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What careers does a College of Agriculture education prepare me for?

What is unique about Purdue's College of Agriculture?
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Who gets into Purdue? (Purdue Profile)

Where would I live and eat if I came to Purdue?

Will I find support for diversity in the student body?
    Check out Multicultural Programs in the College of Agriculture.

How can I get involved in sports at Purdue?

Does the College of Agriculture help me find jobs and internships? (Yes!)

Do Agriculture graduates find jobs? (Yes!)

What's the West Lafayette Community like?

Where are other Purdue campuses?

How do I get financial aid or find work as a student to help me pay for my Purdue education?

Then check out Purdue Admissions FAQ's.


Do you have a question we haven't answered here? Send it to us at GOinAG@purdue.edu.

Purdue University Links Purdue University Link Purdue Search Link Visit Purdue Link Purdue Giving Link Contact Us Link Purdue Agriculture Office of Academic Programs Link