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TITLE 7 > CHAPTER 19 > § 471
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§ 471. Statistics and estimates of grades and staple length of cotton; collection and publication

The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized and directed to collect and publish annually, on dates to be announced by him, statistics or estimates concerning the grades and staple length of stocks of cotton, known as the carry-over, on hand on the 1st of August of each year in warehouses and other establishments of every character in the continental United States; and following such publication each year, to publish, at intervals in his discretion, his estimate of the grades and staple length of cotton of the then current crop: Provided, That not less than three such estimates shall be published with respect to each crop. In any such statistics or estimates published, the cotton which on the date for which such statistics are published may be recognized as tenderable on contracts of sale of cotton for future delivery under the United States Cotton Futures Act, shall be stated separately from that which may be untenderable under said Act.
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