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What's New?

January 8, 2009
Cave Fern Diversity in Guizhou by Libing Zhang has been added to MBG Photo Essays.

December 4, 2008
"The expedition to the montane rain forest at Tocoaque", "Expedition to montane rain forest Queara–Fuertecillo" and "Expedition to the groves of Polylepis (queñua) Locality Puina" field reports have been added to "The Madidi Project — a floristic inventory project in northwestern Bolivia".

December 1, 2008
CCSD Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development [* New updated and redesigned web site].

October 31, 2008
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XV, Number 4, October 2008 by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

September 11, 2008
Graduate Studies [Updated version].

September 9, 2008
Flora of Missouri [Updated version].

August 9, 2008
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XV, Number 3, July 2008" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

August 6, 2008
People at MO [Updated version].

August 5, 2008
Visitor's Guide by Alba Arbelaez [Revised version in English/Spanish].

April 18, 2008
Páramo Flora by Carmen Ulloa Ulloa. Site hosting studies on the páramo flora.

March 25, 2008
The most recent volumes (volumes 20 & 21) of the FNA newsletter are now online.

March 21, 2008
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XV, Number 2, April 2008" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

March 14, 2008
Guizhou Fern Diversity has been added to Photo Essays. Contributor: Libing Zhang.

February 14, 2008
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XV, Number 1, January 2008" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

January 11, 2008
Botanical Exploration of the Cordillera del Cóndor Region [* New! (2004-2007)].

November 15, 2007
Checklist of the Flora of the Cordillera del Cóndor Region, Ecuador and Peru by David Neill [Updated version].

November 13, 2007
Publications under "The Madidi Project - a floristic inventory project in northwestern Bolivia" have been updated.

November 5, 2007
List of determinations of Tachigali collections in northern South America by Henk van der Werff.

October 23, 2007
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XIV, Number 4, October 2007" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

October 15, 2007
The Caucasus Coordination and Development of Plant List Assessments for the Caucasian Biodiversity Hotspot has been added to the website.

September 5, 2007
Graduate Studies at the Missouri Botanical Garden and Graduate Students at the Missouri Botanical Garden have been updated.

August 22, 2007
Ravintsara, a newsletter on Malagasy plants and their conservation: Volume 4, Issue 2, is now online.

August 1, 2007
Revised version of Gazetteer of Costa Rican Plant-Collecting Locales.

July 17, 2007
"Lichens and lichenicolous fungi" field report (English) has been added to "The Madidi Project — a floristic inventory project in northwestern Bolivia".

July 15, 2007
Volume 27 - Bryophyta part 1 of the Flora of North America is now online.

July 13, 2007
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XIV, Number 3, July 2007 " by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

April 26, 2007
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XIV, Number 2, April 2007 " by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

April 17, 2007
"Expedition to Pelechuco-Keara", "The montane forests of Camata", "San Martin", "Apolo-Chalalan" and "Santo Domingo" field reports have been added to "The Madidi Project — a floristic inventory project in northwestern Bolivia".

April 12, 2007
Gazetteer of Costa Rican Plant-Collecting Locales [Updated version].

January 29, 2007
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XIV, Number 1, January 2007" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

January 24, 2007
Plant Conservation Assessment in the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya searchable version is available on the site, allowing the user to search by family and taxon name. Also, a list of EACF endemics can be retrieved upon request.

December 20, 2006
A botanical survey of the Cordilleras de Yanachaga and San Matias-San Carlos is now online.

November 14, 2006
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XIII, Number 4, October 2006" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

October 17, 2006
Three new species of Marcgraviaceae from Costa Rica, with references to related species and notes on the generic placement of Schwartzia jimenezii by Barry E. Hammel.

September 14, 2006
New updated version of Fundamentals of Biometeorology. This site contains links to reviews, a table of contents, a sample chapter, information about authors and ordering information for this two volume set by William P. Lowry and Porter P. Lowry II. You will also find information about the William P. Lowry Memorial Fund and the first awards given in June 2006.

