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March 2008 Progressive Farmer Cover
Read the Progressive Farmer cover story, Saving Our Farmland that tells farmer's stories about protecting the land for future generations.
Farmland Protection
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Approximately half of the two billion acres of land in America is working agricultural land. This productive farm and ranch land is a finite resource as fertile soils take thousands of years to develop and are irreplaceable.

The focus of AFT's work revolves around protecting this precious resource—America's best farm and ranch land.

Development Encroaching on FarmlandAmerica's Agricultural Land Is at Risk
Every minute of every day, we lose two acres of agricultural land to development. Why? Farm and ranch land is desirable for building because it tends to be flat, well drained and affordable. And the rapid rate of agricultural land converted to development is unnecessary—over the past 20 years, the average acreage per person for new housing almost doubled—with our best agricultural soils being developed the fastest.

Farmers struggle with the question: "Should I sell my land or protect it? And how?" Read the Progressive Farmer cover story, Saving Our Farmland that tells farmer's stories about the decisions and issues they deal with in protecting the land for future generations.

Why save Farmland?

National Economy and World Food Security
The U.S. food and farming system contributes nearly $1 trillion to our national economy—more than 13 percent of the gross domestic product—and employs 17 percent of the labor force. World consumers of U.S. agricultural exports are expected to increase their purchases in the future. With a rapidly increasing world population and expanding global markets, saving American farmland is a prudent investment in the world food supply and an economic opportunity.

Protection of the Environment
Well-managed agricultural land supplies important non-market goods and services for our environment. Farm and ranch lands provide food and cover for wildlife, help control flooding, protect wetlands and watersheds and maintain air quality. They can absorb and filter wastewater and provide groundwater recharge. New energy crops even have the potential to replace fossil fuels.

Fresh, Healthy Food and Strong Communities
Farms closest to our cities, and directly in the path of development, produce much of our fresh food63 percent of our dairy products and 86 percent of fruits and vegetables. And for many Americans, compelling reasons for saving farmland have to do with protecting the quality of life in their communities—scenic and cultural landscapes, farmers' markets, recreational opportunities, local jobs and community businesses.

Fiscal Stability for Local Governments
New development requires services such as schools, roads and fire/police protection, whereas privately owned and managed agricultural land requires very few services. Cost of Community Services (COCS) studies (PDF) show that, nationwide, farm, forest and open lands more than pay for the municipal services they require, while taxes on residential uses, on average, fail to cover costs.

dig deeper into farmland protection and better planning

  • Our Farmland Information Center (FIC) is a clearinghouse for information about farm and ranch land protection, conservation practices, and programs and policies that support the business of farming. Information and direct assistance are available online and through a staffed answer service.
  • Find out more about our campaign for local farms and food.
  • See how we are helping states and communities plan for agriculture to protect their important farm and ranch land.
  • Smart Growth Network LogoAmerican Farmland Trust is a member of the Smart Growth Network, an initiative of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and several non-profit and government organizations.  The Network was formed in response to the need for new ways to grow that boost the economy, protect the environment, and enhance community vitality. 

No Farms No Foodlooking for ways to help?

Our Seven Ways to Save Farm and Ranch Land are easy steps you can take to help protect America's vital and irreplaceable working agricultural land.


AFT In Your State

Farming on the Edge: Farmland in the Path of Development

The Farmland Protection Toolbox

Cost of Community Services Studies

The Farmland Information Center

The Apple as Planet Earth Presentation

The Apple as Planet Earth
Learn why protecting our farmland is so important.

American Farmland Trust