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About Michigan NETS
Michigan NETS (Network of Employers for Traffic Safety)LogoMichigan NETS is an integral partner in the state's highway safety community.
Since its inception, Michigan NETS has been successful in promoting traffic safety in the workplace and now has over 800 members.

Drive Safely Work Week, October 6-10, 2008Drive Safely Work Week - October 5 - 9, 2009
Details will be announced in the near future.

Michigan NETS Mission

• Our Mission...
Michigan NETS unites the Office of Highway Safety Planning with the knowledge and private sector insights of business leaders. Through training, information resources, policy statements, and campaign materials, Michigan NETS assist employers in the creation and implementation of effective traffic safety programs.

Michigan NETS Goals
>Reduce loss of life, injury and property
>Lower health care costs
>Reduce workers' compensation costs
>Improve productivity
>Lower operating costs
>Reduce absenteeism
>Improve quality of life for the employee and the community
>Improve employee morale

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Quick Links
 •  Guidelines for Employers to Reduce Motor Vehicle Crashes PDF icon
 •  Traffic Safety Resources for Employers PDF icon
 •  Promoting Traffic Safety - Fact Sheets
 •  Sample Safety Belt Policy-MS Word 97 format DOC icon
 •  Sample Safety Belt Policy-Adobe PDF format PDF icon
 •  Safety Belt Award Program - MS Word 97 format DOC icon
 •  Safety Belt Award Program - Adobe PDF format PDF icon
 •  Free Membership Application PDF icon Home
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