroof Directory Update:
We'd like to welcome Green Roof Solutions, our new Greenroof Directory advertiser from Glenview, IL USA.


 Virtual Summit 2013 update:
See the Virtual Summit Speakers Page and Preliminary Agenda Now!



Advertiser Press Release:
Aultman Hospital Greens up with a Green Roof - LiveRoof® Hybrid Green Roof System Selected for the Canton, Ohio Hospital’s First Green Roof.



Joblinks Update:
Columbia Green Technologies is seeking to hire a Technical Director/Landscape Architect based in the Portland, OR, USA.



  blog posts & guest feature articles:

Observational study of grasshoppers (Orthoptera) on green roofs in
northern Switzerland

by Julie Ann Razryadov
Founder of Downtown Binghamton Greenroof Initiative
Sika Sarnafil Launches
Social Media Campaign with
 Scavenger Hunt Contest
by Tracy Lin
Senior Marketing Specialist
Bridging the Urban Jungle:
Mile End Park
by Steve Waller
Environmental Blogger
Using Seeds as an Installation
Method on Green Roofs
by Kathryn McDavid,
  industry news >>more

EPA Announces ‘Clean Rivers, Green District Partnership’ With District of Columbia and DC Water. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the District of Columbia, and D.C. Water have joined in a partnership agreement to use green techniques for wet weather pollution control in the District. The “Clean Rivers, Green District” agreement outlines the collaborative steps to support green infrastructure to achieve sustainable stormwater management, more livable communities, and other environmental improvements in the District. The District is already at the forefront of the sustainability movement -- they already lead the nation in municipal use of green power, LEED-certified buildings, and many other measures, including green roof installation and other stormwater management practices. [12.14.12]


The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati and the Cincinnati Office of Environmental Quality have created the first Green Roof Loan Program of its kind in Ohio. The Ohio EPA has made $5,000,000 available for linked-deposit, below-market-rate loans to install green vegetative roofs within the service area of MSD. These can be installed on residential, commercial and/or industrial buildings. Green roofs have wonderful benefits and have been utilized in Europe for many years to address various climate and aesthetic issues. They absorb rain water, help purify the air and provide additional green space in highly developed areas, especially within urban cores. [12.6.12]


NRCA offers vegetative roof systems manual. The NRCA Vegetative Roof Systems Manual, Second Edition, addresses cutting-edge technologies available for vegetative roof systems, including the waterproofing system and its associated components, such as a protection course, a root barrier, a drainage layer, thermal insulation and an aeration layer, and an overburden of growth medium and plantings. Best practices are included for the design and installation of extensive, semi-intensive and intensive vegetative roof systems. [11.18.12]


  newslinks >>more 


Rooftop Gardens Uplift Squalid Palestinian Camps
Al-Monitor, by Dalia Hatuga
Middle East.
“An initiative to grow rooftop gardens in overcrowded, crammed camps is providing some economic relief for Palestinian refugees...The idea of rooftop gardening started with Karama, a camp-based non-governmental organization that focuses on women and youth. So far, 15 homes in Dheisheh and one in the nearby Aida camp have been fitted with these gardens — simple fixtures made out of rows of open pipes filled with soil, fitted with an irrigation system and covered by a large net to provide some shade to the plants..." [1.4.13]

Landscape visitor centre with green roof and straw walls promises to cut energy costs
Horticulture Week, by Staff
Bournemouth, UK.
"Hengistbury Head nature reserve in Bournemouth is to build a £1m visitor centre with green roof, straw bale walls and solar panels that will save £1,000 a year in energy bills...A natural turf roof planted with grasses will blend in with the natural surroundings, offer insulation and soak up rainfall. Modcell walls, timber frames infilled with straw bales will form a thick insulating cocoon..." [1.3.13]

