Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center
The Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center (HTIRC) is a collaborative regional research, development and technology transfer effort between industry, university, private, state and federal entities to advance tree improvement of central hardwoods for increased forest productivity in hardwood restoration and reforestation programs.

Growers bid to revive
American chestnut

Nov 22, 2007

Growing up in the 1920s,
Bill Lord remembers feasting on the sweet, rich nuts of American chestnut trees the majestic species that a fungus would soon all but wipe out. [More...]

Challenges remain in reintroducing American chestnut
August 21, 2007

Researchers have developed a breed of American chestnut that is resistant to the fungal blight that decimated its population in the early 1900s. [More...]

Department of Forestry and Natural Resources USDA Forest Service HTIRC Purdue University