

The Foundation for Agricultural and Rural Resources Management and Sustainability (FARRMS) serves the region, the state and the world in discovering, exploring and implementing practices and methods which further the sustainability of farms and rural communities.

What is “sustainability”?

FARRMS has determined "sustainability" to contain the following components:

  • Approaches to community and agriculture which foster self renewal, are in harmony with natural cycles and conserve natural resources.
  • Activities which benefit and nurture the land and rural community.
  • Activities and approaches which are socially as well as economically just and contribute to the common prosperity of the community.
  • Cultural and agricultural practices which ensure the health and diversity of the land and the life it supports.

The purpose of the Foundation is to provide educational outreach, research and information on organic production, processing and distribution as well as other sustainable agricultural practices.

Coming Events & Announcements

FARRMS to co-sponsor Organic Processor Training     Organic Gardening Workshop - Feb. 7th     Stop by our Marketplace for Entrepreneurs Booth!     Internet Computer Class for Beginners - Jan. 19th     Grants to Grow Program Accepting Applications NOW!    

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Contact Information:

301 5th Ave SE
Medina, ND 58467

Phone: 701-486-3569
Fax: 701-486-3580

Safer, natural environment that self renews