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Internatinal Activities Office - Improving the level of science, technology, operations, and services... world wide

Mexico Bilateral


Support to the PROMMA Project.


Meteorological and hydrological networks in Mexico including the upper-air observation network, surface hydrometeorological observation network, and weather radar observation network.


Meteorological and hydrologic communications systems between Mexico and the United States including the Data Collection Platform (DCP) system including the use of the NOAA Data Collection System (DCS), the World Area Forecast System/Regional Meteorological Telecommunications Network (WAFS/RMTN), weather radar network communications, and Internet access.

Analysis and Forecasting

Meteorological and hydrologic analysis and forecasting especially in the areas of climate and medium term predictions, river and flash flood forecasting and studies related to sustainable development. Support also includes cross-border coordination and dissemination of forecasts, watches and warnings, synoptic discussions, and mutual assistance.


Education and training in the fields of meteorology, hydrology, climatology, and related support fields such as electronics, management, and computer science including on-the-job training, exchanges of experts, computer-aided learning, and university or technical training.

Aircraft Operations

Expediting clearances for overflights to monitor hurricanes and other severe weather phenomena where there is a critical need for information on a time-critical basis or conducting joint research in meteorology and hydrology.

Field Experiments

The conduct of scientific and technical field experiments related to the fields of meteorology and hydrology to the benefit of both countries.

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