Purdue University
Purdue Agriculture Office of Academic Programs
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Information about Awards

College Level Awards

University Level Awards

Awards from the Provost Office

External Level Awards

Awards Committee

Past Award Winners


College Level Awards - Fall 2008

*There are changes for the 2008-2009 awards season, please pay close attention to the information below.

*There will be a separate solicitation for university awards, including, Graduate Faculty Mentor, Ross Roberts and Charles B. Murphy.

Award Name Submission Deadline Submission Criteria More Info Solicitation Date
The David C. Pfendler Outstanding Counselor Monday, November 10, 2008 Sharepoint

*Ag Award Committee Selects - each Ag Dept. winner receives cash award of $500. The overall College winner will recieve $1,500.

Monday, August 25, 2008
Outstanding Graduate Educator Monday, November 10, 2008 Sharepoint

*Ag Award Committee Selects - fund transfer ($1,500) to be used in their program; and special plaque. This award is no longer tied to the Graduate Faculty Mentor Award.

Monday, August 25, 2008
Outstanding Service to Students Monday, November 10, 2008 Sharepoint

*Ag Award Committee Selects - Fund transfer ($1,500) and plaque.

Monday, August 25, 2008
Outstanding Undergraduate Students

Monday, February 9, 2009


The Outstanding Senior in Ag award is not tied to a nomination for the Ross or Roberts awards.  Departments and/or individuals will submit those independently, it is just encouraged that they inform your office so you can coordinate potential multiple nominations of the same person.


*Ag Award Committee Selects - For outstanding student from each class. Awards presented at Spring Awards Banquet.


November, 2008
The Richard L. Kohls Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award (formerly -- Outstanding Teacher)

Monday, November 10, 2008

The College may forward 2nominees for the Murphy award.

The winner of the 2008-09 Kohl's outstanding undergraduate teacher will be one of the nominees.

Departments are asked to submit nominations from among previous College Teaching winners to form a pool to select the second nominee.  The format of the nomination would be the same as that for the Murphy award.  The only stipulation is a nominee must be a previous recipient of the Kohl's award (or its predecessor, outstanding teacher in College of Ag).


* Ag Award Committee Selects - individuals selected as departmental outstanding undergraduate teacher will each receive a $500 S&E Grand Award from OAP. Individual selected as the recipient (overall) will receive a cash award of $1,500 and a special plaque. The Kohl's lecture is the first friday of classes, in which the winner of this award will present.


Monday, August 25, 2008
The Sharvelle Award - Awarded through Extension TBD Extension Office - Sandy Exemeyer

To recognize individual Extension Specialists who have demonstrated a high degree of proficiency and professionalism in the conduct of Extension programs over an exteded period of time.

Frederick L. Hovde Award of Excellence - Awarded through Extension TBD Extension Office - Teresa Rogers

The Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc., presented to Purdue University a generous monetary gift in honor of president Frederick Hovde.

Student Responders for May Graduation March 13, 2009 Office of Academic Programs    
Student Respnoders for August Graduation June 12, 2009 Office of Academic Programs    
Student Responders for December Graduation October 16, 2009 Office of Academic Programs    

*Awards Committee

University Awards

**When making a nomination, you must submit 25 copies to the Office of Academic programs

Award Name Deadline Submit to/Contact Person More Info Solicitation Date Due date/Time of Day/OAP
Book of Great Teachers This is done every 5 years - next date 2012 Provost, HOVD


This is generated by the Teaching Academy; the nomination comes from the Richard L. Kohls Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award.

Criteria/Solicitation Letter

Charles B. Murphy February 2, 2009 Provost, HOVD




Solicitation Letter

Council of Graduate Schools/University Microfilms International Distinguished Dissertation Award TBD Graduate School Operates on a 2 year cycle, alternating between Math/Physical Science/Engineering and Biological and LIfe Sciences.    
Dean M. Beverley Stone Award TBD Dean of Students Office, Schleman Hall



Nomincation Form

Distinguished Thesis Awards TBD Graduate School Criteria/Solicitation Letter    
Teaching Academy Fellow Status Nominations September 12, 2008 Provost Office

Faculty or staff can be nominated - cash awards funded by the Provost.


Excellence in Distance Learning TBD Continuing Education, STEW

Offers faculty an opportunity to extend a scholarship thru study in a separate field; one or two semesters.


Criteria/Solicitation Letter

Flora Roberts (Female Award) and G.A. Ross (Male Award) TBD - 2009 Dean of Students, SCHL

Graduating Senior Woman/Man - graduating can be interpreted as anyone who graduates in Dec.-May, or August.

