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Friday, May 8, 2009 Sign Up for Newsletters

New This Week

New, Fast-Evolving Rabies Virus Found -- And Spreading
Hawaii's "Gentle" Volcano More Dangerous Than Thought
Spiders Getting Bigger -- Global Warming to Blame?
NEW SPECIES PHOTOS: Meet the Tiny Toadlet (and Froglet)
Week in Photos

A dog quake survivor gets a wheelchair, an ancient Hebrew document is found, Bolivia's Indians fight in rituals, and more in this week's best news photos.

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Top Stories of the Week
Bendable Concrete Heals Itself -- Just Add Water
Rather than crumbling under pressure, the flexible material forms hairline cracks that can then auto-seal after a few days of light rain, researchers say.

PHOTOS: "Unusual" Sea Volcano Spews Acid, Grows Fast
Toxic gases have been continually erupting from the fast-growing Pacific volcano since 2004, a new expedition reveals. But some odd new animals seem to like it just fine.
PHOTOS: Oldest Seahorses Found; Help Solve Mystery
The fossils, which contain the only known extinct seahorse species, shed light on the mystery of how the poor swimmers were able to disperse across the globe, scientists say.
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  PHOTOS: Over 200 New Amphibians Found in Madagascar   PHOTOS: "War Fungi" to Return to China  
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  Whale Fossil Found in Kitchen Counter

  Europe vs. Canada Over Seal Hunting

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Most Viewed News of the Week
1. Sun Oddly Quiet -- Hints at Next "Little Ice Age"?
2. Bendable Concrete Heals Itself -- Just Add Water
3. PHOTOS: Ancient Egypt Temples Found at Gateway Fortress
4. Oldest Dinosaur Protein Found -- Blood Vessels, More
5. FIRST LOOK: Swine Flu Virus Revealed
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