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HIV/STD Program Website

Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT)

The physical and economic burden of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in the United States is well documented. Chlamydia remains the most reported bacterial infection in the U.S. In 2004, Texas reported 70,232 positive chlamydia tests and 24,371 positive gonorrhea tests, plus public health officials suspect that much STD goes undetected. Clinicians need additional strategies to reduce STD morbidity in Texas. One such strategy being recommended by the Texas Department of State Health Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT).

EPT is the practice of treating the sex partners of persons with an STD without an intervening medical evaluation or professional prevention counseling of the partner. The usual implementation of EPT is through patient-delivered partner therapy (PDPT), although other methods may be employed.

Texas Commissioner of Health's Dear Colleague Letter PDF file 59 Kb PDF

HIV/STD Comprehensive Services Branch EPT Position Paper PDF file 10 Kb PDF

CDC EPT Dear Colleague letter PDF file 44 Kb PDF

CDC Expedited Partner Therapy in the Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases PDF file 172 Kb PDF

Last Updated June 6, 2006



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