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Internatinal Activities Office - Improving the level of science, technology, operations, and services... world wide



February 6 -7, 2003
Westin Hotel
Long Beach, CA

Held in conjunction with the 83rd AMS Annual Meeting

Go to: [Agenda] [Session Summary] [Participants]

The purpose of this workshop was to focus on and address the emerging issues and new technologies that impact National Meteorological and Hydrologic Services from around the world. The outcome of this meeting was an enhanced understanding of broad concepts affecting all countries and solutions to the challenges we face as we prepare for the future.


All presentations followed by 15-20 minutes of discussion.

February 6, 2003
6:30 PM Informal Icebreaker

February 7, 2003
8:00 AM Continental Breakfast

8:30 AM Welcome Remarks/Significance of International Session
Brig. General John J. Kelly, Jr. (USAF, ret.), Assistant Administrator for Weather Services, U.S. National Weather Service

8:45 AM Overview of Agenda, Speakers & Participation
Dr. William Hooke, Facilitator for International Session, Senior Fellow and Director of Atmospheric Policy Program, American Meteorological Society

9:00 AM Emerging Global Issues that Impact the Future of National Meteorological and Hydrologic Services [PDF] *
Dr. John W. Zillman*, Director, Bureau of Meteorology, Australia, President, World Meteorological Organization

10:00 AM Break

10:15 AM Weather Prediction and the Use of Weather Data: The Future of Climate and Weather Prediction & the Role of National Meteorological and Hydrologic Services
Dr. David Burridge*, Director, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, United Kingdom [presentation]

11:15 AM Public-Private Partnerships - Challenges and Opportunities: Role of National Meteorological and Hydrologic Services [presentation] [Flash Version] **
Mr. Hiroyoshi Ishibashi*, Chief Executive Officer, Weathernews Inc., Japan

12:00 PM Lunch

1:30 PM Public Partnerships Working with Academia in Research: Role of National Meteorological and Hydrologic Services [presentation]
Dr. John Snow*, Dean, College of Geosciences, The University of Oklahoma

2:15 PM Climate Change: New Operations and Modeling Technologies
Dr. Ants Leetmaa*, Director, Geophysical Fluid Dynamic Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [presentation]

3:15 PM Break

3:30 PM Global Water Crisis: Role of Hydrologic Services in Minimizing Economic Disruption and Maximizing Water Utilization [presentation]
Dr. Soroosh Sorooshian*, Regents Professor, Director, NSF Science and Technology Center on "Sustainability of Semi-Arid Hydrology and Riparian Areas", University of Arizona

4:30 PM Group Discussion and Summary of International Session
Looking Ahead and Closing Remarks Dr. William Hooke, Facilitator

5:15 PM International Session Adjourns

6:30 PM Reception

Session Summary [PDF] *

Participants [PDF] *

* This file is in Adobe Acrobat® format.
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** You will need Macromedia Flash Player to view this feature. Click the icon to download in a new window.
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2007 International Session On Numerical Weather Prediction And International Session On Global Challenges Facing National Hydro-Meteorological Services
2006 Addressing Multi-Hazards Warning Systems
2005 Addressing Data Acquisition Challenges
2004 Global Disaster Mitigation and Response - Challenges and Opportunities
2003 Emerging Issues And New Technologies Impacting National Meteorological & Hydrologic Services
2002 Meteorological And Hydrologic Cooperation: "Impacts Of Weather, Water And Climate Information On Key Economic Sectors Within Apec"
2001 Meteorological and Hydrologic Cooperation within APEC: "Today's Challenges, Tomorrow's Opportunities"
2000 International Cooperation in Natural Disaster Preparation and Response
1999 Addressing Issues and Challenges for the Future
1998 Short Course on National Weather Service Data Sources, Formats, and Use

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