September 7, 2006
Plant Conservation Assessment in the Eastern Arc Mountains and Coastal Forests of Tanzania and Kenya has been added to the website.

August 8, 2006
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XIII, Number 3, July 2006" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

May 5, 2006
Flora of Missouri [Updated version].

May 1, 2006
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XIII, Number 2, April 2006" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

April 26, 2006
The Inventario Botánico en la Región de Madidi, Bolivia with the latest updates, changes, resources and other relevant information.

April 24, 2006
The second Expedition to the Azariamas Canyon (Spanish and English) by Peter Jorgensen.

April 21, 2006
FNA latest updates are now online.

March 28, 2006
Ten years of additions to the flora of Peru/Diez años de adiciones a la flora del Perú by Carmen Ulloa Ulloa, James L. Zarucchi & Blanca León.

March 21, 2006
Margaritopsis C. Wright (Rubiaceae: Psychotrieae) by Charlotte Taylor.

March 6, 2006
The Expedition to Yarimita (Spanish and English), and The Expedition to Azariamas (Spanish and English) by Peter Jorgensen.

February 14, 2006
The Expedition to Buena Hora (Spanish and English) by Peter Jorgensen.

February 13, 2006
The Expedition to Chirimayu (Spanish and English) by Peter Jorgensen.

February 9, 2006
The Expedition on the River Tuichi (Spanish and English) by Peter Jorgensen.

February 7, 2006
The Expedition to Keara - Pata (Spanish) by Peter Jorgensen.

February 2, 2006
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XIII, Number 1, January 2006" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

November 8, 2005
FNA Newsletter, Vol. 19, No. 1, with the latest updates, changes, meetings, resources and other relevant information.

October 28, 2005
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XII, Number 4, October 2005" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

October 17, 2005
New updated version of Madagascar's Littoral Forests.

October 6, 2005
News from MO 2005 (in PDF document only). This 2005 edition of News from MO, was published in October 6, 2005, and will be available at the Annual Systematics Symposium, to be held in October 7-9, 2005. The contents and information were provided by staff from the divisions of Research, Center por Conservation and Sustainable Development, and Human Resources; in particular by Bob Magill, Olga Martha Montiel, Carmen Ulloa, Nick Turland, Gail Milder, Jackie Juras and Carlye Lehnen. The Communications Division, in particular Elizabeth McNulty and Justin Visnesky provided the layout and formatting of this publication. For updates or corrections, please contact Alina Freire Fierro (alina.freire-fierro@mobot.org) and/or Leslie Miller (leslie.miller@mobot.org).

September 1, 2005
New updated version of Madidi Photo Essays. A searchable feature is available on the site, allowing the user to search through all the essays. Enjoy the new beautiful images.

August 23, 2005
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XII, Number 3, July 2005" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

June 17, 2005
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal searchable version at www.efloras.org.

June 2, 2005
Download Madagascar Wildlife and Natural History Posters. The posters are available for free download, printing and display. Any other use or sale must be approved by David Parks.

June 1, 2005
The Expedition to Apolobamba (English/Spanish) by Peter Jørgensen.

May 25, 2005
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XII, Number 2, April 2005" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

April 13, 2005
Flora of China: Apiaceae through Ericaceae at www.efloras.org

March 30, 2005
Systematic revision of Orthostichella (Neckeraceae). Neotropical Species by B.H. Allen, S.P. Churchill, R.E. Magill (PI's) C.M. Casado, Z.L.K. Magombo and M.J. Price.

February 10, 2005
Botanical Glossary Online [eFloras.org]

January 27, 2005
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XII, Number 1, January 2005" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

January 18, 2005
FNA Newsletter, Vol. 18, No. 2 with the latest updates, changes, meetings, resources and other relevant information.

January 18, 2005
An updated version of Jobs and Fellowships is now online.

January 11, 2005
The Outreach Resources has been added to the FNA website.

January 5, 2005
Flora of Chile PDF version at www.efloras.org.

