Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History


About the Museum

Mall entrance to the National Museum of Natural History

Senior Management Staff

Cristián Samper Dr. Cristián Samper

Elizabeth Duggal
Associate Director for External Affairs
and Public Programs

Susan Fruchter
Associate Director for Operations

Dr. Hans-Dieter Sues
Associate Director for
Research & Collections

Department Chairs

Dr. J. Daniel Rogers

Dr. Warren Wagner

Dr. Terry Erwin

Dr. Steve Cairns
Invertebrate Zoology

Dr. Sorena Sorenson
Mineral Sciences

Dr. Conrad Labandeira

Dr. Don Wilson
Vertebrate Zoology

Dr. Valerie Paul
Director, Smithsonian Marine Station

Other Administrative Staff

Christine Elias
Director of Development

Randall Kremer
Director of Public Affairs

Matt McDermott
Assistant Director for Information Technology

Jerald Sachs
Director of Guest Services

Rena Selim
Director of Exhibitions

Shari Rosenstein Werb
Director for Education and Outreach

Dr. Wendy Wiswall
Assistant Director for Science Program Administration

Chun-Hsi Wong
Assistant Director for Facilities Operations

Office of Protection Services
for NMNH

Carl Taylor
Security Manager

Anthony Perkins

Geraldine Waller

Office of Facilities Engineering
& Operations for NMNH

Larry Varner
North Zone Manager

John Lagundo
NHB Building Manager

NMNH Board Members

Paul Risser
Chair of the Board
Norman, Oklahoma

Mr. Michael Collins
Chair of the Development Committee
Miami, Florida

Dr. Charles Alcock*
Acting Under Secretary of Science

Dr. Paul Barton
Reston, Virginia

Dr. Peter Buck
Danbury, Connecticut

Dr. Jane Buikstra
Tempe, Arizona

Dr. Rita Colwell
Bethesda, Maryland

Dr. G. Wayne Clough*
Washington, D.C.

Ms. Gabriela Febres Cordero,
New York, New York

Sir Peter Crane
Chicago, Illinois

Mr. John Fahey
Washington, D.C.

The Honorable
William H. Frist,
Nashville, Tennessee

Kathryn Fuller
Washington, D.C.

Paula Kerger
Arlington, VA

David Koch
New York, New York

The Honorable Patrick Leahy

Dr. Jane Lubchenco,
Corvallis, Oregon

Ambassador William Luers
New York, New York

Mr. Whitney MacMillan
Minneapolis, MN

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor
Washington, D.C.

Dr. Jerold Principato
Bethesda, Maryland

Mr. David M. Rubenstein,
Washington, D.C.

Dr. Cristián Samper*
Washington, D.C.

Mr. Roger W. Sant
Washington, D.C.

Dr. Shirley Sherwood
London, England

Timothy Wirth
Washington, D.C.

*Ex-Officio Members

Emeritus Members

Mr. I. Michael Heyman
Berkeley, California

Mrs. Jean Lane
Portola Valley, California

Mr. Robert Malott
Chicago, Illinois

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