Criteria/Solicitation Letter

Nomination Form

Gamma Sigma Delta February 15, 2009 Dale Forsyth, ANSC/LILY

Nomination of Undergraduate Students, Professional Students and Top Sophomore/Senior

Criteria Letter

Graduate School Excellence in Teaching Award March 2009 CETA Selection Committee, YONG

Recognized graduate students who exemplify excellence in the University's learning mission.

Criteria/Solicitation Letter

Graduate Student Incentive Grants TBD

Grad School,



Violet Haas Award TBD Joan Marshall Criteria/Solicitation Letter    
Helping Students Learn Award February 2009 Provost, HOVD



Instructional Computing and Instructional Equipment Proposals TBD

Pat Smoker


Your proposal needs to be submitted to Pat Smoker by November 3. The college committee will evaluate these and recommend a ranking.

Criteria Letter

Memo to come at a later date.

McCoy Award TBD Vice Provost, HOVD

Student or Teacher making most significant contribution to Science.

Criteria/Solicitation Letter

McGaughey Leadership Awards TBD Dean of Students, SCHL


Criteria/Solicitation Letter

Mortar Board (Barbara Cook Chapter) - Challenge Scholarship; Dean Betty Nelson Service Award; Helen B. Schleman Gold Medallion; Tip of the Cap Award; Rose Award TBD

Dean of Students,




Criteria/Solicitation Letter

Nominations for Applied Management Principles (AMP) Program for Graduate Students in Engineering and the Sciences TBD

Krannert School of Management


Criteria/Solicitation Letter



Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award TBD Graduate School

Outstanding Graduate Educator recipient in Ag will be put forth for this award.

See Sharepoint for more information.

Purdue's Community of Service Learning Faculty Fellows Grant program TBD CIE, 730 YONG

This grant is designed for faculty members who have demonstrated a strong commitment to, and desire to play a leadership role in Service Learning.

Grant Guidlines

Grant Application

Purdue Grand Prix Scholarships TBD Purdue Grand Prix Foundation


Richard W. McDowell Award TBD Dean of Students Office, Schleman Hall

Ag Committee selects Outstanding Counselor; forwarded as the nominee



Nomination Form

Student Grant Program for Community Service/Service Learning Projects Fall Semester Projects - on or before September 21 Spring Semester - on of before February 1 Purdue Office of Engagement / 494-9095

Provide grants to students, or student organizations for work on community service learning projects.

Criteria/Solicitation Letter

Teaching for Tomorrow March 2009 Dr. Christine M. Ladisch, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Hovde Hall Room 100

Nominees: Asst. Professors (or recently promoted) - award announced in April - program begins August - August

Solicitation Letter



External Awards

**When making a nomination, you must submit at least 25 copies to the Office of Academic Programs

Award Name Deadline Submit to/Contact Person More Info Solicitation Date Due date/Time of Day/OAP
Community Activity Recognition Awards TBD

Lafayette-W.Lafayette Chamber of Commerce

Kathy Stewart

PO Box 348

Lafayette, IN 47902


Annually, the Lafayette-West Lafayette Chamber of Commerce sponsors the Community Activity Recognition Awars for Purdue students who go above and beyond the average call for local community activities while maintaining a high level of academic achievement.

Criteria Letter

Fulbright Awards Varies - See info Intl Programs/Young Hall/Brian Harley

All Faculty eligible - awards very from 2 months - 1year. Fulbright Distinguished Charis - May Worldwide - August Adms. Seminars/German Studies - November Sr. Specialists (rolling deadline)


Governor's Award for Tomorrow's Leaders TBD Governor's Award for Tomorrow's Leaders Indiana Humanities council 1500 N. Delaware St. Indianapolis, IN 46202      
ISPE Awards for Innovation and Leadership Categories are: Teaching with Technology in a Distance Ed program; Teaching with Technology on Campus Support for Online Teaching and learning TBD Lynn Ward Assistant Director of E-Learning Indiana Higher Education Telecommunication System 714 N. Senate Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46202


Recognizes Indiana faculty and instructional support staff who have exhibited extraordinary innovation and leadership in the utilization of technology to enhance teaching and learning, both on and off campus.

NACTA Teaching Awards TBD

Marilyn Parker



151 W. 100 S.

Rupert, ID


Linda Clarke Martin - Oklahoma State University

College of AG Science and Natural Resources

136 Ag Mall

Stillwater, OK 74078

Ph: 405-744-5395 - Fax: 405-744-5339 - E-mail: lc.martin@okstate.edu

Rotary Intl Scholarship for Study TBD Dr. Terry West trwest@eas.purdue.edu    
USDA National Teaching Awards



Go to the following website for criteria and guidelines:


Teaching in Food and Agricultural Sciences/Tenure track Faculty.


Suggestions and comments may be directed to:

Revised December 10, 2008



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