October 27-28, 2004
Flora of Pakistan: Vol. 208 (Cynomoriaceae) and Vol.209 (Crassulaceae).

October 25, 2004
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XI, Number 4, October 2004" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

October 18, 2004
Ornamental Plants from Russia searchable version at www.efloras.org.

October 13, 2004
News from MO 2004 - Research and Conservation Projects at the Missouri Botanical Garden.

September 27, 2004
Hooglandia, a newly discovered genus of Cunoniaceae from New Caledonia - includes images.

September 24, 2004
Online interactive key for families of Chinese angiosperms. Developed by Xiangying Wen.

August 6, 2004
An updated version of Inventario Botánico en la Región de Madidi, Bolivia is now online.

August 4, 2004
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XI, Number 3, July 2004" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

July 16, 2004
Botanical exploration of the Central-South region in Peru. Contributors: Rosa Ortiz, Rodolfo Vásquez, and Henk van der Werff.

June 28, 2004
Geographical Information Systems new website is now online.

May 17, 2004
Illustrated Flora of the Páramo of El Cajas by Carmen Ulloa [in Spanish/English].

May 12, 2004
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XI, Number 2, April 2004" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

May 10, 2004
Ethnobotanical Plant Conservation Kawagebo Mountain, NW Yunnan by Jan Salick, Bee Gunn, Anthony Amend and Trish Consiglio.

April 28, 2004
Madagascar's Littoral Forests is now available online.

March 27, 2004
The FNA, Vol. 4 includes the following families: Achatocarpaceae, Aizoaceae, Amaranthaceae, Basellaceae, Cactaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Molluginaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Phytolaccaceae and Portulacaceae.

March 19, 2004
Vol. 5 of the Flora of China is the tenth of a 25-volume work. It includes Aizoaceae, Amaranthaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Balanophoraceae, Basellaceae, Cannabaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Loranthaceae, Molluginaceae, Moraceae, Nyctaginaceae, Olacaceae, Opiliaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Podostemaceae, Polygonaceae, Portulacaceae, Proteaceae, Rafflesiaceae, Rhoipteleaceae, Santalaceae, Ulmaceae, Urticaceae and Viscaceae.

March 1, 2004
Ornamental plants of Russia. Russia has a rich history of gardening with native ornamental plants, many of which are little known to gardeners outside of Russia. This compendium by Tatyana Shulkina provides extensive information on the diversity of Russian ornamental plants and their characteristics and culture requirements.

January 26, 2004
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume XI, Number 1, January 2004 " by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

January 22, 2004
Trees and shrubs of the High Andes of Ecuador by Carmen Ulloa & Peter Jørgensen [in Spanish].

December 1, 2003
Training Program in Latin America is now online.

October 27, 2003
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume X, Number 4, October 2003" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

September 26, 2003
Madidi National Park is now online.

September 2, 2003
Plant Diversity of the Cape Region of Southern Africa.

August 29, 2003
Photo Essays Redesigned. Interns Lisa O'Rourke and Padivarada Tulananda have redesigned our popular Photo Essays, making them easier to use and search. New essays have also been added, including several from Madidi National Park in Bolivia.

August 22, 2003
News from MO Survey. We want to find out how our readers like the new format and content of News from MO, so we have created a Reader Survey. This is your chance to give us feedback on how we can provide you with better information about the research going on at the Missouri Botanical Garden.

August 24, 2003
Nicaragua Home Page has been added to the website.

July 25, 2003
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume X, Number 3, July 2003" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

July 9, 2003
NEW INTERACTIVE MAP. Peter Jørgensen, Trisha Consiglio and Hong Song have published an interactive vegetation map with botanical collections for the Madidi National Park in Bolivia. Using ESRI's web-based GIS product, ArcIMS, users can assemble different layers to produce a map of the park. Users can then identify features on the map, including specimen collections and collection sites.

June 5, 2003
Flora of China Vol. 9 (Connaraceae, Eucommiaceae, Hammamelidaceae, Pittosporaceae, Platanaceae and Rosaceae).