Northwest grant award supports local project
New Castle News, by Staff
New Castle, PA.
"A Lawrence County project is one of eight receiving a grant in the Northwest Commission’s Greenways Block Grant Program. Human Services Center received $40,000 for its green roof project at the Fisher Building in 2012...The Human Services Center project entails installing a GreenGrid roof on the Human Services Center’s Fisher building in downtown New Castle. The roof is a pollution reduction activity that will result in eliminating more than 50,000 gallons of storm water from entering the Shenango River watershed." [1.1.13]

Mayor of Copenhagen to Visit New York, Discuss Green Initiatives
The Epoch Times, by Zachary Stieber
New York, NY.
"The mayor of the Danish city of Copenhagen, Frank Jensen, will talk at a panel discussion about greening cities in New York City in early January. Copenhagen is often thought of as a green city, with many of its residents riding bicycles every day, and an efficient waste incineration program…the city is preparing both short and long term for the changing environment. Plans listed on the city’s website include preserving the existing park system, planting more trees, installing green roofs and gardens, and expanding the capacity of the sewers to deal with heavier and more rain..." [1.1.13]

The best of 2012 in green community solutions: a personal, eclectic list
NRDC Switchboard, by Kaid Benfield
"As we look back on the year that was, let’s honor some of the outstanding issues and accomplishments for community sustainability that came to light during the year. In many cases, naming a particular item one of the best of 2012 may be a bit (not completely) arbitrary: by definition, sustainability is seldom a single “event” that occurs wholly within one calendar year..." [12.31.12]

  contributing editors  >>more


The "Ask Ed" Plant Column
A Green Roof Day in New York

Co-Owner of
Emory Knoll Farms


 Reporting on the 2012 Integrated Habitats Design Competition - Ecosystem Services Come to Town
Student Editor



The Green Roof Guy
The New Face of the Green Roof Market
President of Green Roof Blocks



 Perspectives from the Green Boardroom
Sustainability, Friend or Foe?

Sustainability Champion




A View from the Sky Trenches
How to Survive on Planet Earth: Changing Our Relationship with the Botanical World
Principal, hadj design
Architecture Editor, GRP


 Chic Sustainability
 Chic Sustainability Watch: Trends, Projects & People –
Disappearing Acts

Design Editor




Green Roof Energy Series
Energy and Green Roofs: Beyond the Building
WSP Flack + Kurtz


The Green Walls Column
Food Factories Now At Every Scale
CEO of Green Living Technologies



John Shepley of Emory Knoll Farms


Sustainable Business Insights
I am excited about the
Greenroofs & Walls of the World™ Virtual Summit 2011

Co-Owner of
Emory Knoll Farms
Green Business Editor


Notre Voyage Fantastique: Chicago & Patrick Blanc



Tropical Green Roofs
Intro to Tropical Green Roofs
J.D., ISA Certified Arborist & Municipal Specialist, LEED AP BD+C


Editor & Publisher Updates & Happy Holidays!
ASLA Associate, GRP,


The International Greenroof & Greenwall Projects Database!

We are a fully searchable database full
of projects from all over the world. Help
us update these existing case studies
with new information & photos and
submit new projects, too


  advertiser press releases >>more

  joblinks  >>more

  upcoming events >>more

Jan. 6-7:

2013 National Green Centre Trade Show, St. Louis, MO

Jan. 8-10:

Landscape Ontario Congress 2013, Toronto, Canada

Jan. 11-13:

SPRI Conference and Annual Business Meeting, Indian Wells, CA

Jan. 15-17:

WORLD FUTURE Energy Summit, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Jan. 15-18:

ProGreen EXPO 2013, Denver, CO

Jan. 16-18:

2013 Mid-America Horticultural Trade Show, Navy Pier, Chicago, IL

Jan. 17-18:

CRCA - Chicago Roofing Contractors Association Trade Show, Chicago, IL

Feb 12 - Mar 13:

Building on the success of our inaugural Virtual Summit 2011, and the World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN) presents the second Greenroofs & Walls of the World™ Virtual Summit 2013!


See list of upcoming courses, lectures, seminars, workshops, webinars, tours, etc.