Jan 15, 09

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Ray LaHood and Changing our Thinking About Transportation

Today, the U.S. Senate will hold a confirmation hearing on the president-elect's choice of Ray LaHood for Secretary of Transportation. No one expects that hearing to be anything but easy for LaHood. That's too bad, because it shows that when...

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A Vital Message For Inauguration Day

Sign our letter to Obama today. On November 6, two days after the United States elected Barack Obama to be its next president, we launched a campaign called Inaugurate Change. We asked readers in the U.S. and around the world...

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Does Eco-Tourism Matter?

Field Notes of an Accidental Eco-Tourist: Part I Costa Rica would probably not be my first choice for the first totally workfree holiday I’ve taken in three years, and the Central Pacific coast wouldn’t be my first choice in Costa...

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Getting the Architecture Right: The Economic Implications of Cap and Trade Policy

This isn't just about carbon ... it turns out that cap and trade could be the largest economic redistribution program the US has ever seen. I attended a symposium a few weeks ago at Evergreen State College about preparing our...

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Toward a New American Infrastructure

The trillion dollar question: What will the next iteration of American infrastructure look like? Yesterday I sat in on a press teleconference with the three co-chairs of the bipartisan coalition Building America's Future: California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Pennsylvania Governor...

Team News: Jeremy Faludi Featured in 2 New Books

Worldchanging contributor Jeremy Faludi's theoretical design and thoughts on eco-labels have appeared in two new books. We suggest checking them out: Packaging Sustainability: Tools, Systems and Strategies for Innovative Package...

BBC’s Maps of British Infrastructure

I’ve been blogging these past few weeks about infrastructure and how we understand and misunderstand it. It’s my suspicion that we look at infrastructures like the global internet and assume...


Students Across the U.S. Plan for Summer of Solutions

Building more sustainable cities is going to take a lot of work. Living a one-planet lifestyle, in a one-planet city implies that we’ve halted our outpouring of climate changing...

The 2030 Challenge Stimulus: Better Economy, Better Energy, Better Planet

As policy makers in Washington D.C. continue working on the anticipated U.S. economic stimulus package, leading thinkers from all corners of the sustainability movement are building their cases for taking...

Have Alex Steffen speak at your next conference or event

When Worldchanging Executive Editor Alex Steffen isn't here in our Seattle office, he's often on the road, inspiring crowds with powerful tales of where we are and where we're going...


Sustainable Cooking Stoves

by David Lehr Energy poverty in the developing world is a complex and ongoing problem with serious impacts on health, economic growth, and the overall environment. The impact on the...


Ecosystem Markets Take Off

Image credit: WikipediaEcosystem markets, exchanges of nature's various services, are adding new dimensions to conservation. In addition to using regulation to restrict development, more countries are turning to the invisible...

Choosing What Our Cities Will Look Like in a World Without Oil

The covering of the Cheonggyecheon River and the building of an elevated freeway over it in the 1970s represented the height of social progress in Seoul, Korea at the...


Saving the Economy, One Furnace at a Time

by Paul Rogat Loeb Like most Americans, I’m guarding my dollars, but when my furnace died during Seattle’s coldest winter in decades, I needed to replace it. And when I...

Where We Are And Where We're Going

As many of our readers know, Worldchanging's Alex Steffen has brought the message of big-picture, bright green change to audiences around the world, from Toronto to New Zealand. He has...


Stabilizing the Economy by Understanding "Enough"

The immense gap between the world’s rich and poor has finally become a topic of serious discussion throughout the developed world, reaching even into G-8 meetings (although not the U.S...

Alex chimes in on GOOD's State of the Planet

Our allies at GOOD Magazine recently published an issue devoted to the State of the Planet. If you haven't yet had a chance to pick one up, we urge you...

Headlines from Worldchanging Seattle 01/09/09

This week's flooding was devastating for families in Western Washington, and people all over the Puget Sound region are working to bring relief to people in need. In the months...


RMI Introduces New Oil Imports Map

Breaking our dependence on fossil fuels isn't only a solution for halting our climate changing emissions, it's also about gaining energy independence and being cautious about when we reach peak...


Install a Trojan for Israel? Uh, no Thanks.

During the conflict between Russia and Georgia this past summer, my friend Evgeny Morozov decided to study the dynamics of “cyberwar” by becoming a partisan. He lurked on Russian-language bulletin...

Getting Real in the 21st Century

The chief project of humanity has long been fulfilling basic material necessities: clean water, food, warmth, clothing, healing, transportation and livelihood. In the face of such immense needs, no one...


"It's Too Expensive To Address Climate Change"

The real cost is the cost of doing nothing. That's always the mantra: serious climate policy is too pricey, especially in this economy.  To that I say: watch this excellent video...


It's Flue Season

Economic stimulus through energy efficiency. Here's your economic stimulus idea for today: condensing flue gas waste heat recovery. With a name like that, it has to be good. And it...


Local Currencies Grow During Economic Recession

Photo courtesy Jason Houston Five local banks have printed more than 2 million Berkshare notes since 2006. The 10 Berkshare note features Robyn Van En, a local pioneer of...


Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky Discuss the State of the World in 2009

Over at The WELL, Worldchanging Ally #1 Bruce Sterling is delivering his annual assessment of the world, and by all counts, 2009 is rife with material. Our own Jon Lebkowsky...

View Previous Posts by Month (January 2009)...

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