June 4, 2003
Molecular Systematics of Bryophytes: Progress, Problems and Perspectives has been added to the website. This page contains information regarding the international symposium sponsored by MBG and the Deep Gene Research Coordination Network. Here you will find key speakers, a link to MOSS 2003 meetings, and information about the banquet, hotels, and transportation.

May 28, 2003
Fundamentals Of Biometeorology has been added to the website. This site contains links to reviews, a table of contents, a sample chapter, and ordering information for this two volume set by William P. Lowry and Porter P. Lowry II. You will also find information about the William P. Lowry Memorial Fund.

May 8, 2003
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume X, Number 2, Apr 2003" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

May 1, 2003
Rediscovering Lost Species, a paper presented at the ICSEB VI Meetings, 9-16 September 2002, Patras, Greece.

April 1, 2003
A Registry of NSF Proposals in Ethnobiology is online and ready for submissions.

Feb 26, 2003
FNA Vol. 23 (Cyperaceae).

January 20, 2003
A Registry of African Botanists has been created.

January 3, 2003
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume X, Number 1, Jan 2003" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

December 13, 2002
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume IX, Number 4, October 2002" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

December 12, 2002
Flora of China Vol. 4 has been added to the website.

November 22, 2002
FNA Vol. 26 (Agavaceae, Aloaceae, Burmanniaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Haemodoraceae, Iridaceae, Liliaceae, Orchidaceae, Pontederiaceae, Smilacaceae and Stemonaceae).

November 5, 2002
The Ethnobiology Discussion Forum has been added to the NSF Workshop on Priorities in Ethnobiology page. This bulletin board will be a forum to discuss the process by which ethnobiologists are invited to intellectually define our field, its intellectual content, methods, and applicable analyses and to review the present state of and need for education, funding, and international collaboration in ethnobiology.

October 23, 2002
A "Glossary of botanical terms in French and English" has been added to the website. The list can be viewed in either French or English, and contains over 1900 terms. A translation tool is also available.

October 8, 2002
A new essay has been added to the Photo Essay site entitled "Madagascar: Biodiversity and Conservation."

The 2002 News From MO is now online in ".pdf" format. Both the Spanish and English versions are available.

September 17, 2002
A new Photo Essay site has been created. Several new essays are featured, including the Flora of the Venezuelan Guayan essay and one featuring collecting trips to Gabon. A search feature is now available on the site, allowing the user to search through all of the essays, and hundreds of images, at once. Take some time to enjoy this new site and learn more about some of the countries in which we collect.

August 2002
An Illustrated History of the Missouri Botanical Garden is now online. Featuring over 500 images from MBG's Archives, this site includes a timeline of the Garden. See one of a kind hand-tinted prints and stereographs while taking a stroll through history.

August 2002
A new link, Publications, has been added to the menu at the left. The most notable feature on this page is the link to MBG Press' Annals and Novon. Abstracts from issues (1998 - current) are located on this site, and can be searched by Author, Title, Keyword, or Abstract. Look for more publications as they are added.

July 31, 2002
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica "Volume IX, Number 3, Jul 2002" by Michael H. Grayum, Barry E. Hammel and Nelson Zamora [in English].

July 25, 2002
Flora of Pakistan (Cyperaceae), Vol. 206.

July 19, 2002
Flora of Pakistan (Salicaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Polygonaceae), Vol. 203-205.

July 1, 2002
Flora of Pakistan (Asteraceae), Vol. 207 has been added to the website.

May 17, 2002
The Vietnam Botanical Conservation Program has been integrated into the new web design. Find out about the provinces where field work is taking place, and see some gorgeous images.

May 15, 2002
Read graduate student Patrick Sweeney's field report about collecting mangosteens in Malaysia and Singapore. Learn more about Asia's "Queen of Fruits".

