Healthy Living:Celebrities

American Idol Judge Randy Jackson on Living With Diabetes

By Sean Kelley

When television’s most popular show, American Idol, kicks off its eighth season Tuesday, the buzz may be about new judge Kara DioGuardi. But hard-rocking bass guitarist and music industry legend Randy Jackson, who has judged alongside Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul since the show’s first season, is trying to raise buzz about something completely different: how to successfully manage type 2 diabetes.

Jackson, who was diagnosed with the disease six years ago, has been working on behalf of the American Heart Association’s Heart of Diabetes Campaign to raise awareness about the disease and to show others how they can manage it.

Forget what works for your neighbor
The differences between Jackson’s first season on American Idol and this year are night and day. In 2002, Jackson weighed more than 300 pounds. He never worked out, he partied hard, and he still ate foods rich in fat and sugar that were part of his Louisiana upbringing.

Now, the 210-pound Jackson, who’s worked on more than 1,000 gold or platinum albums, is more likely to nosh on a Gala apple than apple pie and never misses a day on his treadmill.

“It was hard to get a handle on managing my diabetes,” Jackson tells “It took me about a year and a half to get it down to a science. I also dropped a ton of weight.”

Jackson got an assist on weight loss with gastric bypass surgery, but his success managing his disease was all homegrown. He checks his blood sugar three times a day, eats healthy, and gets plenty of exercise.

His secret? “Find out what’s going to really work for you. Forget about what works for your neighbor. Find out what works for you and if it will fit into your lifestyle. That’s the thing you’ll probably do the longest.”

Next page: Committing to diet and exercise

Last Updated: January 13, 2009
Filed Under: Celebrities
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  • DR

    Loved this quote:

    “Find out what’s going really to work for you. Forget about what works for your neighbor. Find out what works for you and if it will fit into your lifestyle. That’s the thing you’ll probably do the longest.”

    I always say that to people when they ask what kind of exercise is best or which type of diet is best.

    The best exercise or diet in the world isn’t going to work for you if you don’t “do it”

  • Linda

    My fiance has type 2 diabetes, and because hes on meds he just eats anything and everything and doesnt and is overweight, no exercise, and just figures as long as he takes the meds it cant get any worse, he knows thats wrong , but how long can he go on like that,? Im worried

  • Charles Boyer

    Kudos to Mr. Jackson for using his bully pulpit to make folks aware of their options and to provide inspiration to it. If he is 1% as successful as his music career, he will positively affect many lives and thus his time will be well spent.

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