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January 8 - 9, 2004
Westin Hotel
Seattle, WA

Held in conjunction with the 84th AMS Annual Meeting

Go to: [Agenda] [Session Summary] [Participants]

The purpose of the International Session is to address lessons learned by organizations involved in disaster mitigation and response. Participants explored the pressing issues related to this theme through engaging speaker presentations and active guest participation. The outcome of this meeting was an enhanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities for National Meteorological and Hydrologic Services to improve disaster mitigation and response efforts.


January 8, 2004
6:30 - 7:30 PM Welcome Reception

January 9, 2004
8:00 AM
Continental Breakfast

8:30 AM Welcome Remarks
Mr. John E. Jones, Jr., Deputy Director, National Weather Service (NWS)

8:40 AM Overview of Agenda, Speakers & Participation
Dr. William Hooke, Facilitator for International Session Director of Atmospheric Policy Program and Senior Policy Fellow, American Meteorological Society (AMS)

8:50 AM WMO Role in Disaster Mitigation and Response [presentation]
Mr. Michel Jarraud, Secretary General, World Meteorological Organization

9:20 AM Questions and Discussion

9:35 AM New Views on Disaster Risk Reduction and its Relevance to National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) [presentation]
Dr. Reid Basher, Senior Advisor United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR)

10:20 AM Questions and Discussion

10:50 AM Coffee Break

11:15 AM Early Warning Systems: A Tool for Mitigation and Coordination [presentation]
Mr. Juan Carlos Villagrán de León, Chief Executive Officer VILLATEK, S.A

12:00 PM Questions and Discussion

12:30 PM Lunch

1:45 PM Coordination of NMHS and Emergency Response Agency Efforts [presentation]
Mr. Josh Batkin, Director International Programs, U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

2:30 PM Questions and Discussion

3:00 PM Risks and Opportunities for NMHS in Raising the National Priority Level of Disaster Mitigation [presentation]
Mr. Jean-Pierre Beysson, Director General Meteo-France

3:45 PM Questions and Discussion

4:15 PM Coffee Break

4:30 PM Group Discussion and Summary of International Session and Closing Remarks
Dr. William Hooke, Facilitator

5:30 PM Adjourn

6:30 - 8:30 PM Reception

Session Summary [PDF] *

Participants [PDF] *

* This file is in Adobe Acrobat® format.
link to download Adobe Acrobat. Will open in new window
2007 International Session On Numerical Weather Prediction And International Session On Global Challenges Facing National Hydro-Meteorological Services
2006 Addressing Multi-Hazards Warning Systems
2005 Addressing Data Acquisition Challenges
2004 Global Disaster Mitigation and Response - Challenges and Opportunities
2003 Emerging Issues And New Technologies Impacting National Meteorological & Hydrologic Services
2002 Meteorological And Hydrologic Cooperation: "Impacts Of Weather, Water And Climate Information On Key Economic Sectors Within Apec"
2001 Meteorological and Hydrologic Cooperation within APEC: "Today's Challenges, Tomorrow's Opportunities"
2000 International Cooperation in Natural Disaster Preparation and Response
1999 Addressing Issues and Challenges for the Future
1998 Short Course on National Weather Service Data Sources, Formats, and Use

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