April 25, 2002
Mark Olson's reformatted website (former graduate student at MO) is now online. Includes individual website about Moringa sp. and Images from the Dry Tropics. Great images and informative text! Check it out at www.mobot.org/gradstudents/olson/. Good News, the site was just recognized in the May 3 edition of the NSDL's Scout Report for Life Sciences.

April 1, 2002
Allison Miller, graduate student at Wash. U., has allowed us to put her travel summary online. Read her story and see the cool pics she took. Hot on the Jocote Trail.

February 25, 2002
The brand new GIS website is now up and running. The site includes answers to commonly asked questions about data conversions, an explanation of the NEW Internet Map Server powered by ArcIMS, and a long list of References compiled by Trish. Now you have the whole world in your hands!

January 31, 2002
The redesigned Applied Research website is now online. The site contains new information about all the current programs and includes all new images. Learn about ethnobotany, medicinal herbs, and bioprospecting.

January 24, 2002
The 2001 version of News from MO is now online. This annual publication from the Research Department highlights current research projects and reports on completed projects. A complete directory is also available. You'll be amazed at all we do!

January 14, 2002
Ron Liesner's Field Techniques Used by Missouri Botanical Garden has been made available online. Now you can download the PDF document to print. Much easier than toting your computer around with you in the field. Comes in Spanish and French versions too!

January 11, 2002
Two of Gerrit Davidse's articles are now online.

  • Canastra, a new genus of Paniceae (Poaceae, Panicoideae) segregated from Arthropogon.
  • Two new species of Paspalum (Poaceae: Panicoideae) from Brazil.

    December 27, 2001
    Rare, Endangered and Vulnerable Plants of the Republic of Georgia is now online. The Greater and Lesser Caucasus Mountains, part of which run through Georgia, were recently designated as a "biodiversity hotspot" by Conservation Internation. Over 1200 species and their conservation status are listed on this site.

    December 12, 2001
    New navigation tools have been added to the upper right-hand corner of the Research pages. Links include Support MBG Research; a brand new, Google-based Search feature; a Contact link to a new contact page; and a link to a much-needed Site Map. Try these features and let us know what you think.

    November 14, 2001
    Charlotte Taylor's Notopleura (Rubiaceae) research now has a web page all to itself. This one also contains direct links to Tropicos.

    October 19, 2001
    A map of Ecuadorian projects in collaboration with the National Herbarium (QCNE) is now online.

    October 18, 2001

  • Two of Charlotte Taylor's pages were updated and direct links to Tropicos were added. Palicourea and Cephaelis. Take a look!
  • Images from the Tanzania Botanical Training Programme were also added.

    October 11, 2001
    Take a look at the new Palicourea Image site. Just a sample of some of the images available from the W³TROPICOS Image Database.

    October 2, 2001
    Botanical Exploration of the Cordillera del Cóndor Region by Dr. David Neill was added.

    September 19, 2001
    The reformatted Library site is now online. Most of the information has been updated, and the links section has been expanded. Check it out and let us know what you think. Pictures of the collections will be added soon.

    August 29, 2001
    The Graduate Studies site has been reformatted to fit into the new Research site design. A link to the site has been added to the left-hand column.

    August 16, 2001

  • Finally, after almost a year of reformatting and designing, the new Research site has been launched! Explore the new site and see where you can go. If you have any problems finding an old file, please contact: Technical Support. A couple new features include the Photoessays (many more will be coming soon) and the Research Links (reviewed and described sites).
  • Along with the overall site change, the Bryology site has also been updated. Check it out.
  • Peter Stevens and his graduate student, Hilary Davis, have put the finishing touches on their Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Complete with a unique phylogeny tree and character descriptions, it is one of the best sites of its kind on the web.

    July 2001
    The Graduate Student web page has been updated.

    May 2001

  • The Rare Books from the MBG Library site is now live. Check it out!
  • The Passifloraceae Photo Essay is now live! Based on the MBG 2001 Calendar Insert, it is loaded with beautiful pictures and interesting information.

    This page was revised 01/08/09.

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    P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299
    (314) 577-5100

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